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Key points (for me anyways)

figures for the set

So, to recap this outstanding set, you get fifteen figures with weapons and accessories consisting of: Sgt. Clutch, Doc (female), Sgt. Flash, Grunt, Rock ‘N Roll, Sparks, Sgt. Zap, Lt. Claymore, COBRA Officer (female) & COBRA Trooper (female). This set comes in the same style illustrated box as the past years’ sets. We are excited to announce that the filecard art was drawn by Herb Trimpe of Marvel Comics G.I. JOE issue #1 fame! Don’t wait to place your order. This set is limited to only 750 editions.*

A new member for Cobra (there is no anybody would have guessed this)

Rowdy Roddy Piper- WCW World Champion and WWE Hall of Fame inductee will be our featured guest at JoeCon this year! COBRA has added this infamous fighter to its ranks. They have been searching for an Iron Grenadier trainer and wrestling legend who can combat Sgt. Slaughter with equal strength and skill and they have found one in Rowdy Roddy Piper. Hasbro will be honoring this 80s legend by inducting him into the COBRA ranks! There will be a limited edition (1,000) JoeCon commemorative figures available at the show! Make sure you are there to get yours signed by the man himself.

General Joe Talk / Hasbro Q&A - Website questions
« on: April 28, 2007, 07:56:33 PM »
Terry at Yojoe posted this ... post267828

YoJoe! Answers:
Question #1: As the Anniversary line takes off, what are the chances of seeing some sub-teams included, like Tiger Force, Night Force, and Python Patrol (just to name a few)?
Hasbro: The Anniversary line was purposefully created as the best of the best. The goal is to create the ultimate expression for our existing fans and to welcome back fans that haven't interacted with the brand since the 80s. That being said, once we have built up the fanbase, the sky's the limit...

Question #2: Can we expect any store exclusives of Anniversary product?
Hasbro: There are no store exclusives planned for this fall.

Question #3: We've all heard about the COBRA Battle Pack #2...can we expect any more COBRA Army Builder packs to be released in the future?
Hasbro: We recognize that army building is an important aspect of G.I. Joe collecting and always look for opportunities to provide troop builders. After all, Cobra Commander has been amassing his army for 25 years. It has to be pretty large at this point!

Question #4: Any chances of seeing some anniversary style product using Devils' Due designs, like Wraith, Zanya, or Overlord?
Hasbro: Anything is possible. This line is a tribute to 25 years and our designers have pulled from all aspects of the brand for inspiration. That being said, once we have built up the fanbase, the sky's the limit...

Question #5: In the past, trademark and copywright issues prevented us from getting some figures based on their codenames (like Flash, Sabretooth, etc...). Can we assume you will be using creative codenames (like Anthony "Flash" Gambello) to ensure that we have more options for characters going forward?
Hasbro: While there are some legal restrictions re: vintage names we will continue to offer the best characters from the past 25 years.

The Official G.I.Joe Collectors' Club:
Question #1: What are your plans to release vehicles for the 25th Anniversary of the Real American Hero collection?

Hasbro: We are considering all of our options for the Anniversary line and we want to ensure it's success out of the gate. Historically, figures are a first purchase and vehicles a second (so a figure line is perfect for our launch this fall).

Question #2: Will you continue the 3 ?-inch Comic-pack figure sets?
Hasbro: The G.I. Joe comic was such a strong staple of the 80's that we would be remiss to neglect this part of our history. Stay tuned . . .

Question #3: What 25th Anniversary Real American Hero exclusive figures will be offered this year?
Hasbro: We will have ONE that will be featured here on first.

Question #4: When will we see the last 2.5-inch Sigma 6: Mission scale figure sets?
Hasbro: It is difficult to say exactly. Our operations and allocations department will continue to ship product as long as there is demand.

Question #5: Any plans to release additional 12-inch Adventure Team figures?
Hasbro: There are definitely plans. will be the first to feature these in the coming months.

Cool Toy Review:
Question #1: Will Hasbro be releasing the DTC Wave 4?
Hasbro: We are currently focused on building Anniversary as the new standard in 3.75". We are focusing all of our efforts on Anniversary for this fall. However, we are aware that collectors are interested in DTC Wave 4 and will do our best to factor it into future plans.

