Feedback > Usernames: H-N sucks
the first time I ordered... I should have learned my lesson.
It took over a month and a half before my order even was shipped!
all kinds of problems.
So I ordered again, my mistake. And it came faster, but the order was incomplete... with no response to any of my emails.
I dont know if this guy is an idiot or what, but clearly the customer service sucks!
Just lost a customer.
Anyone else had any problems?
I had placed an order with Joeparts last year, and got a notice that the order had shipped after a couple of days, so I figured it'd arrive in a couple of weeks.
6 weeks later it arrived at my door, and the mail depot stamp showed it had been put in the mail just the week prior. It had sat "somewhere" for about a month before actually going into the mail system. That did not impress me too much.
My routine is to place a small order to try a place out.......see how they treat a small order before placing a big one. Its not much to ask for the same level of service for a $ 25 purchase as if I'd spent $250 or $2500. Its not just the dealer getting some stuff out the door, but building a customer patronage that will return to them again and again. There's a few dealers around that don't seem that interested in doing things that way.
I know with cottage businesses, things can interfere with mail-outs. I know that life intervenes and crap happens.
Tough beans, I say.
My patronage and business relationship are simply to order and receive the goods in a timely manner, not to invest in the dealers emotional roller-coaster of life. If they have goods for sale that I want, make it easy for me to access them and I'll pay them my money--and if they keep doing it right I'll keep sending them more money so that they end up with a LOT of it.
But if they make things hard......I'll spend my money elsewhere, without hesitation...... and to be candid, it doesn't take many "hard" things to do that.
Now, as a counterpoint: I placed an order with a retailer on Dec 18th. I figured I'd not see the order until the end of the first week of January.
I got it two days ago. That is NINE days mail-travel time and over the Christmas holidays, from a US on-line toy retailer--during the crazy period of the busiest mailing period of the year. The retailer has a rep for speedy shipping, and this was just regular air mail postage. I don't know how they do it, but they do it consistently...and they obviously care a great deal.
Well, guess who is going to get more of my patronage?
exactly! well said...
Pete The Greek:
Ordered some figure accessories a few years ago. The packaged never arrived. The owner never responded to my emails.
That equals to never getting my business ever again.
well, i'm glad i looked at this post, because i was going to order the jump jetpack off them, but not now.
Thanks for posting
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