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Author Topic: Marauder John is now making action figures.  (Read 34393 times)

Jon S.

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Re: Marauder John is now making action figures.
« Reply #12 on: April 02, 2014, 10:47:17 AM »

Just a quick note: it appears that the project will meet its base goal of $30,000 pledge tonite, a mere 24 hrs after starting!
There's still a full 28 days left to raise pledges for the stretch goals.
That means the basic set sets will be a GO, and all we need to  (the lion's share of the pledging now) is get the stretch goals met to sweeten an already sweet deal!

*Sigh*. This isn't a kickstarter. It's a pre-sale. All the stretch goals you have to buy into.


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Re: Marauder John is now making action figures.
« Reply #13 on: April 04, 2014, 04:52:11 PM »

Hi folks--the Kickstarter project has met it's first stretch-goal, and is about to meet it's second.
To clarify for those on the fence, the figures come with a basic assortment of pouches and gear--what you see on the "assembled" figure in the photos on the page.  Additional items become unlocked as they project meets each stretch-goal.

Now, a couple of things that may not have caught your attention: the figures have swivel and pivot wrists. They have double-hinged knees.
They have a peg hole in the back and in the back of each vest. The articulation is just like the most recent articulated Joes ( not the Happy Meal Drivers).

There's features that are not readily apparent: there's open mag (attachable)pouches that can fit the removable magazines from some of the recent modular weapons.
The helmets have mounting holes for added gear ( holes are smaller)along the sides and front,  with a basic plug mount for the front of the helmet. The plan is to add lights and microphones etc to trick out the helmets.
To get an idea of what these are like, refer to the POC Snake-Eyes with the removable kneepads.
As of right now they have about $500 more to raise to meet the second stretch-goal, and the third one is at the $75K level ( $15K away) and that unlocks the green +camo decoed figure which can be added on for $15 to your pledge amount.


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Re: Marauder John is now making action figures.
« Reply #14 on: April 04, 2014, 10:51:21 PM »

Do these figures NOT come with weapons ? ( rifles, uzis, hand guns )
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Re: Marauder John is now making action figures.
« Reply #15 on: April 04, 2014, 11:19:11 PM »

Do these figures NOT come with weapons ? ( rifles, uzis, hand guns )
Nope, but a set of excellent modern weapons can be bought from Marauder Gun-Runners to go with these figures.
For about $20 you can get their latest series ( 7) which was their first Kickstarter project.


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Re: Marauder John is now making action figures.
« Reply #16 on: April 05, 2014, 10:08:40 AM »

These figures are very nice. But i can see how some people are on the fence about ordering, especially with this stretch goal system for accessories set up the way it is.

For example: If i was only interested in ordering 6 urban ops marauders. That would run $118 inculding shipping. ( Great deal )

But if i want the matching grey/blue accessories for an additional $15 you have to wait till the stretch goal reaches 120 K. And if you wait till then to purchase you wont get any of the free stuff when a goal becomes unlocked.

Some people might not want to shell out $ 118 for figures with just a chance of getting the accessories they want.

They have already sold 62 k worth. There's probly another 60 k waiting to be had just from the people that are on the fence. I think, that the sales amount will creep up slowly over the next 2 weeks, and then once the stretch goals for the artic figures and black night ops stuff becomes unlocked, watch out! There gonna exceed there final stretch goal. I hope they do anyway.

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Re: Marauder John is now making action figures.
« Reply #17 on: April 05, 2014, 05:42:38 PM »

These figures are very nice. But i can see how some people are on the fence about ordering, especially with this stretch goal system for accessories set up the way it is.

For example: If i was only interested in ordering 6 urban ops marauders. That would run $118 inculding shipping. ( Great deal )

But if i want the matching grey/blue accessories for an additional $15 you have to wait till the stretch goal reaches 120 K. And if you wait till then to purchase you wont get any of the free stuff when a goal becomes unlocked.

Some people might not want to shell out $ 118 for figures with just a chance of getting the accessories they want.

They have already sold 62 k worth. There's probly another 60 k waiting to be had just from the people that are on the fence. I think, that the sales amount will creep up slowly over the next 2 weeks, and then once the stretch goals for the artic figures and black night ops stuff becomes unlocked, watch out! There gonna exceed there final stretch goal. I hope they do anyway.

Here's the thing about "sitting on the fence":  If you wait until the stuff goes into production and is offered up on the take that chance that the full complement of the stretch goals don't get unlocked.  If you pledge towards the project, well you become part of the collective group that CAN unlock these items, and you get some figures as well in the deal.
Granted, either way there's no guarantee that all those stretch goal items will unlock in the remaining time.

The basic figures ARE going forward--as the funding for them is now there. The first two stretch goals have added gear that will be available, and there's more gear waiting to be funded so it can be realized. 

Will it be realized without this project??  Possibly........eventually.........maybe.
Now that they have the figures funded themselves.....there's an incentive to take advantage of their design features and expand upon what they are. But these guys are a business, and that will govern their decision-making and what they think they can turn out. If it looks like it's going to flounder...then we may just get some well-sculpted figures with a lot of peg-holes in them and nothing (much) to plug in.

