
General Section => General Joe Talk => Topic started by: Pete The Greek on August 04, 2005, 09:46:25 PM

Title: Now I know...(post-GI JOE movie cartoon universe)
Post by: Pete The Greek on August 04, 2005, 09:46:25 PM
I didn't know about this until today about the fate of the Sunbow cartoon season three that never made it to production (

Ah crap, this had huge potential.  Dam DIC.
Title: Now I know...(post-GI JOE movie cartoon universe)
Post by: Scramble on August 04, 2005, 10:13:05 PM
I love that interview with Buzz Dixon. It makes me fantasize about days spent plotting GI Joe episodes with people that clearly enjoyed the product and had good intentions for the direction it should go. But then you realize how frustrating it must have been to have your major backer come in and retie some of your puppet strings.

I love the animation-style box cover of the original Kid Rhino cartoon three-pack, where 87 characters like Psych-Out and dress blues Gung Ho are featured.
Title: Now I know...(post-GI JOE movie cartoon universe)
Post by: Pete The Greek on August 04, 2005, 10:42:52 PM
That interview is so good.  Man, if Buzz had his way, it would be Hama who for alot of people.  There were some great ideas that never came to light.  If the "The Most Dangerous Man in the World" occurred, I bet there there would have been no Cobra La in the movie. Funny, how things work out.

Is it me or did DD rip off this idea in the new comic books from this?

Buzz: Mike Hill, who was on staff at the time, made a brilliant proposal to send the Joes off after a somewhat new foe called The Coil for the never made Sunbow season three (there was a DIC season three, but they never bothered to ask for any input from me or Flint or Steve and frankly, we were just as glad). As I recall, Mike's idea was that following the Movie, Cobra would be shattered as a world-wide organization. Under the guidance of Tomax and Xamot, a new organization called The Coil (much more criminal in nature than military) would be formed, picking and choosing among the best of the surviving Cobra units. Cobra-La was utterly wiped out, no survivors, except for Cobra Commander, who would be slithering about in the background for the first half of season three as some sinister character of shifting alliances, then be revealed in severely mutated form in the second half. He would be playing the Joes and The Coil against one another in an attempt to destroy both and rebuild Cobra.

Different characters, same plot.

Other timbits I didn't know about:

Looks like both comic and cartoon writers hated the idea of King Cobra, I mean Serpentor.

Falcon was originally supposed to be General Hawk's son? That would have been so much better than the Duke half brother idea.
Title: Now I know...(post-GI JOE movie cartoon universe)
Post by: Scramble on August 04, 2005, 11:44:51 PM
As I understand it, Devil's Due deliberately chose to do the Coil storyline because it was obscure. The same reason they introduced so many foreign characters into the title.

I'm torn on whether Falcon was better of Duke's brother or Hawk's son. Mostly because of how similar the names General Hawk and Lieutenant Falcon are (ranked birds, basically). As it stands, the Duke/Falcon relationship was one of the better things about the movie, so I think I prefer how it played out.
Title: Now I know...(post-GI JOE movie cartoon universe)
Post by: Jay on August 05, 2005, 01:39:37 AM
Plus, the movie would've been less cool had Hawk died instead of Duke.
Title: Now I know...(post-GI JOE movie cartoon universe)
Post by: Redmao on August 05, 2005, 06:12:43 AM
King Cobra. Elvis should've done something with that instead of King Creol :)

Great article.