Question #2: Has Hasbro considered a "Galactic Heroes" type of line for GI Joe (ARAH)?
Hasbro: Rebuilding our 3.75" business with our Anniversary line is currently our top priority. Once we have re-engaged Joe vs. Cobra fans with the brand, we will be open to exploring many different expressions of the fantasy.

Question #3: Will Hasbro have mail-in figures for the new line?
Hasbro: There are currently no mail-ins planned for this fall. However, we are exploring the possibility for 2008.

Question #4: Will the anniversary assortment contain new file cards written by Larry Hama?
Hasbro: The Anniversary file cards are a tribute to the original cards written by Larry Hama. Larry Hama is an important part of our history and we are always looking for new ways to involve Larry in the brand.

Question #5: Will there be 12" new or old versons of the Joe and Cobra figures?
Hasbro: 12" is an important scale in G.I. Joe's history. We are currently exploring options for where to take this scale as we move forward.

Joe Sightings:
Question #1: What is the current status of the figure tooling that was to be used for future DTC products, and is there any chance the Collectors' Club might get access to those tools?
Hasbro: We are currently focused on building Anniversary as the new standard in 3.75". However, we are aware that collectors are interested in DTC and will do our best to factor it into future plans.

Question #2: What are the chances of getting Anniversary style figures of characters that haven't gotten the action figure treatment yet (Kwinn the Eskimo, Pythona, Dr. Venom, etc...)?
Hasbro: This line is targeted to the fan of G.I. Joe from the 80s including current collectors and potential collectors. This fall's lineup was designed to welcome back fans of the brand that have not been actively engaged since the 80s and serve as a tribute to those fans that have been with us collecting since the beginning. As we grow our fanbase we would love to continue to take fans back deeper into the history of the brand and characters that they know and love.

Question #3: Since there seems to be a strong focus on 3 3/4" again, what does that mean for the 8" scale?
Hasbro: Our 8" will continue. As you can see from this fall's lineup, Kung Fu Grip will help lead the charge into the next generation of 8" product.

Question #4: While designing these figures, do you keep "tool reuse" in mind right from the start? For instance, did you design the Duke figure originally with the idea that you might use it for Flint in the future?
Hasbro: Yes, we create a tooling plan that will allow us to forecast how a tool will be re-used. In the case of the Annversary line, we have the added advantage of knowing which tools were re-used in the 80s. We can actually use their plan to help develop ours. This also allows it to remain a faithful tribute to the past 25 years.

Joe Battle Lines:
Question #1: Based on the '82 formula that mixed both figures and some vehicles for expanded play, will Hasbro consider adding 25th Anniversary vehicles to the line.. no matter what size or amount?
Hasbro: We are considering all of our options for the Anniversary line and we want to ensure it's success out of the gate. Historically, figures are a first purchase and vehicles a second so a figure line is perfect our launch this fall.

Question #2: With a renewed focus on the 3 3/4" what are our chances of seeing some previously unreleased items re-released, primarilly DTC Wave 4?
Hasbro: We are currently focused on building Anniversary as the new standard in 3.75". We are focusing all of our efforts on Anniversary for this fall. However, we are aware that collectors are interested in DTC Wave 4 and will do our best to factor it into future plans.

Question #3: If the 25th Anniversary format proves successful, is there a chance of seeing an expansion of the G.I. Joe mythos with new characters and new concepts?
Hasbro: The Anniversary line is a tribute to the past 25 years of the brand we know and love. Our goal as a brand is communicate our fantasy to kids and fans and drive the brand to new places. New characters and concepts are definitely an opportunity going forward.

Question #4: - As the anniversary line continues into 2008, can we expect the same formula being used currently, meaning the same construction style, articulation, and re-used tooling?
Hasbro: We're not ready just yet to release 2008 information, but stay tuned…

Question #5: Will 2008 continue the "Anniversary" concept, or will there be an actual storyline or theme going forward?
Hasbro: Again, we haven't announced 2008 plans yet.

Question #1: Any plans for exclusive mail in offers or a return of the "Flag Points" or "Battle Points" on the packaging?
Hasbro: There are no current plans for mail-ins this fall. However, this is definitely something we will consider for 2008. Keep an eye open for exclusives.

Question #2: There has been some concern about the size of these Anniversary figures, and a recent article in Lee's magazine stated the figures were 4" tall. Are they noticably taller than the 3 3/4" counterparts?
Hasbro: The figures are between 3.75" and 4" scale. Some of the bigger characters are actually slightly taller to show realistic proportions. We are confident that fans will be thrilled with these new figures.

