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Author Topic: Arashikage Ninja #333 want list  (Read 9046 times)

Arashikage Ninja #333

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Re: Arashikage Ninja #333 want list
« Reply #12 on: February 01, 2011, 06:46:22 PM »

First off I didn't beat my chest.  I came here and put up a thread and just posted what i would like to conduct business.

Second its been longer then 5 years.  i just got back into joes in the last 2 years if that but I colect lots of other stuff.

And now lets be honest.  I said your gear was cheap but the comics where expensive but you didn't have any of the rare items of the gear and that why I also stated I would look later when you have more in since I like to get some rare items with a  bunch of common stuff.  I know my comics go look at my archive and the amount of comics in it.  I have almost every comic to just that one character and I have other stuff.   I didn't ask for condition because it was not neccesary.  I was not going to make a purchase at this time.

And sorry I know I can get some items cheap. my first deal with grimdaddy was pretty cheap and had good stuff.  my first deal with just joes by mike was a pretty good lot and cheap and if you read that thread he gave me some pretty decent prices on that joe stuff so i kow its out there.  But yet again I never said your prices where high on gear.  i said your prices on comics are.

And realize I am quite aware of what is rare and why prices are and such with collectibles.  I work at a lcs on and off and at a coin and stamp store on and off when they need teh extra help for the last 15 years.  I know the reselling business and the overhead so you are assuming things.

I have never talked to grunt until now but it seems his mission to just give me a hard time.

And i was on yojoe posting up to 256 posts until I had an issue over a year time with no attitude or such.

And if that deal didnt fail my list would have been cut more then half.

And it isnt just one person.  Its ton of joe sellers.  and I decided canada only because all my bad busines was coming from there for most part.

Ive admitted my mistaked but people want to keep sticking me for it.  well fine i give up

not once did just joes by mike come fourth about that he lied about rectifying his deal when i even had his pictures that he took in my archives, he lied about paypal going forward and said i did it when it was on third step which I have screenshot of and I have teh picture of the replacemnet weapons in my archive.  Also he frauds informatin on sending packages into canada marked as gift and he takes personal payemts from people on paypal for goods which is also agaisnt their poloicies.  he doesnt have clean hands and his friends are blindly backing him up when he continued to make a bad situation worse.

I do my part.  I pay on time and i am polite while doing business.  But when you screw up and wont make right i get pissed off especially on multiple mistakes.
« Last Edit: December 31, 1969, 07:00:00 PM by Guest »


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Re: Arashikage Ninja #333 want list
« Reply #13 on: February 01, 2011, 07:24:06 PM »

Man.............I can say with absolute candor that I would never trade or deal with you, fella.

Its your high-strung approach to it all, and your hair-trigger temper. Its like you never unclench.

Your unwillingness to cut any slack with the other party, and call it a screwjob at the drop of a hat............sorry.
Who needs that kind of looming grief from someone?

Its too bad though, if you just look at things a bit differently you'd probably enjoy the hobby more, and be more enjoyable to be around too.

That is just how I see it.
« Last Edit: December 31, 1969, 07:00:00 PM by Guest »

Arashikage Ninja #333

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Re: Arashikage Ninja #333 want list
« Reply #14 on: February 01, 2011, 07:39:19 PM »

Does it matter they got what they wanted.  They wanted no one to do business with me.  Just jhoes by mike was mad because I caught him in multipel lies and his friends follow him blindly when I have all teh prrof in an ftp folder.

I came here and didnt say boo to anyone and just mae my thread andgot sidelined when I came here just to look for some good joe collectors to do business with.

They dont want me to get any joe stuff and want me black listed.

I pay.  I was pateint the first time with that guy on teh first deal and even gave him second chance. he screwe up again and after many failed deals i flipped out and he took teh brunt of it. i apologized and him and others just dont want to make right.

Given them many options to do so.

So ther eyou have it.  yep im guildty on that one issue which is only issue i had in all the time i have been on any joe sites.

so no joe stuff for me an dthey are happy about that knowing i cant make it to these shows and such
« Last Edit: December 31, 1969, 07:00:00 PM by Guest »

Arashikage Ninja #333

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Re: Arashikage Ninja #333 want list
« Reply #15 on: February 01, 2011, 07:56:27 PM »

Anyways im off.  I didnt come here to have problems and seems no one wants me here or my business so good luck to you guys and enjoy your site.
« Last Edit: December 31, 1969, 07:00:00 PM by Guest »


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Re: Arashikage Ninja #333 want list
« Reply #16 on: February 01, 2011, 07:59:42 PM »

Quote from: "Arashikage Ninja #333"
Does it matter they got what they wanted.  They wanted no one to do business with me.  Just jhoes by mike was mad because I caught him in multipel lies and his friends follow him blindly when I have all teh prrof in an ftp folder.

