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Messages - martin-montreal

Pages: [1] 2 3 ... 151
General Joe Talk / Re: Sad news for the GI Joe community
« on: June 18, 2024, 07:50:32 PM »
And now both channels are down:
1. Viper Island
2. Sharknews


General Joe Talk / Re: G.I. Joe: A Real American Hero Compendium Set
« on: June 18, 2024, 07:46:33 PM »
Great info, wrong thread 😜

General Joe Talk / Re: Thoughts on Classified and Retro lines?
« on: June 05, 2024, 08:38:23 AM »
It might still be the Rattler because that plane will be huge, in fact, too big for me. Imagine the wings to be as long as the total lengt of the plane.

General Joe Talk / Re: G.I. Joe: A Real American Hero Compendium Set
« on: June 02, 2024, 03:08:54 PM »
Thanks, I also place my preorder.

It is kind of weird that we get this content from Amazon and Kickstarter also at the same time.

I get it that the Kickstarter gives a nice packaging, but it cost a lot + shipping + duties + exchange.

General Joe Talk / Re: Sad news for the GI Joe community
« on: May 31, 2024, 07:28:04 PM »
3. Canadian Viper Island is filling complaints against Sh4rk, 3POA for copyright issues on YouTube.

I've never heard of this guy... Can any one fill me in on what's going on with this and why this is the fourth time I've seen this Viper Island dude being talked about?
Legit, I have absolutely no clue what it pertains to.

What is sad is I like his videos. This guy knows how to edit and go to the point. But the trouble came from behind the scene. Now, who is telling the thruth? I don't know. Watch this:

Video 1:

Video 2:

And to help to see both sides, VI posted this:

I have never backed a Kickstarter before, but this is very tempting. 

How does it work for the pledge?  Meaning do they charge any taxes, or shipping after the funding is over or is it just the $300?  $300US is a big ask to get a whole set, but it would be nice to get one with everything and not have to worry about collecting the retail releases over the years.

Hi, expect the worst: GST + Shipping is $100 for the $300 package and $75 for the $150 package.

I'm still debating what package to buy. I can save a lot of money when buying only the PDF. But it's not as fun to read.

ninjas wouldn't stand a chance against a Tier 1 SOF unit, a 5.56mm NATO round at 500 fps muzzle velocity isn't something anyone can dodge or deflect with a katana and some twat twirling nunchuks or flailing katanas is just going to get their head blown off.

and that picture of these ninjas just looks stupid with them having gun-arms with an actual unusable grip and trigger assembly.

This one might remember you Action Force SAS Trooper


did anyone actually pick these up?

I did and the quality is awesome.

If you compare with Classified: no need to boild to unfreeze joints, no curved weapons, no warped card, etc.

They feel 1986 ARAH with swivel wrist.

The code Delta10off makes you save 10% when buying 6 figs or more.

The all come on a nice card and a stand.

General Joe Talk / Re: Thoughts on Classified and Retro lines?
« on: May 26, 2024, 04:35:13 PM »
I saw a post saying Roadblock & Tripwire Tiger Force 2-pack is now on sale at Target for $38.49 (USD). Since we don't have Target in Canada anymore I took a look on TRU... just in case.

I remember last time I checked price on TRU Classified figs, and they were $1 to $3 higher than Amazon. But now, the average GI Joe Classified fig is... $42.99!!!!


That is $7 more than Amazon...

General Joe Talk / Re: Morgardee - RIP
« on: May 24, 2024, 05:01:22 PM »
Oh, this is sad news indeed. I met him, talked to him, bought from him.

My condolences to his family.

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