Canadian Joe Con Section > Yearly CanJoeCon Discussion
Official 2014 Canadian Joe Con News
I have always been a fan of Gi Joe. To be honest I thought it was a lost hobby or simply just forgotten. Not Knowing where to look or where to come across any ARAH in Canada (aside from Ebay) my Gi joe needs never excelled untill I was introduced to JoeCanuck...... Holy SHIT!! A whole new world opened up before me. "This is what I ve been missing out on."
"A community where people help eachother out along with a Canadian convention just for Gi Joes ???" Well that was easily the greatest thing I could have learnt from the interent.
Any ways I never got the chance to experience a Canadian JoeCon and it sucks but thank you Mike for this website and all your hard work.
I wish I could have made it out for one.
But I think we're glossing over the most important aspect of Mike's post:
Wolfman's got nards?
In all seriousness, a big thank you to those who did put in the effort to do CJC. I've worked on other large events, and I know how much time and effort goes into them, so thank you.
I attended the 2009, 2010, 2011 and 2012 CJC and each year I had... not enough sleep :-) but a lot of fun! Thanks for for all these years.
I don't want to create a big debate on Hasbro Canada participation, they made their choices. Too bad they only see us like fan of the brand. Because we are also consumers for ourselves and buyers for our kids, nephews, ... For a big company like that, sponsoring an event like this cost nothing and they are given the opportunity to keep the brand alive. Anyway, nobody knows the future...
This is sad but understandable news. Not only for us Collectors but for the Brand itself.
The past efforts are much appreciated and at least (because of Mike and the hard work of many others)we did have the opportunity to have our own conventions and exclusives which is a mile stone in itself.
Thank you guys and who knows what the future may bring.
darth cujo:
Wow, such a bummer. Can't say I'm too surprised with the lack of info that has been coming out. I had a bad feeling that in this case no news was bad news. :'(
Really disappointed to hear of the lack of support from Hasbro. A few years ago it was fantastic. Not only did they attend the con, they unveiled a new wave of figures there. I got to have really good conversations with the Hasbro rep who was great. Their participation seems to have really deteriorated over the past couple years. Makes you wonder what happened with that other con to put Hasbro off.
Also, hearing that Hasbro had nothing available for the con set makes one wonder about those Joes showing up at Dollarama. I don't know all the ins and outs of the arrangements CanJoeCon had with Hasbro, but perhaps some of those figures could have went towards supporting the con rather than blowing them out at a measly $3. That wave was pretty weak, but there were a couple gems in there and the CanJoeCon guys have shown to be very creative.
As for the brand overall, well, this has been an ongoing discussion throughout the Joe community. Seems Hasbro has no faith in it, which is a real shame. You'd think that with two recent relatively successful big budget movies and the 50th anniversary Joe would be on a high, but it feels like it is in one of its all-time lows. But the past 5 years or so have been so schizoid with the brand. I think they really need to find a new direction and focus everything on it rather than going to multiple directions and constantly pulling the plug after they just get started.
Anyway, thanks to Mike et al. for organizing and running a con for the years it was around. I'm sure it was a lot of work, and involved a lot of logistical headaches, so it was appreciated. I'll hold out hope that perhaps it will have a revival one day...
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