Canadian Sightings & Provincial News > Manitoba & Saskatchewan

found wave 7 & 8 in winnipeg

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I found a lone cobra viper at wal mart a few days ago, yesterday found just wave 8 roadblock and a baroness at another walmart.  I also found the compete wave 7 at the regent TRU,  I took the vipers and hiss driver so there's only duke, spirit, wild bill and snake eyes left.

thanks for headsup, I'm off to go purchase a few.

There is a toy show tomorrow, sunday june 1, at the polo park canad inn.

went to polo park wal mart, they have the baroness and roadblock, went to the unicity wal mart and the have python patrol officer, roadblock, baroness, cobra commander and tiger force flint.

TRU Regent has some restocked single figs, Wild Bill, Duke with jetpack, Spirit , at least 5 Vipers and some HISS Drivers, basically everyone from that wave except Maj. Bludd but maybe someone got to him before I checked it out.


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