
General Section => General Joe Talk => Topic started by: beekerzz24 on September 30, 2006, 09:17:45 AM

Title: Master Collector Subscriptions????
Post by: beekerzz24 on September 30, 2006, 09:17:45 AM
Hey guys,

  Was thinking about signing up for for a Master Collector Subscription for awhile now, but not sure if its worth it.  Those of you that subsribe to it, can you help me out. Which do you have, the onine or print version subscription.
Which is better. What are some other pros and cons? Do you get free figures or is there a cost? Some feedback would be great.

Title: Master Collector Subscriptions????
Post by: General Hawk on September 30, 2006, 04:06:20 PM
To me it's worth it because I attend the convention every year, and I pretty much get the membership by default.

The newsletters are kind of cool for Sigma 6 fans, because they often have news and information about Sigma 6 before you can get it other places, but beyond that, they're not all that great.

The free figure (yes there is a free figure with membership) is hit or miss.  I liked the Nullifier figure this year, but they haven't been all that great in years past.

There are also discounts in the Club shop as well.

When it comes down to it, yeah, it's definitely worth it to me, but your mileage may vary...

Title: Master Collector Subscriptions????
Post by: Pete The Greek on September 30, 2006, 05:52:24 PM
Justin hit the main points.  If your not going to the convention, there really is no reason to sign up.  The newsletter is my view is a waste of paper.  Makes for good rest room reading material though.

Free figure my ass.  I never got last year's and have no clue why the Nullifier hasn't shown up yet.
Title: Master Collector Subscriptions????
Post by: Agent_Loop on October 01, 2006, 01:09:22 AM
Quote from: ""General Hawk""
The free figure (yes there is a free figure with membership) is hit or miss.  I liked the Nullifier figure this year, but they haven't been all that great in years past.

The clear Zartan and glow-in-the-dark Heavy Water had cool features to them, without ruining their playability. Lucky I quit before the Jungle Viper came about ho-hum times infinity.
Title: Master Collector Subscriptions????
Post by: beekerzz24 on October 01, 2006, 07:48:19 PM
Well, I guess I might aswell try it out. I've never made it too a big convention yet. If i get a figure, bonus!. If i don't, like Pete said, it will make great rest room reading material. I'll try it for a year just to say I did.

Thanks guys