Site Stuff > Newsletter Section
The 40th issue of the JoeCanuck Newsletter is now available!
You can grab this month's issue here, or if that link doesn't work for you, use the one at the bottom. ...and don't forget to let us know what you think about it on the message boards.
As always, all past issues can be read here on the main JoeCanuck site.
As always, please feel free to share it with other Joe Fans around the world! (This means, click the "Share" facebook, twitter, digg, etc links above this thread!) or post it on other sites!
Content included: "Two Months To Go!", "Quadruple Review: Cancelled Target/Ross Exclusive Alpha Vehicles", "Meanwhile, Back In The Comics: Pinups", "Cobraaaiiinnnsss...", "Sculpting Materials: Putty in my hands", " Wiki-Character Profile: Black Ice", "Mix 'n' Match", "Back-Stop Colouring Page"
Oh yes, and some VERY important news for members of!
Ron Rudat! Very nice! All sorts of giddy.
Interested to hear about pre-reg. Giggity!!!!
Great work on the Newsletter. I can't wait to try scupting when I get a chance... More great stuff for Kids, way to go!
Ron Dudat! All I can say is WOW. This convention has it all so far and I'm excited just to know I'm already there. Great job team CJC, this is going to be a great edition.
I am glad you are there too LJ!
Is John trying to sculpt a Cosmo?
Hopefully the offer to pre-reg for long time members is taken from a snapshot of today - before any post race starts (as I post 2 in this thread)..........
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