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Author Topic: Skystriker and the return of o-ring!!!  (Read 45018 times)

Pete The Greek

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Re: Skystriker and the return of o-ring!!!
« Reply #12 on: November 24, 2021, 10:24:31 PM »

Although 230 is kind of pricey, I am going to assume the quality with be much better than the shit Savage produced for the so called collectors club.

I will back this on the weekend after I return from my mini work trip. 
« Last Edit: November 24, 2021, 10:36:14 PM by Pete The Greek »
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Re: Skystriker and the return of o-ring!!!
« Reply #13 on: November 26, 2021, 08:55:48 AM »

Nice presentation of the cockpit prototype... part1.

And Ace and copilot

Thanks for that. 3 Things i notice in the 1st video. 1. I wish the canopy was on rails instead of tabs. maybe that's more accurate but I can see those tabs breaking off over time. 2. I hope you don't have to remove the panels to the guns to use the ladder. Maybe in real life you check weapons after the pilot is seated but would like to not have to do that. 3. when the guys was talking about battle corps leatherneck he mentioned how people love the bazookas they gave back then. If he's talking about the oversized spring loaded weapons, I know of no one who likes those :D

Second video - i know its a prototype but Ruthel looks like hes squinting. Hope that isn't the case but looking at his face he got a bit grimice or smirk on his face and it just reinforces that to me. Hopefully not. To be honest I'm not a fan of Ace's outfit so I'm likely to sacrifce Ruthel body for Ace's head. Looks like my Skystriker still need a co-pilot. If tiers unlock it'll be ripcord.
« Last Edit: November 26, 2021, 09:01:46 AM by B »


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Re: Skystriker and the return of o-ring!!!
« Reply #14 on: November 26, 2021, 09:16:14 AM »

Ripcord was always copilot with Ace in my book... Although it's very nice to have a new addition this late in the game. Otherwise, Duke/Snake eyes and Scarlett were piloting together.



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« Last Edit: December 06, 2021, 11:06:43 AM by B »


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Re: Skystriker and the return of o-ring!!!
« Reply #16 on: December 03, 2021, 04:27:36 PM »

Well well. Hasbro sweeting the deal

Damn they are sweating a bit methinks.

That is some sweet, sweet extras being thrown into the mix.  I would imagine 5 figures, all carded, at the base price should be enough to get a bunch of people off the fence.


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Re: Skystriker and the return of o-ring!!!
« Reply #17 on: December 06, 2021, 11:15:21 AM »

I think they should have totally revamped the tiers. Move the 2 ground crew to base offering, then scarlet and rip cord tier 2 unlocks,  and cobra commander and troops to tier 3.
Junk the crappy cobra stickers or at minimum get better ones because some of them are junk. They could have done much better there.
I want the ground crew for my flagg but i just don't see them hitting those numbers even if they delay it another 45 days.

Pete The Greek

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Re: Skystriker and the return of o-ring!!!
« Reply #18 on: December 07, 2021, 10:00:08 PM »

Haslab SKYSTRIKER has been funded!

Ordered 1 Skystriker. Final damage was $293.78 US. 
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Re: Skystriker and the return of o-ring!!!
« Reply #19 on: December 07, 2021, 10:39:12 PM »

Haslab SKYSTRIKER has been funded!

Ordered 1 Skystriker. Final damage was $293.78 US.

Yeah it is a kick in the nuts at that price, especially after the exchange rate.

However it has become a pretty crazy project in the last 5 hours.

With 1 hour and 23 minutes to go it is at 14,400.  So Scarlet is unlocked, and with the pace it is going right now Ripcord should unlock.  The Pit Crew probably won't make it, but man if it does that would make 9 figures, all carded, on top of the Skystriker and all the accessories.


  • phpBB Timbit Wannabe
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Re: Skystriker and the return of o-ring!!!
« Reply #20 on: December 08, 2021, 10:28:23 AM »

Beauty! it made up to ripcord. Very excited although this will be a long wait.

Now I'd like some more details about the o-ring line. They said its coming now give me some details.
Clearly we're getting a cobra officer/trooper and cobra commander again. With Ace and Scarlet probably not far behind. That's already a good chunk of the first 2 years of the original line. I would love for them to release the figures (and vehicles!) exactly as they did in the 80's.

Also does anyone actually care about the o-rings being made of silicone? As long as you can take your figures apart the o-rings should last years.


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Re: Skystriker and the return of o-ring!!!
« Reply #21 on: December 12, 2021, 06:23:52 AM »

Beauty! it made up to ripcord. Very excited although this will be a long wait.

Now I'd like some more details about the o-ring line. They said its coming now give me some details.
Clearly we're getting a cobra officer/trooper and cobra commander again. With Ace and Scarlet probably not far behind. That's already a good chunk of the first 2 years of the original line. I would love for them to release the figures (and vehicles!) exactly as they did in the 80's.

