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Topics - morgardee

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General Joe Talk / Price increase for figures in Canada.
« on: February 12, 2012, 07:59:38 AM »
All the talk of figure costs going up has begun:

This just means I'll be buying more Joes from Hal.

Off Topic / Fan Expo 2012
« on: February 09, 2012, 09:41:41 AM »
I just came across the dates for this years Fan Expo:

Jay and Silent Bob at Fan expo this year and it's hosted by Patrick Stewart. I've booked the time off work already.  ;)

I'm thinking I might buy that early bird special package package for Jay and Silent Bob.

My brother has gone the past few years with his teenage son and always enjoyed it. Anyone else plan on going to this?

General Joe Talk / New Retaliation commercial out now.
« on: February 01, 2012, 04:22:13 PM »

Who's the burnt face guy behind Cobra Commander?

General Joe Talk / First look at G.I. Joe Retaliation figures
« on: February 01, 2012, 03:00:54 PM »

Much better then the first movie. I could army build those Cobra troopers and even the Jo troopers.

The only lemon of the group is Zartan.

Also, it looks like that cool Storm Shadow everyone's being talking about has been re-used as the red ninja. The movie Storm Shadow is very cool.

General Joe Talk / GIJCC 2012 convention set.
« on: January 29, 2012, 12:09:46 PM »
Take this for what you will but I was on facebook today and fired of the MC club a question about this years set:

Well every post I've read as far as the 2012 set has been calling for a Night Force theme and the Night Boomer (3 3/4). This is the first year pretty much everyone has been on the same page for what they want so I STRONGLY suggest increasing your production numbers if (heck, when) you make the Night Boomer. Don't go crazy on the price ($50 sounds fair) and you WILL sell out. I'd bet money on it.

They replied:

G.I. Joe Collectors' Club ‎@Dave - The set was determined months ago and is very far along.

So personally I read that as there is no Night Force set this year, which means no Night Boomer. That is just my opinion, and not fact.

General Joe Talk / Dreadnoks have arrived!
« on: January 18, 2012, 08:31:07 AM »
I love Dreadnoks, so when the 7 pack was first mentioned from BBTS I was thrilled. They arrived yesterday and all in all they are excellent.

A few things that could be improved:

Road Pigs: his arm shield. It's meant to be 2 pieces so it falls apart very easily.

Gnawgahyde: I miss his warthog, knife boot, machete on his wrist and bow and arrow. Those are the sort of things that really made him stand out. The figure looks nice and all, but it feels light on gear. This is probably the biggest disappointment of the set.

Zanya: She comes with an AK 47 and pistol. An AK 47 just doesn't feel like a Dreadnok weapon. She's the daughter of Zartan, who among other things is known for stealth. Why would she use a loud, clumsy weapon like an AK 47? Give her a cross bow or something.

Thrasher: First off, I'm no calling him "Thunder". Aside from that and the fact he now looks EXACTLY like a buddy of mine in the face he comes with a sword. This is an easy fix, but why does he have a sword? Edit: Looks lie the sword was suppose to go with Road Pig. Why does he get a sword?

Most of this is very minor stuff and I'm trilled to have them all. I need to re-sort my Cobra figures and find the perfect setup for my Dreadnoks. Once I have that done I'll add some pics.

Bottom line, well worth the money.

Off Topic / Waaaay off topic, Mortgage rates down to 2.99%
« on: January 16, 2012, 08:59:03 AM »
OK, so this has NOTHING to do with G.I. Joe but it's worth sharing. BMO has dropped their 5 year fix mortgage rates down to 2.99%. This is a 5 year fixed rate. It has some limitations like if you win the lottery you can't flat out pay off your house without a penalty, but even that was pretty minimal. A couple of other things as well but nothing major.

I did what is know as a "blend and extend". This is the 3rd time I've done a blend and extend. With that you can take your current mortgage and merge it with the new rate and lock down the new rate for 5 years at that rate. I just shaved 5 months off my mortgage and can now say I have 5 years and change left on my mortgage and then I debt free. That is an awesome feeling, knowing I'm so close.

It is worth spending 15 minuets on the phone with them to find out if this is something that will help you.

The Bank of Montreal moved its five-year fixed mortgage rate to 2.99 per cent late Thursday — the lowest posted rate from a major bank in Canadian history.

General Joe Talk / GI Joe Series 2
« on: January 14, 2012, 08:12:32 AM »
Got my copy of G.I. Joe series 2 yesterday (by Dic).

It's real corny but not as bad as I remembered. Maybe it's because I'm watching it with my 5 year old. I also thought the into was different but it's not that far off the original opening song. A few words are changed like "International Hero" instead of "American hero" and a few other things like that.

Looks like Sgt Slaughter is in charge and Slaughters Marauders take a main role.

It's cheesy but I'm enjoying it.

That and I got it for me, so that helps.  ;) 

General Joe Talk / How far does your love of G.I. Joe go?
« on: January 03, 2012, 03:07:36 PM »
So Fub Publishing has released the image of one of next years 2012 convention set figure. It's Soundwave from the Shattered Glass universe where the Autobots are the bad guys.

What's interesting to note is the Cold Slither logo on the side.

How far does your collecting itch for all things G.I. Joe go?

Personally I can pass on this one and I think they might be cashing in on the Starscream SDCC 2011 craze, but can you really blame them?  :D

General Joe Talk / Blowing huge amounts of money on custom parts.
« on: December 14, 2011, 09:47:58 AM »
I was inspired by Jon's post about blowing huge amounts of money on Zombies last week so I thought I would share my latest big purchase.

Slayer Design Studios wanted to take a break and clear out their inventory so they had some bulk auctions on ebay a few weeks back. Each lot had around 20 - 25 heads and started at $39.99.

I bought 3 lots but missed the part where shipping was $35. My fault for missing that.

However, I did mention it and David Grey (owns SDS) on the boards over there. He got me in touch with the guy running the auctions for him and they gave me a choice, either reduce the shipping rates or take get random parts. My view is I can always make more money but custom heads don't come by every day, so I went with the parts.

Man am I glad I went for the parts. I've got enough parts to keep my happy for the winter.

Here's my score:

1st auction I won:

2nd auction:

3rd auction:

Bonus swag:

Everything in one bag after I took it all out:

Talk about awesome!

I consider Slayer Dave a friend and probably one of the nicest guys in the hobby. I have literally spent hours talking on the phone and his dedication is fantastic, and it shows in his work.

I swear, his stuff is like plastic crack. Once you start, it's hard to stop.  ;D

General Joe Talk / Sgt. Slaughter rumored to be in next G.I. Joe Movie.
« on: December 12, 2011, 09:26:29 AM »
Rumor has it Slaughter and the Slaughter house are going to be in the next G.I. Joe movie. The Joes are on the run from Cobra and Roadblock (the Rock) says he knows a safe place to hide, with the guy who trained him.

I hope this is true. Hopefully we'll see another Sgt. Slaughter action figure. I only have the one SDCC figure MOC and I want a loose, 25th styled Slaughter to go along with the new 7 pack coming this month.

Items Wanted / Wanted - POC Rock Viper
« on: December 09, 2011, 02:53:58 PM »
I'm looking for a couple of the newer Rock Viper figures. They can be MOC or loose.


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