« on: October 15, 2014, 10:18:57 AM »
Hey guys,
grunt 4 mvp brought it up and I think now is a good time to start talking about it. For months I've been waffling on what to do and I've realized it's best to just ask.
What are you guys looking for in a Joe meet? Here are some things we could do
1) Hang out at a restaurant and enjoy some drinks and eats
2) Rent out some party space and have a more mingly affair
3) Rent out a legion hall and set up tables for buy/sell
4) _________________ (write-in vote)
Any such event would be in Toronto. I'm inclined to start with #1 and based on attendance work our way up to #2. #3's not my bag, but if enough people are interested we could look into making it happen.
Anyhoo, post your comments and suggestions in this thread.