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Messages - Colonel Abernathy

Pages: [1] 2 3 ... 17
Items Wanted / Airtight's 1985 filecard
« on: December 28, 2011, 06:57:33 PM »
English only. The Renegades version just isn't cutting it :)

General Joe Talk / Re: Stickers for 2011 Sky Striker
« on: September 04, 2011, 06:21:31 AM »
Ive used dishwashing soap, and hand soaps and both have worked fine for me.

I tried hand soap but the stickers are still sliding around on the fuselage. Is Palmolive the only way to go (what with its 'grease cutting' power and all  ;D) ?

General Joe Talk / Re: New Skystriker will be called \
« on: August 20, 2011, 09:23:39 AM »
Does anyone know what is the suggested retail price of the Skystriker that will be released in Canada?

I paid $55 total for mine but that was at a comic shop.

General Joe Talk / Re: Stickers for 2011 Sky Striker
« on: August 19, 2011, 10:58:04 PM »
Ok so I just wash off the oil like I'm washing a plate or cup?

General Joe Talk / Stickers for 2011 Sky Striker
« on: August 19, 2011, 04:32:44 PM »
I just picked up the Sky Striker (US version) from my local comic shop and it's just as awesome as I remember it from the 2011 CJC. I've been waiting 28 years for one ever since seeing the original in a friend's basement back in Grade 3  :D

I have a question regarding the stickers. I think the bottom of the cockpit section has a bit of the oil used in the factory to slip from the mold left on it. The stickers are not staying in place so how do I remove the oil? I seem to recall reading that washing it with Palmolive will work. Will natural phosphate-free dish soap work as well?

Any help is appreciated!

Items Wanted / Re: Some stuff I'm looking for at the show(2011)
« on: June 14, 2011, 10:35:59 AM »
I'm looking for an original Marvel GI Joe #1....the one with the good-quality paper and all those cool Marvel-ous bios.

Yearly CanJoeCon Discussion / Re: The current state of being a vendor
« on: June 06, 2011, 09:41:45 AM »
Thanks for the tips, guys!

I doubt I will make back what I spent on the collection but at the same time I don't want to be having a "$1 per carded 25th figure" thing going on. I'll have to find the balance.

Yearly CanJoeCon Discussion / The current state of being a vendor
« on: June 05, 2011, 03:16:20 PM »
I'm considering selling off my 25th/ME collection at the CJC this year. For those who vended last year, what was it like? I'm generalizing here but it seems like buyers don't spend as much as they used to and I'm thinking I might be dragging out the collection for no reason. Last time I was a vendor was in 2009.

Yearly CanJoeCon Discussion / Re: 2011 Canadian Joe Con News!
« on: May 26, 2011, 09:56:20 PM »
Are there vendor tables left? I'm thinking of selling off my collection this year.

General Joe Talk / Re: Is a 1997 A-10 Thunderbolt really worth $$$$
« on: March 07, 2011, 04:04:03 PM »
Yep, I should have kept all that low quality 1997 stuff and waited 14 years  ;D I hated those stickers too.

Never thought any of it would be worth anything so I traded it all off a while ago. Of course, I've done that with many things toy-related... :lol:

Quote from: "nighthawk"
The A10 when it initially came out in Canada was $49.99 at TRU.  I held back because I felt that was a mistake as it was I believe $19.99 in the US.  Sure enough after Christmas, it dropped down to $29.99 which made sense at the time with the Canadian dollar vs the US one.  I bought it when it dropped to $29.99.

I like the paint scheme and stuff, but I hated the white background stickers and the fact that the rear landing gear wouldn't stay up.  Not to mention that the helmet that came with Hawk did not fit and they used the wrong type of plastic for Aces helmet and mask. 

I only need 15 so maybe we can do a group buy. Condor, are these the official Hasbro ones?

Quote from: "condor knight"
I can get the case for the 25th figures via a wholesalers

First wholesaler:

buy 75+ / 2.00 each

buy 100+ / 2.00 each

buy 100 / 3.00 each
Buy 200+ / 2.75 each

Second wholesaler:

Buy 75+ / 3.00 each

Buy 100+ / 2.75 each

if anyone want some let me know via pm

Quote from: "bandonov"
I just did it again, here is the exact message: 
We are temporarily unable to ship outside of the US at this time due to system enhancements in process. Please check back.

That's the message I got. Kind of annoying since you have to go through the process of picking and ordering stuff to have that pop up. Would've been better customer service as an announcement you can see BEFORE ordering... :mrt:

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