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WANTED: Provincial Mods

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When I first set up the board, I assigned Agent_Loop and Pete The Greek to Mod status... did I ask them. Nope. I just did it.

So.... firstly, if you guys want out of your 'Mod Status', just PM me and I'll alter it for you.

With the new provincial sections, I was thinking of assigning Mods to each province.... just to 'keep it clean' so to speak.
We only have about 30 members thusfar, but I'm hoping I'll be able to change that in the next few weeks.

So... any volunteers?
I'm thinking one for each Province for now.... preferably you Moderate yoru own Province.
PM if interested and LMK which Province you're from as well.
Thanks all.

Pete, Loop - LMK about you guys MOD status as well.


How many members from B.C. are I need to get fund together to run against them???

If I am elected to represent my Province I swear to be really good at i will work on the speach!!!

Pete The Greek:
I like being a mod. I can edit my posts

Seriously, I have no problem in being a moderator.  Since I travel to 5 half of the provinces due to work, can I mod all of Canada? I will not abuse my power.

I'm fine being mod, as well.
I check the board each night; making a list of naughty and nice.

Wow...whos on which list...I would almost pay for a look!


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