General Section > The \'Show\' Room

BHT Toy Room (A work in progress)

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--- Quote from: ""BHT"" ---I think it can 100% be done.

BUT - you'd still have to 'secure' it to the wall somehow.

If Raps has the instructions on how to build it, perhaps he can scan them and email them to you - or just bring them to me and I'll scan them.

I honestly don't think these would look good 'in the wall' unless you left the door off.
--- End quote ---

I disagree mike, I think that they will look fantastic countersunk into the wall. I will countersink mine - in my next house. Unfortunately I am planning on moving to a larger house some time in the next 2 years, and I want the shelves to come with me, so they are out from the wall for the moment.

The challenge is to be able to anchor them inside the wall, this can be done, but is tricky, and will usually involve making another hole above the unit to manipulate the mountings, and then plastering the hole. You also need to be sure that there is space between the wall studs on the wall that you are planning to put them into.

I'll let you know how it goes in the new house, but for now, I have them sitting on a ledge for support. They unfortunately look like hell from the side, and coming up the stairs, you can see it. I'm going to get around to covering it with fabric, sometime...



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