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Author Topic: Loosing my interest in G.I. Joe  (Read 20074 times)


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Re: Loosing my interest in G.I. Joe
« Reply #12 on: May 31, 2014, 08:55:07 PM »

I actually bought only the ones that i liked....which happened to compose about 90% of the entire toyline. By keeping what I like only, I actually meant keeping what I'd like to keep, to keep some memories, like Shipwreck and Lightfoot per instance and the Mean Dog. The rest, will go eventually, as It came through my doorstep.

I've never been a fan of the Flagg so that one never made my collection. Never did. Never will.

I simply came to a point in life that having a collection is not that important as it used to be, and I can emotionally afford to part with it.

I still enjoy collecting small things, and not the same way as I used to. I just take more interest into what my kids enjoy right now, and that's the way it should be.
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Re: Loosing my interest in G.I. Joe
« Reply #13 on: June 01, 2014, 10:02:27 AM »

I still enjoy collecting small things, and not the same way as I used to. I just take more interest into what my kids enjoy right now, and that's the way it should be.

Exactly. I use to think my son would be interested in Joes, but he's not. So that's a major part of git me thinking 'Why am I doing this?".

The new FFS wave 3 is about to go live and I'm on the fence about ordering it. BTW, I suspect the 13 mystery figure might be that female fighter pilot from the Night Force set a few years back. She was a new character and Fun Publishing had said the next 13th free figure would be something a little more desirable.

Back on topic, I've got a few pieces on Ebay right now just so I can buy more guitars and amps. I've found my interest in making music again. It's more satisfying them painting custom figures and leaving tucked away in a drawer.  ;)
Night Force, the exact opposite of everything chrome.


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Re: Loosing my interest in G.I. Joe
« Reply #14 on: June 01, 2014, 02:14:17 PM »

you mean Freestyle from last year? Who was in a two-pack last year
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Re: Loosing my interest in G.I. Joe
« Reply #15 on: June 02, 2014, 03:26:34 AM »

you mean Freestyle from last year? Who was in a two-pack last year
Freestyle and Chuckles.


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Re: Loosing my interest in G.I. Joe
« Reply #16 on: June 04, 2014, 12:09:33 PM »

I'm in a lull with this stuff too, but I'm not going to sell off my collection.  I like the modern stuff too much.
I'll just resign it to storage tubs for the time being and wait for a time when my interest surges again.
I AM going to sell off some vehicles and such at an upcoming swap meet here though, just to unload some of it and clear up some household space.


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Re: Loosing my interest in G.I. Joe
« Reply #17 on: June 04, 2014, 06:05:06 PM »


I have a lot of stuff to get rid of, but the writing is on the wall. 

My belief is that we (ARAH fans/collectors) are heading into the same situation that the 12" guys had after ARAH.  We are not going to be the focus going forward, if the brand is to survive.  That means GI JOE has to reimagine itself once more to try and connect with a new generation. 

With that belief, the lack of any movement by Hasbro, or the fandom (look at all Joe boards, they are stalling/dying big time), and it is dawning on me that I just don't have the same interest as I used to have. 

I like the 50th anniversary stuff coming out, but I won't be picking any of it up.  I am going to keep a small amount of stuff, but I am getting out.  I don't even bother with the comics anymore. 

As for the boards, well this site has all but died, as much as it pains me to say that.  We have a couple of threads that have picked up recently, but there have been days with only 1 or two posts at most.  Other sites are doing a bit better, but that isn't saying much. 

Time marches on, we as a fandom are fairly old for the "80's boom" of collecting and we haven't had the luck of Star Wars or Transformers where the brand continues on fairly well with either continuing stories of the same universe, or reinvention.  However, outside of 12" and Star Wars collectors, we are probably the oldest (avg. age) group collecting.  That was bound to eventually catch up to us as well. 

Anyway, long rambling story, short.  I'm never going to be 100% out, but I'm not going to be buying anymore and I think I'll be just lurking on sites for the most part from now on.


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Re: Loosing my interest in G.I. Joe
« Reply #18 on: June 07, 2014, 12:58:34 AM »

Glad I'm not the only one.  Love Joe, but it makes no sense to have tubs and tubs sitting in storage.  In an ideal world I would sell the HTF stuff on-line and would love it if someone took the rest of my collection (minus the pieces I would be keeping for myself) off my hands for a decent price.

That said I have shifted my collecting to Star Wars.  Both of my boys love or loved it.  My older boy did play with Joes but he has more of a fondness for SW and even TF over Joe.
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Re: Loosing my interest in G.I. Joe
« Reply #19 on: June 08, 2014, 09:47:49 AM »

I should really send y'all my want-list.  ;D


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Re: Loosing my interest in G.I. Joe
« Reply #20 on: June 09, 2014, 08:59:33 PM »

Got my first GI Joe at 6 years old, The Mobat with Steeler ... since ... GI Joe has always been special for me and will probably collect till I am 100 years old if I live till then :)


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Re: Loosing my interest in G.I. Joe
« Reply #21 on: June 09, 2014, 11:14:09 PM »

For me the interest is still going on, Last year I started to collect action figure and I wanted to collect GI Joe in only a year I had nothing and now I have over 150 figs. During this year I learn many stuff and get better knowledge I always discover something new that is maybe the reason why I still enjoy collecting Joe. I realy like the hunt for new find that is the most exciting part of this hobby.

I am still new is this hobby, but maybe in couple of years when my collection will be almost complete I will think like some comment previously.
For now I only get what I like and I dont have to be a completis I just want to get what I like and maybe a day be able to make a big display in my room of all my find.


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Re: Loosing my interest in G.I. Joe
« Reply #22 on: June 11, 2014, 08:22:25 PM »

I should really send y'all my want-list.  ;D

I'm also thinking about this :-)

I know Dave has some great Bronze Bomber  :P


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Re: Loosing my interest in G.I. Joe
« Reply #23 on: June 16, 2014, 09:18:15 PM »

Hey guys, I just wanted to say hello to everybody.  Been awhile :).  As for my interest in joe, kinda waned, but the 50th stuff is pretty cool.  I actually sold a bunch of stuff, need to sell more.  I preordered the 50th but missed the vamp/night landing.