Also does anyone actually care about the o-rings being made of silicone? As long as you can take your figures apart the o-rings should last years.

So I stayed up to watch the end, and man talk about a fun ride.  I really thought we might make it to "ketchup & mustard" at the end, but it was not to be.  Oh well, I know that they will show up on Pulse, most likely around the time of the Skystriker shipping.  Hell Hasbro will probably sell more units than what they would have in the Skystriker.

I'm happy that it made it by a nice margin, and we get 2 extra figures through the tiers.  I really hope what Emily, the marketing rep for Joe, said is true.  She mentioned in one stream/interview that Ripcord's card would be in the traditional Night Force colours/design.  So the black background, etc.  That is a nice touch.

Overall it was pricey, but I couldn't pass it up.

As for the O-ring figures.  I expect there will be more announcements in the new year, probably around the time of New York Toy Fair (Feb). 

I like that they went with the food grade silicone for the rings.  That will last a lot longer than the rubber bands.  I get that you can just open up the figures to replace them, but I really like that I shouldn't have to do that now.  Also I am happy that they went with softer plastic for the hands to try and address the thumb breakage of the old figures. 

But yeah, bring on the new O-rings, and any vehicles you want to include Hasbro.  And yes put them in vintage style boxes.


  • phpBB Timbit Wannabe
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Re: Skystriker and the return of o-ring!!!
« Reply #22 on: December 13, 2021, 01:35:39 PM »

To be honest. I'm ripping those boys open.

To me the beauty of the 3 3/4 is that they I can play with them so not keeping these carded. That's what i love about the smaller 3 3/4 size. you get the vehicles as well. I just can't see a huge line of 6" vehicles. If your going to do classic o-ring you need vehicle support.

My only concern is that I won't be able to actually keep up to this line. Just no more money unless i sell my LotR figures but they pretty much can be sold for what I bought them all those years ago...maybe even cheaper. haha.

Anyways how would you guys like to see these released? do you want some cross sell on the back? would you like little pamphlets? How many figures per wave would you release? What years would you focus? what vehicles are a must? Tell me everything you would like to see and at what price point do you see this happening at.


  • phpBB Blue SNAKE
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Re: Skystriker and the return of o-ring!!!
« Reply #23 on: December 15, 2021, 06:32:52 AM »

To be honest. I'm ripping those boys open.

To me the beauty of the 3 3/4 is that they I can play with them so not keeping these carded. That's what i love about the smaller 3 3/4 size. you get the vehicles as well. I just can't see a huge line of 6" vehicles. If your going to do classic o-ring you need vehicle support.

My only concern is that I won't be able to actually keep up to this line. Just no more money unless i sell my LotR figures but they pretty much can be sold for what I bought them all those years ago...maybe even cheaper. haha.

Anyways how would you guys like to see these released? do you want some cross sell on the back? would you like little pamphlets? How many figures per wave would you release? What years would you focus? what vehicles are a must? Tell me everything you would like to see and at what price point do you see this happening at.

Maybe your LOTR figs will see a bit of an uptick once the Amazon(?) series comes out.  That should provide a boost in interest for the franchise in general.

Yeah I am torn of opening the figures.  I want to keep them carded, but playability!!!!  Anyway I'll probably end up doing the whole "slice the bubble" thing to keep the cardbacks looking nice while still playing with the figures.  Although I do know that the carded figures on the secondary market will be going for stupid high prices.

Unfortunately O-ring is going to be Pulse exclusvies only.  So no retail support.  That limits what/how much product will be made, or released.   On the flip side the Joe team did mention that they will be able to do some never before made characters in the line.  So a classic ARAH O-ring Kwinn please!!!!  Also I would love to see some more cartoon characters that never received a figure.  Hopefully Hasbro can find that sweet spot that Super7 seems to know, where you have your expected characters/sellers, and throw in the "out of left field" choices no one expects.

Oh, also give me a multi-pack set of Cold Slither!!!!!!!!!!!!!

As for vehicles, I don't expect anything new, except through Haslab, unless the line does extremely well.  It just isn't cost effective for Hasbro to make new molds for a Pulse only line.  So I expect to see a lot of rehashing of vehicles in the future.  So whatever they released in the 25th/ME line that can be ported over to the vintage O-ring line. 

Let's just hope they get that this new O-ring line is similar to the Masters Of The Universe: Origins line for fans.  Basically a slightly modernized release of the classic toys.  So sorry, but I don't want the updated Fang, Skyhawk, Firebat, etc. with the extra parts, updated designs.  I want the classic molds to go with the new classic figures.  Update the plastics, or if necessary the designs to prevent breakage.  However keep them looking like the originals on the outside as much as possible.