Canadian Sightings & Provincial News > All Across Canada

Preorders for Wave 3.5 and 4 at Legends

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I'm starting to regret ordering from Smalljoes.

At one point my order was "in process" and it's now been revoked to "preorder"

I spoke too soon.  It finally shipped today.

Im going to try and order wave 4 from here.  3.5 already coming from BBTS, most of the savings will be coming from no customs fees.  But I will compare the final tallys for both once in.

Both 3.5 and 4 from smalljoes shipped 2 days ago. Looks like they saved the best waves for last. Biggest downside about the latest movie figures is they don't take rit dye well at all.  :(

I had wanted to order the wave 3.5 case from Legends, but they are now sold out on that.  I went instead with Small Joes because the price was good.  My order also shows as a "pre-order", but the status of the product was NOT "pre-order" when I placed my order last night. The note on the item says the stock should be in tomorrow.
Not a problem, we'll see how thing go over the next few days. I dislike pre-order arrangements with retailers because there's never a guarantee they'll get the stock to fill the requests. If the wait is too long, well.........

There's no sign of 3.5 appearing up here, outside of the Eaglehawks at Target--aside from some small retailers, like some comic book store, no major retailers appear to have GIJOE in their systems for the foreseeable future.


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