Ok, let's see if I can hit all the points made here.
* check your post count; set a mental goal each month
* post here FIRST instead of other boards
* post some pictures of collections
* organize an event and advertise it on the board (maybe the Montrealers go see the movie together, or maybe an informal 'trading barbeque' for the GTA)
* or just add to this thread with another idea you've done
Some great ideas Grunt!
i've been posting new pix and got nary a peep. i've also posted stories!
I'll admit, I don't read the stories. I barely have spare time to keep up with emails and comics I've been trying to read. Sorry man.
The pictures I usually do check out, but like Grunt, I don't reply nearly as much as I should.
I visit the site daily, but I do not always comment or post.
I have GIJOE-themed art that I'd like to do, when I'm not doing paid work, which has been frequent this year ( thankfully). I still do kitbashes, but I'm not always taking pics to share--some are so simple it doesn't seem worthwhile sharing.
I still get inspired by what I see on-site here, still get interested in what others are doing with the hobby. I've seen participation come in cycles.....waves on most forums......peaks and lulls. We'll have our turn again here.
I also check it daily, and always see a rise in postings when the CJC rolls around - which I hate, it should be consistent year-round, or at least at 50% of what it is CJC time. I'd like to see your take on some CJC characters, I think they'd be cool to showcase here - with a watermark of course.
It seems like other boards have less traffic as well. May be just a low in the cycle as previously mentioned.
Could be... I don't really talk/know other board owners to compare (other than Pluv and Redclaw).
Personally I liked the news letter the best. It always seemed to make a good buzz.
The newsletter is dead. Period. It's not coming back. We tried it as a quarterly, and it failed. Only one person submitted an article for the next issue, and that was Pluv.
The FB page is and always has been pretty quiet - only a few seem to follow it. I would use the avenue if there was more of a presence there.
Facebook is slowly killing off message boards. We have a "Page" there, and it has some "Fans", but overall, I'd rather see the traffic here on the site than on Facebook. Plus, not everyone is on Facebook, which means we're leaving some people out of things. However, I would like the JoeCanuck page to re-post news, information, etc. So pdaat, if you'd like I can give you posting permissions on it and you can do a daily update if you'd like, much like YoJoe does. (Heck, use their site and link to Canadian stuff!).
What I would like to see improved:
- Getting back the Edit button as asked here. More than a nice to have, the Edit button is useful to avoid multiple want and for sale lists. Actually, I stopped updating my list here, I'm leading people to my Yojoe list instead. Also, it let us removing few mistakes after hitting the post button.
- Better historical information about past CJC (maybe with the Wiki or on http://www.canadianjoecon.com/past.php
I know you are not pointing specific people. Everybody should ask himself what he can do. So I did my own review...
- From the 25th last new topics in General Joe Talk, 7 were started by me.
- Since 2009, I'm bringing from 2 to 4 guys at the CJC.
- Without anybody asking me, I found few mistakes in the CJC material... and never got a single "thank you". My goal wasn't to get something back. But just a thank you would have been appreciated.
- I gave some ideas and even offered my help without getting an answer
. - I also made a follow-up with Yojoe about posting our CJC exclusives on their website, without real success
but at least, I tried...
So, I can probably do more, and I will try to improve my "performance", but I think I'm doing a fair part.
you absolutely are Martin. I see your posts on other sites, your signature with a link back here, as I stated before, for those that are doing things, it's appreciated. I've said it for years that the things you guys do is always appreciated.
As for your items, let's hit them one by one.

Edit Button:I have to re-code the site, I have no time to do that. Seriously, it could take 10 minutes, or it could take 10 hours.
No one else knows how to do it here.
It's just not a major necessity right now. Sorry man.
Better historical information about past CJC: The information at
www.canadianjoecon.com should be good?... No? What information are you looking for? Who attended?... What door prizes there were?...

No other convention does a detailed list of the past events that I know of. There's just no real point in doing it. Maybe you can explain more as to what you're looking for, or what you mean?.....
As mentioned every year, we're always thankful for you guys, so please Martin, don't tell me you're looking specifically for a pat on the back, or a "well done!".

Just kidding man.

....I don't have much more to add to all this. Hopefully I've addressed some items for you guys.