
General Section => Off Topic => Topic started by: morgardee on November 23, 2005, 02:29:55 PM

Title: I lost my Grand Theft auto San Andreas files. Help!
Post by: morgardee on November 23, 2005, 02:29:55 PM
I was pulling some other games saves of my GTA PS2 memory card and it corrupted all my GTA games saves. This means my GTA, GTA Vice City and GTA San Andreas games are all lost. The first 2 I had beaten all the missions but still had to finish the jumps and things like that, and San Andreas I had beat all levels except the very last mission and was still working on girl friends, stunt tracks, etc (around 80 % done or so).

Anyhow, does anyone have these backed up on a memory card without any cheats on them? The most important to me is San Andreas. I don't want the game to be finished but I don't want to start all over again. I'm hoping for someone with the last few missions not finished and I'll mail you my memory card and money to mail it back to me. I'd also like back ups of the other GTA 3 games if possible. Please, someone out there has to have a game save they can copy for me.
Title: I lost my Grand Theft auto San Andreas files. Help!
Post by: Jon S. on November 23, 2005, 03:51:54 PM
GTA is the work of Satan. Shame on you for playing!!!

I'd send you my GTA memory data, but I wouldn't share with someone who'd play such an evil game.

You're a bad man, Morgardee.
Title: I lost my Grand Theft auto San Andreas files. Help!
Post by: BludChylde on November 23, 2005, 07:21:22 PM
Sorry, unfortunately I deleted mt GTA/GTA VC/GTA SA game saves a while ago to make room for games I am currently playing.

I know how you feel though, for some reason, my Silent Hill 2 game saves always corrupt when I'm 3/4 through the game.