TRU Lasalle: no Joe Troopers. No Cobra Troopers. No Red Ninjas. Otherwise, wave 1. Low stock on threepacks.
Wal Mart Lasalle: Roadblock, Storm Shadow, Duke, and the carded bikes.
To the people who bought out all of the troopers and ninjas: I hope you enjoy them. :\
I can share your sentiment. The TRU I went to...they had just put out several cases of joes. I picked up two red ninjas and two joe troopers along with some other of the figs. The next guy then comes and picks out all the remaining red ninjas and joe troopers and nothing else...He can be a collector or a scalper...but it is what it is.
As I said in a similar thread, I think everyone just needs to calm down instead of going bananas rushing to stores trying to find these. Most stores have just begun to put out the figures. These figures will get re-released next spring if you don't get them this time around. I can't see Hasbro skipping this wave next time around and starting with wave 2. I think it's just the must have now mentality, but I won't blame anyone.
We really don't know to what extent the quantities of joe product that is out there. Even though there is supposedly no restock, does not mean the retailers don't alread have large quantities. I think it's more of an no reorder once supply is spent.
That being said, it's tough being a collector. You're constantly fighting with other collectors who might also be armybuliders to get the items you want, and with scalpers trying to cash in. There's the panic that there might not be any new joe items until next year and there might not be any people clean them out.
Generally stores only put out a case of items at a time and if you're not there a the right time, you miss out. So, it's tough, but that is the life.