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Claw's toy collection

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The potato boxes contains my comics and paperback books - like sci fi and techno thrillers, hopefully will keep the dog and cat off - although the cat likes to sit on the window ledge.  I got another peg board, so I was thinking of putting it up to pegging the rest of the carded gi j oe figures - no room on the wall.  The room with the vintage star wars is where I'll be setting up my loose joe figures and vehicles.

You ever see the clips they do on Space with Natasha Eloi?  I think it's "it came from the basement"...

You should submit for that.  not only could you get your collection on National TV, but Natasha Eloi would come to your house  :wink:

Very awesome, though.  I am in awe.

uhuhhhh....*drool* .....sweeeeetttt... If you ever run out of space you could always store them at my house. :wink:

oohhh emmmm geeee!!!

It's like a freakin toy store!  Your room is like a time capsule of the 80s and 90s.  When I want to relive my childhood I'm crashing at your place.


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