1982: Breaker 20 With FC Short Fuse 25 With FC Clutch with FC 15 Flash with FC 20 Scarlett with FC 20 (broken left thumb) Snake eyes with FC 45 Stalker with Fc broken left hand 10
1983: Major Bludd 10 Breaker 10 Clutch with FC 20 Cover Girl with Fc 20 x2 Doc with FC x2 20 Cobra Commander V1.5 with FC 25 Storm Shadow (Mint Logo inludes file card) 45 Destro With FC 30 Flash V1.5 15 Grand Slam 20 Gung Ho with Fc 15 Gung Ho 12 Airborne 20 With FC Deep Six (just figure) 8 Wild Bill with FC 10 Wild Bill 5 x2 Tripwire 15 With fc Cobra Officer with Fc 25 Ace 12 Ace with FC 15 Steeler with FC 25 Hiss Driver With fc 25 (Mint logo) Hiss Driver minor wear on logo 15 Hiss Driver no logo 5 Snow Job With FC 18 (white) Torpedo with FC 12 Torpedo 10
1984: Hooded Cobra Commander with Fc 20 (Mail in) BlowTorch 12 with FC x2 Recondo With FC 12 x2 RipCord with Fc 15 x2 Scrap Iron with Fc 15 Duke With Fc 20 Clutch (Tan) 15 Thunder With Fc 20 Thunder broken crotch 10 Spirit 10 with Fc (freedoms talons need to be reglued) Wild weasel 8 Road Block with FC 15 Zartan with Fc 40 Cobra stinger driver 20 x2 Mutt & Junkyard with FC 18 Baroness with FC 25
1985: Airtight 12 Airtight with FC 15 Alpine with FC 15 Torch with FC 12x2 Buzzer 12 With FC x3 Ripper 12 With FC x2 Ripper 10 Tele Viper 8 BBQ 12 BBQ 15 With FC x2 Footloose With Fc 15 Tomax + Xamot 15 Tomax + Xamot With Fc 20 Frostbite With snow cat 25 Flint with FC 20 Snake eyes with Fc 45 Lady Jaye 15 Crankcase 15 SGT Slaughter With FC 35 (mail in)
1986: Dr Mindbender 8 (missing Pistol) Dr Mindbender 12 Wet Suit with Fc 15 BeachHead With Fc 20 Zandar with FC 12 x2 Leather Neck 10 x2 Leather neck with FC 12 Low Light with FC 18 Sci Fi with FC 12 x2 Lifeline 10$ (missing Gun ) Iceberg 10 with FC General Hawke 15 with FC x2 Dial Tone With 15 FC Monkey Wrench 12 with Fc x2 Serpentor With airchariot and Fc 30 Thrasher with Fc 15 Slip Stream 5 Zarana with Fc 20 (earrings variant) Zarana 12 (earring variant broken right arm)
1987: Battle Armor Cobra Commander with FC 12 Battle Armor Cobra Commander 10 Crazy Legs with FC 18 Crystal Ball 10 Techno Viper 12 Fast Draw with FC 16 OutBack 12 (Flashlight included) OutBack 8 (missing flashlight) Ice Viper 8 (missing Sais) Red Dog + Taurus 15 Nemesis Enforcer ( missing tentacles) 10 psyche out with Fc 10
1988: Blizzard 10 Hit&Run 10 (Duffel bag strap broken) Storm Shadow (mint)15 with FC Destro 5 TF Duke 10 ( broken crotch) TF Frostbite 15 Shockwave 15 Repeater 10 Rock n Roll 12 Deep Six 10
1989-1995: Dice 10 91 snake eyes 8
Vehicle parts + figure accesories Stinger missle rack unbroken 5 Stinger missle 1 each Stinger Handle bars 3 Scrap iron complete with remote missle stand 8 (includes missles) Scrap iron complete missle stand no remote 5 (includes missles) Rattler bomb rack 2 Dragonfly belly chain gun 2 Dragonfly side mount gun with rubber hose 6 Dragonfly side mount gun hose (no gun) 3 Dragonfly engine cover 3 Dragonfly missles both types 1 each Fang red missle 1 each Fang Rotar Blades 2 each Fang large bomb 2
Vehicles 1985 Cobra FlightPod 10 Mountain howitzer 15 (tripod feet worn still stands) Bivouac 15 (missing 1 cot leg) Manta 5 (gun missing hose) cobra surveilance port 20 cobra surveilance port 15 ( one peg for the leg is missing) Apc 35 Mauler incomplete 30 (missing antennas and tow cable) Maggot 20 Missing Radar Snow cat 25 Mobat 35 Wolfe 20 (missing gun) Thunder machine 20 antenna intact missing one wheel cover and one wheel Watch tower 15 Vamp missing steering wheel 20 Cobra night landing 20 Cobra rifle range 15 missing 1 sand bag Cobra ferret 20 Asp 15 one broken blast shield Water Mocasin 25 Rattler 50 Skystriker 70 (no parachutes one seat missing) Hydrofoil 55 Blue Snake armor 70 missing rubber stand
