Canadian Sightings & Provincial News > All Across Canada
TRU flyer October 2 - 8
30% of all GI joe toys in the ToysRUs flyer for the week of October 2 - 8.
That includes all ROC and 25th stuff. Sadly that does not include the Board Game or Video Games.
Stealth Viper:
This will bring the PIT down to $69.
--- Quote from: "Stealth Viper" ---This will bring the PIT down to $69.
--- End quote ---
I was originally thinking the same thing, but the flyer does note that the discount does not apply to clearance items. And wouldn't you know it, Kitchener TRU replaced the price tags on both the PIT and Ultimate Duke yesterday with "Clearance" tags yesterday. So I'm not sure if they'll be 30% off or not.
ah bummer, I too was holding out on The Pit for $70. I guess it will probably end up there in time anyway, I just know I would hate myself even paying 100 for it since it's by far my least wanted vehicle in the ROC line so far.
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