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Topics - Colonel Abernathy

Pages: [1] 2 3 4
Items Wanted / Airtight's 1985 filecard
« on: December 28, 2011, 06:57:33 PM »
English only. The Renegades version just isn't cutting it :)

General Joe Talk / Stickers for 2011 Sky Striker
« on: August 19, 2011, 04:32:44 PM »
I just picked up the Sky Striker (US version) from my local comic shop and it's just as awesome as I remember it from the 2011 CJC. I've been waiting 28 years for one ever since seeing the original in a friend's basement back in Grade 3  :D

I have a question regarding the stickers. I think the bottom of the cockpit section has a bit of the oil used in the factory to slip from the mold left on it. The stickers are not staying in place so how do I remove the oil? I seem to recall reading that washing it with Palmolive will work. Will natural phosphate-free dish soap work as well?

Any help is appreciated!

Yearly CanJoeCon Discussion / The current state of being a vendor
« on: June 05, 2011, 03:16:20 PM »
I'm considering selling off my 25th/ME collection at the CJC this year. For those who vended last year, what was it like? I'm generalizing here but it seems like buyers don't spend as much as they used to and I'm thinking I might be dragging out the collection for no reason. Last time I was a vendor was in 2009.

4 has been unable to ship to Canada for some time so if anyone has some for sale let me know.

For Sale or Trade / Comics for sale
« on: July 05, 2010, 04:22:14 PM »
I'm moving to Alberta this month and can't take everything with me. Prices DO NOT include shipping and I will only ship via a traceable method so as to avoid "misunderstandings". Feel free to haggle if you're interested in more than one item. Thanks!


$2 each: Special Missions 1-10, 20
50 cents each: 25th Comic pack comics: 5, 6, 8, 10, 12, 32.5
$1: IDW Joe Movie Prequel: Duke
$1: IDW GI Joe Issue 0
$1 each: Marvel GI Joe (* denotes Hasbro reprint) : 51, 54, 56, 57, 58, 59, 60, 61, 62, 63, 64*, 65, 67, 68, 69, 70, 73, 74*, 75*, 76*, 80, 81, 84, 85, 86*, 91, 97, 98, 99, 101*, 103, 111, 115*, 126

Transformers comics:

$2 each:

IDW Devastation 1-6
Dreamwave G1 ongoing 0-10
DW G1 Volume 2 Trade paperback (IDW imprint)
Focus on Decepticons
Spotlight: Arcee, Nightbeat, Mirage, Blaster, Grimlock, Optimus Prime 3D, OP regular, Doubledealer, Blurr, Wheelie, Shockwave, Sideswipe, Hardhead, Ramjet, Soundwave, Galvatron, Kup, Ultra Magnus, Hot Rod, Sixshot, Metroplex, Cliffjumper
Transformers Magazine 1-4

$1 each:

IDW Reprints of Marvel Issues (Marvel # in brackets)
5(17), 6(18), 7(24), 8(25), 9(27), 10(29), 11(30), 12(31)


$2 each:
Hell On Earth 1-4
Hogs of Horder #1
25th Anniversary
Sergio Aragones Solo

Ontario / Burlington Toy Show
« on: March 12, 2010, 01:21:19 PM »
I'll be at the Burlington Toy Show March 14 with Joe comics and figures. 50 cents each for the 25th comic pack comics, $1 each for original Marvels (and a few later reprints), $2 each for Special Missions issues. $10 each for later-wave 25th and ME carded Joes. If you're in the area, please stop by and help add to my grocery and rent fund  ;D

For Sale or Trade / Colonel Abernathy's For Sale Thread
« on: October 02, 2009, 07:30:55 PM »

Due to limited space I am selling some of my collection. Prices DO NOT include shipping and I will only ship via a traceable method so as to avoid "misunderstandings". Feel free to haggle if you're interested in more than one item. Thanks!

Joe Comics:

$2 each: Special Missions 1-10, 20
50 cents each: 25th Comic pack comics: 5, 6, 8, 10, 12, 32.5
$1: IDW Joe Movie Prequel: Duke
$1: IDW GI Joe Issue 0
$1 each: Marvel GI Joe (* denotes Hasbro reprint) : 51, 54, 56, 57, 58, 59, 60, 61, 62, 63, 64*, 65, 67, 68, 69, 70, 73, 74*, 75*, 76*, 80, 81, 84, 85, 86*, 91, 97, 98, 99, 101*, 103, 111, 115*, 126

Transformers comics:

$2 each:

IDW Devastation 1-6
Dreamwave G1 ongoing 0-10
DW G1 Volume 2 Trade paperback (IDW imprint)
Focus on Decepticons
Spotlight: Arcee, Nightbeat, Mirage, Blaster, Grimlock, Optimus Prime 3D, OP regular, Doubledealer, Blurr, Wheelie, Shockwave, Sideswipe, Hardhead, Ramjet, Soundwave, Galvatron, Kup, Ultra Magnus, Hot Rod, Sixshot, Metroplex, Cliffjumper
Transformers Magazine 1-4

$1 each:

IDW Reprints of Marvel Issues (Marvel # in brackets)
5(17), 6(18), 7(24), 8(25), 9(27), 10(29), 11(30), 12(31)


$2 each:
Hell On Earth 1-4
Hogs of Horder #1
25th Anniversary
Sergio Aragones Solo

For Sale or Trade / Complete MASS Device + more!
« on: September 30, 2009, 12:12:05 PM »
For sale:

Complete MASS Device (including full element containers!)
Complete Weather Dominator
Rhino "ARAH & The Revenge of Cobra" DVD boxset
White-trim Cobra Trooper w/MASS Device element cart and filecard

$100 plus shipping; I'm located in St. Catharines.

*also includes not-quite-to-scale Pyramid of Darkness as a bonus.

For Sale or Trade / 2009 Canadian JoeCon set
« on: June 18, 2009, 09:34:44 AM »
I've been considering selling my #75 lately. The set is really well done and I like it; however, looking at my upcoming college tuition bill recently makes me think that perhaps selling the set might be a good idea. I've applied the stickers so I don't expect full eBay value but the rarity still makes it worth something to me. I'm thinking $400 with some loose 25th and vintage figures included to soften the blow. If you live in the Niagara-to-GTA region I might be able to drop it off. PM me if interested.

Items Wanted / Clear cases for carded figures
« on: April 13, 2009, 09:53:16 PM »
Like the ones 25th Doc came with. Anyone know where to get these? They don't have to be Hasbro brand.

« on: December 11, 2008, 12:28:53 PM »
Hi! I'm currently looking to trade, or RE5 and SFIV for Xbox 360. I live in Canada.

If you'd like to buy figures, it's $5 each for loose and $10 each for MOC unless otherwise noted.

HINT: If someone was to buy the whole set, he or she might get a good discount  :wink:


Not all figures have their complete accessory sets (e.g. I put Wave 2 Beach Head's backpack with my comic pack Beach Head). The pics should reveal what they come with but if you have any questions please ask.

There should be a few more pics coming..Photobucket is really slow ATM.

Here's my sell/trade list:

LOOSE 25th

Duke - Wave 7
Duke - Greenshirt (body is actually Grunt's SRO)
Shipwreck - Comic Pack
Stalker - DVD Pack
Cobra Soldier - DVD Pack (no MASS cart)
Destro - IG Comic Pack (black head) - $10
Destro - UBP
Duke - SRO Pack
Cobra Commander (hooded) - DVD Pack
Cobra Commander - Legions Box
Storm Shadow - Legions Box
Scarface - Comic Pack
Wild Weasel - Comic Pack
Cobra Commander - Wave 8 (no MASS element)
Python Patrol Officer
Storm Shadow - Resolute
Destro - Resolute
Scrap Iron - from Extreme Conditions Set

LOOSE Vintage or Vintage-style

Deep Six - Vintage
Big Ben - TRAHC
Dial Tone - TRAHC
Low-Light - TRAHC
Scarlett - Vintage-style Comic Pack (w/skis)
Shockwave - Vintage
Side Track - TRAHC
Keel Haul - Battle Corps
Frostbite - Vintage
Lt. Gorky - Vintage-style Comic Pack
Double Blast - TRAHC
Thrasher - Vintage-style Comic Pack
Sure Fire - TRAHC
Footloose - Vintage
Shock Viper - Vintage-style 2002
Destro - Vintage-style Comic Pack
Dragonsky - Vintage-style Comic Pack
Wild Bill - Vintage
Major Bludd - "Chinese Custom" - 2001 head on '92 Flagg body
Bazooka - Vintage
Lt. Gorky - 1998 version
Snake Eyes - TRAHC
Destro - Vintage 1988
Lady Jaye - Vintage-style Comic Pack
Chameleon - TRAHC


Snake Eyes/Scarlett Toyfare 2-pack
25th Torpedo (foil logo US card)
25th Flash (foil logo US card)
25th Major Bludd (foil logo US card)


Vintage stands (from SmallJoes) 0.25 each

Thanks for reading!

Items Wanted / Looking for MIP Beach Head/Dataframe CP
« on: November 19, 2008, 01:50:34 PM »
Please check my trade list, thanks!

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