I came here and didnt say boo to anyone and just mae my thread andgot sidelined when I came here just to look for some good joe collectors to do business with.

They dont want me to get any joe stuff and want me black listed.

You actually think there's an active agenda against you?????

Answer this to the face that stares back from your mirror: WHY on Earth would anyone want to do that???
What do they gain?
Here you are, a guy willing to part with some cash and you think that people want to stymie that?
Just to get some jollies at your expense?? That is ludicrous.

Maybe the part about that that doesn't make sense is your own approach to all this.

I pay.  I was pateint the first time with that guy on teh first deal and even gave him second chance. he screwe up again and after many failed deals i flipped out and he took teh brunt of it. i apologized and him and others just dont want to make right.

Given them many options to do so.

So ther eyou have it.  yep im guildty on that one issue which is only issue i had in all the time i have been on any joe sites.

so no joe stuff for me an dthey are happy about that knowing i cant make it to these shows and such

If you slag someone off, and get in their face about a willing do you think anyone...........ANYONE is going to be to see that you are made happy? Frankly, I think such willingness would go plummet off the deep-end.

And you actually think that other people are happy that you feel you cannot continue to collect or make it to toy shows??  ??? ???

Dude, make that pity-party a private function. You wrote all those invitations yourself.
« Last Edit: December 31, 1969, 07:00:00 PM by Guest »

Arashikage Ninja #333

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Re: Arashikage Ninja #333 want list
« Reply #17 on: February 01, 2011, 08:10:51 PM »

Whatever troll.  you don't even know what you are talking about.

And there is an active agenda agasnt me.  Why you think it all got brought up duhhhh

What do they gain.  they gain no one doing busines with me duhhhhhh

Yep guy willing to part with money and pay the reseller premiums and all they expect is stuff to arrive and not be broken or shipped off to someone else duhhhhhh

Yep i made that thread prior to him selling to me and on both transaction I got screwed.  What I get for giving a second chance.

And he made a mistake on teh first deal and i dindt get in his face.  I contacted him and told him about the stuff.  he was the one that got in my face about the helmet all being same colour and not replacing teh druguuv and i let it go and said nothing at that time.

Then on the second deal  he brought attitude in my face because I asked some questions and just making sure what they where where what they where which he did to others with his elitist attitude.  Funny how aftre him pulling that attitude and i sadi no  i dont think he is an idioot and just confirming he then screwd up my shipment and sent it to someone else.  what dont you get here i wasnt in his face.  He was in my face multiple times and i took iot calmly until i got wrong package and i proved all that and if you read that yojoe site and see the original pm for the deal you will see I took it calmly and finsihed teh deal..  I blew up when wrong items arrived.

god you are dumb
« Last Edit: December 31, 1969, 07:00:00 PM by Guest »

Arashikage Ninja #333

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Re: Arashikage Ninja #333 want list
« Reply #18 on: February 01, 2011, 08:14:29 PM »

and its just fact.  I have no way or can afford to go to shows.  Not everyone is rich in this world.  That why I conduct my business online for comics and whatever.

anyways i see the pile up coming and i see teh trolls coming out too.

good to know who just cast judegment without knowing all teh facts or caring
« Last Edit: December 31, 1969, 07:00:00 PM by Guest »


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Re: Arashikage Ninja #333 want list
« Reply #19 on: February 01, 2011, 08:27:19 PM »

Quote from: "Arashikage Ninja #333"
and its just fact.  I have no way or can afford to go to shows.  Not everyone is rich in this world.  That why I conduct my business online for comics and whatever.

anyways i see the pile up coming and i see teh trolls coming out too.

good to know who just cast judegment without knowing all teh facts or caring

I'm not a troll--not by a long shot.

I'm just puzzled all to heck by you.

You've made it so hard for yourself to enjoy things that you end up wondering why you are miserable.
You've got all these rules in your head about how things are supposed to be, and at the same time all you hand out to people is this short, short string which doesn't give them any room for mistakes.
Its no wonder you are unhappy.

Here's a hint about life: If you walk around being miserable, petty, angry and demanding, not many people will care much about you. Who wants those kinds of feelings to rub off onto them??