Here's the opportunity right now to work towards realizing this thing in full.
You pledge over $20 and you get at least ONE figure out of the deal, so you still get something for your money.
It's a critical mass thing, though: the more that is contributed, the more that gets unlocked and the better this offering becomes.....over the long term.

But's up to the individual to decide.

I bought some of their weapons ( series 6) and liked them a great deal. Then they launched their series 7 Kickstarter and it's add-on project and I was 100% on board, simply on account of the quality of their stuff. Their weapon sets are VERY well done, and I ended up getting a lot of them ( they threw in a lot of extras), and even after I had some confusion with my pledge, they treated me very well.
I had so much that I was able to share a complete set (and then some) with a collecting pal of mine and still have lots left over.

So, I have both enthusiasm and confidence in their product. Take that for what it's worth.


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Re: Marauder John is now making action figures.
« Reply #18 on: April 19, 2014, 12:53:17 AM »

Just a bump/update: The project has hit it's 4th stretch goal as of tonight with 11 days to go, and seems to have had momentum over the past week following Joecon in Dallas.
Just some clarification: Marauder Gun-Runners says that any of the items unlocked in the stretch goals will be available in all colours (to that point) on their web-store at some point after the initial pre-order offer.  This is because once the tooling is done for a given item they can get the factory to make a run of those colours to be offered.
They cannot guarantee how much they will be able to keep in stock though, so there may be periods of time where key items may be out of stock after they sell out. The pre-order guarantees participants get first dibs, based on their pledge levels.

So far, there's been a number of interesting basic accessory items unlocked to kit out the figures quite nicely.  The goals have hit about 1/3rd of what is possible, at this time, so there's still a ways to go.
It is unlikely that they will hit all of the stretch goals by the deadline, but what has been unlocked at this point is still quite a bit and pretty cool. ( mind you, one never really knows how successful the pledge-drive for this will be....)

Also, you'll have to pledge to the $54 dollar level ( with shipping extra on top of that) to be allowed to purchase the stretch goal items in the pre-order.
 The stretch goals are $15 extra for each set of accessories, or stretch goal figure ( "Carmen", so far) and you can order ANY of them at that threshold.
The shipping cost is a one-time payment......your basic reward AND any stretch goals you get/order are covered under that single shipping cost.

Okay, that's all the shillin' for now.... ;)


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Re: Marauder John is now making action figures.
« Reply #19 on: April 27, 2014, 10:40:59 AM »

This project is getting near the end and things look really good. Today I just upped my original backing of $54 to the $195 Commodore level. After thinking about this project and who is involved it as an easy choice to make.

1 - In the past I've backed several GI based projects like Project ARAH and I'm still owed about $140 worth of merchandise and that was for hand cast toys that needed to be painted. I doubt I will ever get anything back for that investment. The Canadian GI Joe conventions I've backed as well. I spent just under $1000 on the 2012 convention set and was paid back the same day of the convention. I don't mind backing projects for G.I.Joe. Marauder Gun-Runners is on the level.

2 - I had more disposable income this time around. With their being no more Canadian G.I. Joe convention and me passing on this years Zombie convention set from the US.

3 - MJ is an all around nice guy. I've spoken with him a few times in the past at toy shows and in regards to previous Can Joe Con stuff like the vests to the Coyote trooper. I genuinely like the guy. 

4 - Bumping up to the Commodore level does cost more money but if you do the match the figures are cheaper the more you buy. Also, I know I wanted to buy a bunch of the unlocked sets. $15 here, $15 there and before you know it I would have spent at least another $60 in additional gear. With the Commodore level you get one everything unlocked for free. To me it makes sense. If I decide there is figures I don't need I can always trade or sell them, but I doubt it would come to that.

5 - I've got several of his gun sets in the past and the quality is the best going. If he manages to keep even 75% of the quality of his guns for these figures then these will most likely be better than what we have received from Hasbro.

It's a good project and I'm excited for it.
Night Force, the exact opposite of everything chrome.

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Re: Marauder John is now making action figures.
« Reply #20 on: April 30, 2014, 03:32:53 PM »

This project is getting near the end and things look really good. Today I just upped my original backing of $54 to the $195 Commodore level. After thinking about this project and who is involved it as an easy choice to make.

With all the gear and figures that have unlocked, that looks like a great decision. Might even sneak in one more unlock before the deadline.
If you've got complete 90's figures FTS, PM me!


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Re: Marauder John is now making action figures.
« Reply #21 on: April 30, 2014, 05:21:34 PM »

They are about $750 from unlocking the next, and possibly last stretch goal, which is the Arctic gear add-on for the Arctic camo scheme figure just unlocked last night. With 6 hrs left to go there's still a chance of a last-minute surge and unlocking the red scheme "Logan" figure as well.


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Re: Marauder John is now making action figures.
« Reply #22 on: April 30, 2014, 05:32:20 PM »

And just like that, just right now.....the "Kevin" goal has unlocked, and the climb continues to "Logan".


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Re: Marauder John is now making action figures.
« Reply #23 on: April 30, 2014, 05:32:34 PM »

I wonder if the white fig/accessories could be easily dyed it to any colour you wanted?