Paperwork Cobra wolf box 10 FC Stalker SA 3 Short fuse SA 3 Rock N Roll SA 3 Scarlett SA 5 Cobra officer SA 6 Cover girl 6 Lampreys 6 Copper head 4 Heavy Metal 10 Storm Shadow 6 Frost bite 5 Motor viper 5 Deep six 8 Destro v2 4 Lift ticket 5 Sgt Slaughter 8(mail in) Baroness 5 Recondo 2 Quick kick 2 Flint 3 Mutt 3 Torch 2 Eels 3 Tripwire 2 Zandar 2 Dial tone 2 Footloose 2 Alpine (peach) 2 Firefly 4 (worn out corner) Dusty 2 Sci Fi 2 Lifeline 2 Blocker 2 Sneakpeek 2 Bazooka 2 Law & Order 2 wet suit 2 Mainframe 2 Roadblock v2 2 Snow job 3 Snow Serpent 5
feel free to make me an offer. thanks for looking Complete SwampFire broken Steering Handle 20$ Complete Serpentor + Chariot with FC (cape has been repaired) 40$ Complete Serpentor + Chariot ( Damaged cape) 35$ Serpentor + Chariot Spare parts 12$ SnowCat Complete with frost bite no broken parts 35$
Any of you familiar with lanards toy line The corps.? I am not familiar with its value and I have a lot that I want to get rid of. Here's some pics. What do you guys think it's worth. Thanks
Anyone have any idea if there are recognized variants of BBQ accessories? ? Aside from the marauder BBQ that is. I have doubles of the original 85 BBQ accs but the are not identical. Two nozzles one with a gripped handle one with out and same For his axe 1 gripped handle and one with out. If these are variations is one more rare than the other? If so which one? And if not what would you prefer to keep? Here are 2 pictures so you can compare. Thanks Gi over and out. ....
1986: Dial Tone 10 BATS 25 Dr Mindbender 8 (missing Pistol) Monkey Wrench 8 (broken crotch) Wet Suit 12 Zandar with FC 12 Zandar 10 SciFi 10 LeatherNeck 10
1987: Big Boa 5 (missing punch bag stand,mouth piece) Big Boa 12 Battle Armor Cobra Commander x2 10 each Battle Armor Cobra Commander 6 (missing mouthpiece) Crazy Legs 5 (missing GunStock) Croc Master 8 (missing mouthpiece) Jinx 6 (missing swords) Law&Order 8 ( missing nightstick broken crotch) Raptor 5 (falcon missing feet) Techno Viper 12 Lt Falcon 10(missing antenna) Fast Draw 16 Sneak Peek 10 (missing mic missing strap on M16) OutBack 8 (missing flashlight) Ice Viper 8 (missing Sais)
1988: Blizzard 5 (missing handles minor yellowing on figure) Blizzard 10 Hit&Run 5 (missing duffelbag grabling hooks broken right thumb) Hit&Run 10 (Duffel bag strap broken) Strom Shadow 12 Storm Shadow (mint)15 Destro 5 Toxo Viper 12 Shockwave 15
1992: Dice 10
Misc + figures with no accesories Iron grenadier 4 Sneek Peak 4 1985 mail in parachute pack Timber (broken foot but Still stands) 2 Lift Ticketx2 (no mic) 5 Destro v1 6 OutBack 4 Ozone 5 Sci Fi 4 Dusty V1 4 Serpentor 5 Gung Ho V2 6 Thrasher 5
Vehicles 1985 Cobra FlightPod (missing 1 missle) 10 1986 Havoc with cross country and FC (cloudy canopy) 25 1986 Swampfire 20 1986 Thundermachine with thrasher ( antenna is broken into 2 pieces) 25 1988 Cobra Imp 15
Alright so im conparing two TF Flints. One has a gold crest on his beret and the other has a Mat green crest on his beret. Anyone know if this is a variant of some sort that Yojoe doesnt know of ?