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Red and white once again! We've restored the classic look of JoeCanuck.

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 on: March 13, 2024, 08:24:55 AM 
Started by canprime - Last post by akpayne
I am sure ToysRus is happy too, I purchased one, opened it before I left the store only to find it was victim to a figure swap.  The employee, rolled their eyes and said, yeah this happens all the time.

The art was great - but knowing there is something in the box is by far more important, especially know that TRU has put a no returns/exchanges policy on on all Action Figures.

 on: March 13, 2024, 06:03:01 AM 
Started by canprime - Last post by canprime
It's already out of stock?

It isn't available to order until tomorrow (March 14th).

So you haven't missed it, it is just listed and showing out of stock because they are getting ready for Collector Con tomorrow.

And can I also say how happy I am to see the window packaging back?  I liked the art of the plastic free packaging (not as much as the original art from earlier but hey), but I much prefer seeing the product in the box so I can tell if there are any issues rather than hoping nothing is wrong when opening them.

 on: March 12, 2024, 09:02:25 PM 
Started by canprime - Last post by martin-montreal
It's already out of stock?

 on: March 12, 2024, 10:57:44 AM 
Started by canprime - Last post by akpayne

The price sucks as it is all reissued product, but I am with you, I will pay it as it isn't going to get any cheaper and will sell out.

 on: March 12, 2024, 03:37:15 AM 
Started by canprime - Last post by canprime
Well the Night Force Shockwave with RAM is up (preview) on for their Collector Con.

So that means we should get a shot at it come Thursday (March 14th).  The only "ouch" is the price.  It is $75 which is up from previous releases of the RAM with a figure.  Not great but I'll have to bite the bullet to get one because it probably won't last.

 on: March 08, 2024, 09:17:24 AM 
Started by canprime - Last post by akpayne
I agree, I prefer this over the Tiger Force version, and considering it was a pain in the arse to get the original with Breaker. I don't mind seeing another repaint.

Same goes for a blue Flight pod.

 on: March 07, 2024, 02:21:44 PM 
Started by canprime - Last post by canprime
Hate to say I am loving that Night Force Shockwave and RAM.  I am a bit surprised they are trying to get us to bite on another RAM, but it is what it is so I guess I will be biting.  Shockwave looks good and I like the change up of the accessories.  Here's hoping they continue to make these readily available to us through

 on: March 07, 2024, 09:45:51 AM 
Started by canprime - Last post by akpayne
I am just glad they didn't try and go animation accurate for the colours.  He is unrecognizable in the cartoon compared to his toy.

 on: March 06, 2024, 06:24:58 PM 
Started by canprime - Last post by canprime
I always liked Airborne and was hoping to see him sooner than later in the Classified line. But seing him in a grey outfit instead of tan, with the wrong rifle (no bayonet) and a shovel painted on backpack (while we got a removeble shovel with Outback), make me debaiting if I still want him or will hope for an unlikely retro release someday.

What are the odds for an Airborne retro release?

Yeah I don't think we'll see another Airborne figure that is this close to the original look.

Maybe there will be another release where he is part of a sub-team (Sky Patrol), but not likely a Retro version since this first version will be close enough.  However you never know, but you are the first person I have seen post that the colours aren't close enough for you.   I have seen a few people mention his weapons but not his uniform.  I mean they are basically re-releasing the same EEL on a Retro card, so you never know, but I wouldn't expect it for Airborne.

 on: March 06, 2024, 10:21:59 AM 
Started by canprime - Last post by akpayne
Considering he didn't get a second figure until the 2000's, makes me think we won't see another version, and if it wasn't for the Dragonfly, I don't think we would have got him this early in the Classified line.

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