I'm still here! Why this site has such harsh password rules I'll never know.

I've been more interested in the current Transformers offerings the past couple years. TF is in a second golden age at the moment with all the G1 homages, Devastator, Predaking, Sixshot. Other than the original series, everyone's getting some love. Hell, they redid Abominus! Whod'a thought!?
I posted back in June(?) about o-ring prices since I thought I'd look into filling a couple hole in my SA collection. The vintage stuff is SO expensive now even compared to 5 years ago! Also, there's nothing on CL locally other than the usual people looking for $40 for an old Gung-Ho with paint wear and no weapons.
I keep an eye out though. It's too big a brand to let die but I guess the o-ring renaissance has come and passed and won't likely come again much to my dismay.