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GI Joe club Fall sale 2012.
Has anyone checked out the GIJoe Club's fall sale?
Sure, their web site was a nightmare and if you go over 4 pounds the shipping will kill you but some of the deals I've seen are crazy.
Before they made changes to the site you could see how much inventory was left and some of the stuff they had was in HUGE numbers.
Last time I looked they had the 2005 Unmasked Storm Shadow for $1.99 and over 1000 items left. All the cool things like their exclusive Undertow figures went in the first day. They were $3.99 a piece and I sort of wish they limited the number per customer to something like 5 maximum per member. They still have some of the 2004, 2005, 2006 membership figures worth checking out for $3.99 each.
They have the AGP from a few years ago up for $35 (limit 2 per member) which is a fair price and it's colours tie into last years convention set.
I made a small order for myself, one AGP, a parachute Dust and a could of 12 inch outfits.
This is the best sale I've seen them have on line so far and I've been a member for probably around 10 years now.
Hit the "SHOP" tab in the top left corner. It's worth checking out:
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