Question #3: What can you tell us about the packaging for the single pack Anniversary figures?
Hasbro: Anniversary single pack packaging will be very nostalgic. This line is targeted to the fan of G.I. Joe from the 80s, including both current collectors and potential collectors. Nostalgic packaging will act as an on-shelf reminder to the great history of G.I. Joe and bring back postive experiences from our childhood.

Question #4: Any chance of a return of the "Comic Pack" format?
Hasbro: The G.I. Joe comic was such a strong staple of the 80s that we would be remiss to neglect this part of our history. Stay tuned . . .

Question #5: Any plans for traditional sculpt (vintage sculpt) figures at retail, or are those all slated for the Collectors' Club?
Hasbro: Currently the plan is to build on the new 25th style as the new standard for G.I. Joe. We are very excited about the reaction to this style and we would like to build on the initial success.

General Joe Talk / SDCC - GI JOE Exclusive figure PDD
« on: April 27, 2007, 04:44:09 PM »

One word sums up my feelings: lame.  I am not digging this figure.  What's next.  Yellow and Blue Funskool Bludd because Lane doesn't have one in his collection.   

But I hope it comes with art work.  That may make this figure more interesting.

Off Topic / What is YOUR Chinese Zodiac?
« on: March 22, 2007, 12:34:53 AM »
I normally don't give a rats ass about what your zodiac sign.  But I saw this on another message board and figure why not look it up, I am bored.

Which one represents you?

So it looks like based on the time period I was born in, I am represented by the Dragon.  Much better than being a freaking rat.  The scary thing that Dragon description is very accurate in who I am.

Dragon people are balls of fire! They are full of vitality and love of life. Always on the run, they drag their faithful band of admirers behind them. Dragons are egotistical, eccentric, demanding, and giving.

They are proud, direct, and loaded with high ideals which they always try to live up to. Having a zeal for life, they want to live it on a grand scale. They have the potential for accomplishing many great things as long as they don't get too far ahead of themselves. When dragons do something, good or bad, you can be certain their deeds do not go unnoticed! Dragons are always making the news.

It is next to impossible to win an argument with Dragon people.They intimidate anyone who challenges them. Once you arouse their anger, they keep after you for a very long time. Dragons are extremely loyal to friends and family. When really needed they always come to the rescue. They are the first ones to say "I told you so". In spite of being overly emotional, a Dragon is not sentimental or even romantic. They will just take it for granted that everyone loves them. Although they are stubborn and irrational, they are not petty or begrudging with their favors. It is hard for them to hide their feelings. They don't even try.

Not being secretive themselves, they can't be expected to keep a confidence for long; but Dragons speak from the heart and are always sincere. Their manners may seem brusque and too direct, but they merely want to get things moving. Being creatures of action, they motivate others, too. They often get into rushes and fail to see the flaws in a situation.Instead of diving in, Dragons need to learn to check things out better. Dragons need purpose in their lives, causes to fight for, and goals to reach. An uninvolved Dragon is a sad sight indeed.

Dragons consider themselves very strong. They will often bite off more than they can chew. When this happens, they are too proud to ask for help and exhaust themselves. Dragons can do many things well. They may be artists, politicians, doctors, or ministers. When Dragons choose the right profession, they will be successful and devoted. They just can't help winning!

In romance, Dragons are seldom the losers and are usually the ones breaking hearts. Dragons don't marry too young, and many are content and happier living alone. Dragons will always have more than their share of friends and admirers to keep them company. Dragons are really softies and fall apart if they lose their supporters. They dazzle as long as there is someone who believes in them.

General Joe Talk / Hasbro - Kung Fu Grip
« on: March 21, 2007, 11:04:34 PM »
Man, this goes up there with Cobra Commander having his face on the moon  :chicken:

General Joe Talk / M.O.T.H. Set 4 - Snow Serpent and Ice Viper
« on: March 03, 2007, 06:50:34 PM » ... igure4.htm

Wow, they they look better than the original paint decos.

Off Topic / F@*&^ing snow storm
« on: March 02, 2007, 02:17:50 AM »
Of all the days to fly back from Calgary.  Toronto was unsafe to land tonight and the plane had to land in Montreal.  Can't get a F@*&^ing hotel, I can't get a hold of Westjet to figure out when i am going back home (idiots should have cancelled the flight in the first place), Montreal is going to get hit any hour now with the storm and I F@*&^ing stink.  This F@*&^ing blows. 

