I have fun again this year!
Unfortunately, I missed Joe Declassified panel

. But I met the guys at their booth. Robert Atkins was very generous, funny and gives a lot of details on how he found his job, how he works, how he coordinates his work with others artists to produce a comic. Many thanks to him! In fact, like what
Zack Hoffman did, I really like when guests share their own experiences and deliver it with humour and simplicity. Well done Robert!
Dealers had great selection... even if I didn't find that Tiger Force Recondo

. It was my first time getting in the Friday night. And if the formula is the same next year (with pre-order ticket giving access to Friday night + early bird + normal day), I will repeat this experience for sure!
I didn't know Hasbro were to be MIA and the panel order was replanned... I understood that some annoncement were made on the CJC Facebook page, but since I'm not a Facebook member, I missed some intel. Maybe all CJC information should be also published on JoeCanuck website since this is the place where we all connect.
Since I always like to give constructive feedback, here is one suggestion about the draw... There were draws all around the day and sometimes draw happens when we were going to a panel or still in the panel talking to the guest. So, I maybe won something without knowing it. Maybe the draw can be made anytime, let say 5 tickets at the time then put on a board (at entry). So we can see, from time to time, if we won. And, the prize would be distributed on the first come first serve basis with the choice still available. For example, let say there is a draw at 10 am. I was in the bathroom, so I don't know about it. Instead of missing it. During the day I would take a look at the "winning board". Let's say it's now 1 pm and I see my ticket won earlier today, then I would go to the entry table to choose my prize between the one still available. At the end of the day, all non claim prizes would be offered again. Would it be fair?
Hotel organization was perfect again. I really like free parking and free internet access

Many thanks to all!!