I remember when I was around 10 I would wear out the Sears Christmas catalogue looking at the pictures of the GI Joe toys and dreaming of having them and begging my parents for them. Especially the USS Flagg and a Skystriker to land on its deck. Well that never happened, but it wasn't all bad as I did get one GI Joe vehicle from my parents for Christmas one year, the Killer Whale hovercraft. The rest of my joes I bought with money from chores and picking bottles. Fast forward to 2002 and my son was around 5. I had finally gotten a Skystriker a couple of years earlier and thought it would be nice for my son to have a landing strip for the jet so I made an aircraft carrier deck from some particle board, painted it grey and made some stickers for it.

I put hinges on it to fold it in half for easy storage, which is where it was for about 8 years until I rediscovered it and decided to use it as my table top.
Well I always wished I could have made the super structure for my son back then but wasn't sure how to go about it and then it got forgotten when the deck got packed away. That is until I was browsing eBay one day and saw this cracked, stained and warped super structure for cheap and figured I give it a go at restoring it.

So, in anticipation of the arrival of the super structure, I decided to repaint the deck.