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Super7 GI Joe discussion

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Well it's over, and it didn't fund.

I can't find the final number on the page for the Cobra Mothership, so I don't know what the final number was, but it didn't fund.

I hope Super7 takes this to heart for future releases and takes it into consideration when pricing whatever other vehicles/playsets they have planned for O-ring.

That is unfortunate, but it was priced to high for me.  $100 less it would have been a no brainer.

Unfortunate, indeed, but it was priced too high, especially for international customer like us :). They might have a serious talk about the future of the gi joe brand. Hopefully, the oring will be released as single figure and they will be successful. I would not mind a smaller mothership, the size of a millenium falcon.

Anyhow, I got all the navy figures variation they released and they are fantastic. They are manning my battle platform and they are awesome next to the shark.

Siper7 o- ring :,p&PageSize=50&SortOrder=New&o=10&Company=279&Brand=2363

So it looks like Canadian e-tailers jumped the gun and accidentally revealed this years SDCC exclusives.   The good thing is we will have an option to get them if we want without having to go to SDCC.   Well as long as Super7 doesn't pull them from the Canadian market for this screw up.

Anyway this year's Joe exclusive (Ultimates) is a redo of the recent Zartan.  From the pics I saw it looks like there isn't much different.  There are some new accessories for an episode specific appearance of Zartan.   The one where Cobra kidnaps the scientist with the heat/lava/whatever tech.  So Zartan will come will a full brown robe, the Cobra headband that mind controls the scientist and the Cobra camera in the basket (along with the horn to make it "dance").   Then the Zartan figure looks to have slightly darker paint.  There was a side-by-side pic and the exclusive is the exact same as the general release but the colours are just a bit darker.

This is the kind of exclusive I am good with.  It isn't an essential character, and as such not something that I feel I need to track down.


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