If instead you take a deep breath, smile, be patient, let people make their mistakes (because people WILL make mistakes) ...........learn to, oh........forgive,'ll find that people will flock to you. Life will be just grand. And you'll get to some toy shows too.

The choice is yours.
« Last Edit: December 31, 1969, 07:00:00 PM by Guest »


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Re: Arashikage Ninja #333 want list
« Reply #20 on: February 01, 2011, 08:34:16 PM »

1. Please refrain from calling members of this site "dumb".
2. We have some members with strong religious beliefs on this site, and they may of taken offense to your using the word "god" in such a way, please apologize.
3. No one is "out to get you" or stop you from collecting.
4. Take a breather. You're basically re-posting the same statements over and over now. Sit back, relax and try to soak in the advice some people have offered.
« Last Edit: December 31, 1969, 07:00:00 PM by Guest »

Arashikage Ninja #333

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Re: Arashikage Ninja #333 want list
« Reply #21 on: February 01, 2011, 08:34:57 PM »

Are you stupid?

He made mistakes on the first deal and I let him off and didnt do anything about it.  I even got shorted on that deal.

It was the fact he pulled attitude on me about asking questions. and then screwd up and shipped my stuff to an other guy.

he knew I was finicky on my items which he admited too and he said he has no clue how he screwed up because by his account he took all measures to make sure.

That was two times in a row.

The a guy that is usally around disappears and wont reply when I pmed him and told him wrong items.

I got paranoid and i admitted my mistake but yet he pushed it forward and started to lie and say things that where untrue.

1. he lied about 100% fixing first issue which I have shown proof
2. he lied about paypal and that I moved it forward when it was impossible for me too.
3. he takes personal payemnets for goods agasint ebay and paypal polocies showing he is shady
4. he does not fill out customs forms withfalse info which is mail faraud

yep i madea mistake and got impatient but he and I say he made the issue worse then what it had to be.  He wold not even cover shipping back of items he sent me that where wrong which is his mistake

i come from where even if customer angry and such you 100% make it right regardless.  taht is good customer service

all i wanted was shipping and money back and didnt want to take chances on swapped out or missing gear and just to end it all.  he would not cooperate.

man I dealt with enough of his mistakes.  who makes mistakes two times in a row with same person
« Last Edit: December 31, 1969, 07:00:00 PM by Guest »

Arashikage Ninja #333

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Re: Arashikage Ninja #333 want list
« Reply #22 on: February 01, 2011, 08:41:29 PM »

Quote from: "THE Mike™"
1. Please refrain from calling members of this site "dumb".
2. We have some members with strong religious beliefs on this site, and they may of taken offense to your using the word "god" in such a way, please apologize.
3. No one is "out to get you" or stop you from collecting.
4. Take a breather. You're basically re-posting the same statements over and over now. Sit back, relax and try to soak in the advice some people have offered.

sorry for using word god

actually I practice dao and trying to be calm but these guys are giving advice when they don't know full details

you yourself havnt rectified your prior statemnet of what was actually said in pm about the item son your site and the fact that i said cheap gear but expensive comics

and btw I go to comic cons every once in awhile because I have that abilty at least and that why i think high.  to some people not but when i can go to a con when comics are now taking a dive i can get those in dollar or two dollar bins excpt the keys like 154 and 155 and earlier ones and such but even so since i know guys at these cons Iand even if I dindt they would give 40-50% off anyways. I am not stupid on comic pricing that is my main hobby and only reason i said high.  I actually passed up a 154 at tornto comic con since i was going after cheaper books and my primary character books that i collect  I also ended up buying a ultimate bumblebee and getting that fixed and such .

and bull crap if they where not out to get me they would have not starrted this fiasco
« Last Edit: February 01, 2011, 08:49:15 PM by Arashikage Ninja #333 »


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Re: Arashikage Ninja #333 want list
« Reply #23 on: February 01, 2011, 08:42:00 PM »

Quote from: "Arashikage Ninja #333"
Are you stupid?

Call ME, or ask ME if I'm stupid one more time, and I'll solve your JoeCanuck problems.

I DO NOT CARE what problems you had with someone on another site.
Other people do not care what problems you had.
This is - we have YET to have any issues with any members.

We got it. You got burned, someone pissed you off. We don't care - it didn't happen here.

Why can't you just play nice on this site? I gave you a suggestion in my previous post. Why are you being so difficult?
« Last Edit: February 01, 2011, 08:47:06 PM by THE Mike™ »