General Joe Talk / G.I. Joe Collectors' Club - 2007 Membership Exclusives
« on: February 06, 2007, 11:31:13 PM »
3 3/4" Copperhead and 12" Arctic Adventurer ... ures07.cfm

Off Topic / US customs = opening Canadian bound packages
« on: January 23, 2007, 09:42:44 PM »
Most of us Canadian collectors here at one point have had packages sent from the USA, in which the evil empire known as Canada Customs once in a while gets their grubby little hands on our package.  At least US customs doesn't open the package being sent up here....right?  Here is one for a loop and it still baffels me.

I bought an really hard to find figure from Argentina.   At this point of my collecting, I will pay prioriity shipping with tracking as I am not playing games with rare items.  So the seller sent the package via FedEx and I got here in one business today.  Now, that is freaking fast. But look at this picture I took of the package that was sent (as it caught my eye right off the bat):


You can see the package was sent from Argentina to my address in Canada.  But look at the top of the package.  A US customs tape job with that Homeland security stamp on it.  The package was sliced open.  Sigh.............why the F@*&^ did US customs open the package in the first place?  Last time I checked, Ontario isn't a American State.  What a joke. 

General Joe Talk / 2007 GI JOE collectors convention location is....
« on: December 28, 2006, 09:26:24 PM »
According to GITrekker who some how gets his newsletter quicker than most, the convention will be held in Atlanta, GA at the Marriott Marquis on September 27-30.

The Pros
The convention for once will not kill my Canada Day long weekend plans for a change.  And considering my insurance renew bill comes in on July, it's a nice a break.

The Negs
It's in the deep south for two years in a row.  And worse, it's the freaking city that bribed and stole the 1996 Summer Olympics from Athens.  Something I will never forget. 

General Joe Talk / Who are the Bronze Bombers?
« on: December 16, 2006, 10:56:10 PM »
After years of putting off a set, I managed to snag a MOC from GIJOE.hq (thanks again Curt). 


Now here comes the fun part, who the heck is who.  The band of Thugs was easy to figure out by not the BB.  Olmec did a horrible job on this.  So I need some help with the match game (I took pictures of the filecards and I am borrowing the images on yojoe as I didn't feel like opening the set).  My guess to who is what is below.  Yojoe's is

(the filecards are clickable thumbnails incase you wanted to read them)

Bronze Bombers

- hair shape matches filecard art

-the only figure with a goatie that matches a filecard

- think piece of facial hair on chin matches the filecard

- rectangular soul patch as indicated by Jay and process of elimination

- looks like the guy depicted on the filecard has some facial hair on his chin

- figure is bald and so is guy on the filecard

- I figured the only figure with a stache that matched this filecard

- the shoulder strap on the figure looks the same as the one shown on the filecard

Band of Thugs these guys are no brainers

Anybody think otherwise?

And after doing some research on tryong to figure out who is who (there is nothing online), I stubbled upon this article ... 0552.shtml

This part stuck out at me:

Eason obtained the rights from Hasbro to the 3 3/4-inch GI Joe plastic molds. Eason created the "Bronze Bombers," a line of African-American superheroes, simply by painting the GI Joe doll faces black and charging $10 more. The "Bronze Bombers" were imported for sale in Toys R Us, Kay Bee Toys and Wal-Mart.

According to Chinese dissident Harry Wu, the Chinese police and Chinese army run prison factories that produce a wide variety of goods, including Eason's "Bronze Bomber" line of dolls. Prisoners work from 12 to 16 hours a day seven days a week, making highly volatile plastic products with no masks, no training and little ventilation. Statements provided by former prison camp guards to Mr. Wu show that torture and starvation is standard policy at Chinese prison factories.

There are many toys sold in America today that follow the Olmec pattern - they are manufactured inside prison labor camps. Many U.S. firms try to ignore the terrible trade. Meanwhile, Santa is crying for all of us who celebrate Christmas day with the fruits of slave labor

Are GI JOEs in the same boat?  These so called factories Hasbro keeps talking about are actually prison labour camps?

General Joe Talk / Cobra Commander Day Off Videos
« on: October 20, 2006, 10:39:05 PM »
I thought they were pretty funny.

Part 1
Part 2
Part 3

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