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What's worse? Crocodiles or zombies?

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you need Skymate. Skymate should be wrestling the crocs Steve Irwin style!


--- Quote from: Sundance on July 02, 2013, 03:44:07 PM ---you need Skymate. Skymate should be wrestling the crocs Steve Irwin style!

--- End quote ---

Crazy is already dead and Skymate wouldn't stand a chance either. He may be a master of the skies when he's up there, but on the land, he'd just end up like his fallen counterpart airborn friend "Crazy" (formerly known as Crazylegs) . Plus I imagine that all that Gliding and lack of cardio/ running exercise, would render him totally ineffective in trying to outrun a hungry croc. CroC wins....two pairs of legs instead of one :P

Skymate's Aussie SASR. he's going to whup ass on the ground or in the sky!

grunt 4 mvp:
I think Skymate and Crazylegs are out of their element with Zombiecrocodiles.

They're more suited to combatting a Sharknado...

Jon S.:
Crap. Now I need to make a Sharknado.

I'll post a couple follow-up images. I don't have a Skymate fig, but I know of another Joe who might be able to save Crazylegs's life and... err... legs.


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