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Author Topic: GI Joe Kre o blind bags in Ottawa!!!  (Read 28801 times)


  • phpBB Joe Canuck Trooper
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Re: GI Joe Kre o blind bags in Ottawa!!!
« Reply #12 on: April 25, 2013, 08:56:30 AM »

Thanks for the heads up, I was able to pick up a set at my local TRU last week. Only one case, so no troop builders left after I was done. Hopefully they put more out at some point for those that missed them.

I hope they put out troop builder sets at some point, because putting troopers in the cases at the same ratio as the characters is going to make them difficult to track down. And they're so cheep to army build too.

I imagine they will. I think this will be marketed more like LEGO stuff (they reissue Stormtroopers and other troopbuilders all the time)... And after all, they've already reissued Transformer Kreons in cheap little 5-packs, previously only availble by purchasing expensive sets.

The only thing I don't like about GI Joe Kre-o is that it's only available at TRU... I wonder if this is always going to be the case?

Well the way TRU is stocking these it's going to be slim pickings. Each TRU is only stocking a case or two at most it seems and the way they stock other exclusives, they don't restock too often. I hope I'm wrong on this.

It's better then them not showing up at all I suppose.

As for being a TRU exclusive only, I can see it being so for the next little while. It's been a struggle for Joes for some time now and things don't look like its going to change any time soon. It's difficult for Joes to exist in this world, with what's been going on. The truth is parents don't want toys for their kids that are associated with something that is much to real. Real people, guns, military, terrorism, etc. Sure, some of the same things exist in other toy lines like Transformers, but they are robots, TMNT, they are turtles and no guns, Halo, but the bad guys are Aliens. Parents can digest it a little more easy. Also aside from the movie there's no exposure for Joes for kids, no cartoon means no Joes at mass retail.

Yeah, as a long-time Joe fan I do realize why they were in the first place. ;)

Just wondering if these are a big hit (they seem to be?), and Walmart and Target start noticing... how "locked in" is the agreement between Hasbro and TRU?

Oh well, at least we're in a location that has 'em. Sucks even worse for most across the country, I suppose.


  • phpBB Joe Canuck Trooper
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Re: GI Joe Kre o blind bags in Ottawa!!!
« Reply #13 on: April 25, 2013, 08:58:43 AM »

I asked some kid that worked at tru if they had more in the back/or were getting more.
he said they sold out fast, and more were ordered and would be in soon...

Well, that's good news anyway. When I asked they didn't have any incoming in the system. Though that was a week or two ago now... maybe things have changed. :)

Still need a Cobra Trooper. But then again, I do see figures getting re-released in subsequent waves and sets. Well, the (more popular) army-builders, anyway. :)