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Messages - morgardee

Pages: [1] 2 3 ... 295
Message Board News / Re: Just checkin in..
« on: October 29, 2018, 08:18:14 PM »
I saw the same post on Face Book and followed Pete. Been a long time. Surprised I remembered my old password.

I can't remember the last time I logged in here. Same with Joe Customs and Hiss Tank.

Most Joe talk happens on social media for me knowadays. Maybe it's just me but GI Joe isn't as high on my priorities as it used to be.

Still, I made some good friends and had fun making toys back in the day.

So yeah, hi!

The \'Show\' Room / Re: my room
« on: February 03, 2017, 08:45:41 PM »
Very nice display. Seems like we have a lot in common with display styles and music.

General Joe Talk / Re: 2017 Con Set Battle force 2000
« on: February 03, 2017, 08:38:08 PM »
I'm not impressed by the price increase (again). At this point I'll wait until they go on sale just like I did with the Zombie set. ;)

Off Topic / Re: 2016 TRU exclusives available at BBTS
« on: November 16, 2016, 06:34:45 PM »
I got my order in when it first went live. I held off on shipping as the have the very useful "pile of loot" option but just the other day I told them to ship it.

I was surprised how fast the Zombie 2 pack sold out.

General Joe Talk / Re: I Miss New Joe Stuff
« on: August 31, 2016, 05:46:24 PM »
I miss it but my wallet doesn't. ;)

Joking aside, I still buy convention sets and FSS so I still have something to look forward to.

Customs / Re: Crimson Canuck Customs
« on: June 16, 2016, 08:01:13 PM »
You are doing great work. Keep it up!

General Joe Talk / Re: Anyone excited about the 2016 con set?
« on: March 04, 2016, 06:52:49 PM »
I love that Airborne figure. As a kid he was one of my favorite figures but the new version of him hits all the right points for me.  Flying Scorpion is pretty awesome as well.

General Joe Talk / Re: Anyone excited about the 2016 con set?
« on: March 02, 2016, 07:00:58 PM »
Anyone planning on going to the convention?

Off Topic / Re: Canadian dollar and your impact
« on: January 21, 2016, 07:21:10 PM »
I'm on the fence about renewing my membership. $66 USD = $95 for 1 Pythona figure. I don't care about the new letter at all. I never read them.

I made the comment on their forums tonight suggesting offering a $50 a year membership with digital news letter would be a welcome addition to memberships. The US membership is $44, yet the Canadian is $66. They have said in the past it's due to shipping costs. Fine, keep the news letter and mail me the one toy (which btw they sell for $25).

I doubt they will listen, but maybe if a few of us got behind the digital news letter they might come around.

And no, I haven't looked on eBay for a while now. The USD is killing us right now.

Morgardee, I read your post on the club and commented on it, then saw this one and found this one a little clearer so I amended my post there, but I still have some questions and comments.

The $50 membership with digital format, do you see that as a Canadian or International membership?

The international membership is $92US and if you compare Australia's dollar, which is on par to ours, they pay $133AUS.
So if you're suggesting a $50US international membership we'll actually be paying $72.50CA. The same price as the Australian collectors. To me that doesn't make sense if you take in account the shipping distance. They'd be getting one hell of a deal compared to us.
But if you're suggesting just a Canadian $50 digital subscription, well the club would have to look into seperate US and international versions. Which would lower the US to something like $30 and the international to $80.

On some of the US joe forums I've noticed quite a few US club members use the $67 US membership in order to get their figures faster, which, when on par with the CA$ they were paying more than us.

As for the club mag; I actually like it and wish it had more content, I actually bought the back issues I missed a couple of years ago.

My membership was due in Sept and luckily the exchange rate wasn't as bad, but come this Sept, If the club doesn't shut it's doors, I don't think I'll renew my membership if the dollar stays this low or drops some more.

But that's how collecting goes. Stay frugal when the dollar ain't on your side. Or if you see your collection as an investment and you bought when US & CAN $ was on par then now might be the time to liquidate or down size.

I was speaking about the Canadian Membership only. I haven't looked into international shipping charges beyond Canada.

The magazine I don't read. They don't have any new information I can't find online.

Off Topic / Re: Canadian dollar and your impact
« on: January 18, 2016, 07:33:18 PM »
I'm on the fence about renewing my membership. $66 USD = $95 for 1 Pythona figure. I don't care about the new letter at all. I never read them.

I made the comment on their forums tonight suggesting offering a $50 a year membership with digital news letter would be a welcome addition to memberships. The US membership is $44, yet the Canadian is $66. They have said in the past it's due to shipping costs. Fine, keep the news letter and mail me the one toy (which btw they sell for $25).

I doubt they will listen, but maybe if a few of us got behind the digital news letter they might come around.

And no, I haven't looked on eBay for a while now. The USD is killing us right now.

Customs / Re: The big guy: Backstop!
« on: December 04, 2015, 06:52:54 AM »
Looks good. Great use of that head.

General Joe Talk / Re: Kre-o Terror Drome on clearance
« on: December 04, 2015, 06:51:28 AM »
Dang! That was a sale for sure. I haven't been on line much so I missed this.

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