Now i have gotten to know a lot of you guys over the past year. You guys obviously see my Freddy Mercury avatar.
Music is ( was ) a big part of my life before i grew into having kids and collecting g.i joe's. So i just wanted to touch base and find out what some of your favorite bands are. Of course we all have the METALLICA, IRON MAIDEN, GUNS AND ROSES, LED ZEPPLIN days.
But more to the point, id like to know what songs really speak to some of you. For instance i myself discovered SOCIAL DISTORTION about 3 years ago. Loved the band ever since !!! ( 99 to life has got to be my all time favorite song ever )
Another band that struck me as really good is OLD CROW MEDICINE SHOW ( Im not just mentioning them because of the Darius Rucker waggon wheel cover, That cover in my opinion sucks! Although they are a blue grass band, its blue grass from our generation, you haven't ever heared music like this, I promise!. Mainly there 2nd album ( Big Iron World )
More recently i found me first and the gimmy gimmys ( you have to hear there version of country rhoads, awesome! )
Just trying to keep up the chatter with this post and give us something to talk about other the Joes for 5 min. LOL
Plus im always interested in hearing music i have not discovered.
