Site Stuff > Introductions
Hello from Digby/Yarmouth Nova Scotia
Hey, guys iv been a member for a week now. I guess its time to allow myself to introduce myself ! ( LOL )
You may ask about the heading i chose. Why the 2 locations ? Because i live in between these 2 places. And if you tell some one you live in Saulnierville, people are like " where the heck is that ''. So @ least this way people from Halifax or Annapolis valley/New Minas could see that im not too,too far away from them, and we could meet in person for trading or selling or just to check out each others collections.
10 months ago i jumped back into collecting the 25th ann. line HARD!!!. Im over halfway done to having everything in the 25th ann. line.
Also picked up some 30th ann. line too. Im gonna try to complete that after i have my 25th line done. But i still pick up whatever i can, when i can from 30th.
I'd lik eto get into P.O.C but its just way, way to expencive try collecting 3 lines @ once.
Other then that. I started making custom vehicles this week. So far i did a Cobra Artic Skysweeper Jet. And im currently working on
a Artic Dreadknock 3 wheeled motorcycle.
Anyway, always looking to buy/sell and trade.
Love to hear from you locals. There is exactly '' ZERO " people that i know with in 600 km.
Prince de Lu:
welcome to the board
I am also a new collector ;)
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