Site Stuff > Test Section

Just... trying something.

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I'm liking this layout. It's like JoeCustoms, but the Canadian edition.


--- Quote from: ""Agent_Loop"" ---I'm liking this layout. It's like JoeCustoms, but the Canadian edition.
--- End quote ---

Hence 'JoeCanuck' ! :-)

Yeah, but now I don't have to adjust my eyes that much whenever I switch over from JoeCustoms to JoeCanuck or vice-versa. I remember when this board had the "28 Days Later" colour scheme and I find visiting here a bit disturbing because I always pictured the 28 Days Later poster with the giant eyes staring at me. And since one of the few light sources in my basement is my monitor, having the red reflect on me gives me a bit of the willies.
Then when the board turned pink, I kept convincing myself that pink is cool because Bret Hart wears pink, and that can only last for so long.
But now it's really like the JC board, but instead of the black and gray headlines, it's red over here! Both having a friendly comfortable vibe, but it's comforting here because of the Canadian red.

Tattoo Shane:
Mike, i'm not sure if it's a result of these board changes or something new but all my PMs are gone and i was in the middle of a trade. Any idea what's up?

I can only assume (since I'm still learning as I go about how PHP works), that I deleted the PMs on the site.

I just checked my PM section and mine are gone as well.
I guess I know what that 'other' button in the ADMIN section is officially for now.

Sorry to everyone that is missing PMs as a result of it.

Also, the site may be down for a day or so while I get JoeCanuck it's own 'official' home server.

I'll post when I'm closer to the day.


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