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Messages - Tattoo Shane

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Off Topic / What do you think of this meat head...???
« on: July 05, 2004, 01:56:31 PM »
I actually met David last week as he agreed to sell me an Urzor gun off eBay...we met up at one of the malls here and chatted for quite sometime, although not about any of this as it hadn't taken place. The guy has been in the hobby for a long time and has some high quality stuff but i've to say, he's way out to lunch on what he's trying to pull here....there's just no way he's in the right on any of this. Shame....

General Joe Talk / Comic 3 packs
« on: May 31, 2004, 09:20:10 AM »
You know, i've been pretty appalled with the new stuff that Hasbro has put out in the last few years but i've got to say, they have a winner on their hands here. I'm really taken by these sets (mostly because of the Kwinn figure) and i'll definately be tracking them down.

Pete, i'm with you...a comic version set of the Oktober Guard would be dy-no-mite!

Off Topic / Does anyone from Edmonton, Alberta know...
« on: May 23, 2004, 10:39:49 PM »
We actually don't have a Giant Toger in Edmonton (i thought they were just out East) so i'm afraid you're going to have to keep looking around...

General Joe Talk / Any weird shipping stories?
« on: May 09, 2004, 01:10:47 AM »
I had a similar situation occur a few months back when i sent a package to was a BIG box so i opted to send it surface which was supposed to take 6 weeks. About 12 weeks later the package FINALLY arrived. Both the guy i was trading with and myself were getting pretty concerned but everything showed up in perfect shape!

As far as other weird stories go, i once had a UK seller send me a puzzle i won wrapped only in wallpaper! No outer box or anything and when i called him on it, he totally thought he was in the right! I was pissed at that one.....

I'm sure i've got more than that but after 13 years, it's a little hard to keep track of them all....i do know that i've been waiting on a package from Toronto for almost two weeks now and i'm pretty choked at good o'l Canada post for that.  :evil:

Alberta / Pop Culture Fair April 18
« on: April 28, 2004, 11:53:53 AM »
According to the flyer, it's called the Calgary Comic Book and Toy Expo 2004 and their site is

Hope that helps! :)

General Joe Talk / The DoJo 2 Up Prototype
« on: April 23, 2004, 05:56:31 PM »
Well, you should be very careful before buying any prototypes online. The provenance on this piece couldn't have been better and i asked all the relevant questions before hand so i wasn't worried at all about authenticity. The differences between a produced 2 up bootleg and this piece are very telling so it's quite easy to tell between a legit 2 up proto and a factory produced bootleg.

The only legit 2ups i've seen come to market are a V1 Stormshadow, a Lady Jaye, a V2 Bat and recently, the same seller i got mine from offered up a Street Fighter Dhalsim which failed to meet the reserve.

Yeah, i was interested in those as'd be pretty tough to actually classify those ones. I definately think they're as close to production quality as one can get but seeing as how they're (at this point) technically unproduced, it's a sticky spot...i'd still go with calling them a First Shot i guess. There are a few of the Unproduced Droids figures that made it as as close to production as you could get ie. foot holes and dates, machine painted that are still called FSs just becuase they were never made. Interesting stuff indeed...

Alberta / Pop Culture Fair April 18
« on: April 20, 2004, 06:51:57 PM »
I was planning on coming down for the show but i checked ahead on my schedule and i'm working that weekend unfortunately...maybe next time. If you need more info on the Calgary show, it's at the Red and White Club at McMahon Stadium from 10-5. It sounds like it's going to be mostly comics but you never know what you'll find. ;)

Alberta / Pop Culture Fair April 18
« on: April 20, 2004, 06:12:53 AM »
Well, you've got a big comic show coming up on May 9th and from what i hear from the promoter, there should be some good toys there...not sure about Joe tho.

This show was back up to par. This used to be called the Record, Cd, Comic, Toy Fair and it was kind of in jeopardy for a bit...the promoter decided almost two years ago that he was done with it and had let some guys from Calgary take it over...well, they dropped the ball and never did a fall show which led to me doing my first spring show last year and the Calgary guys running this show into the ground in June. Luckily Fred took it back and this one was awesome.

There wasn't a whole lot of Joe stuff to be had but i picked up a bag of figs and Cdn FCs for $10. Oh yeah, i found a nice Cobra Glider with Pilot and Cdn FC for $60 too. ;) I was pretty happy....

Pete, are the protos you've bought modern or vintage? I'm also curious just what stage they're from if you won't touch pre-prod pieces?

I agree that there's far too much flag waving going on when it comes to foreign Joe collecting, or overall Joe collecting for that's one of the main reasons why i'm no where near as active in the Joe community as i am the SW one. I prefer the smaller boards where some of the better people in the hobby congregate. Some of the coolest looking and hardest to find figs aren't domestic, it's just a shame they're not respected as such.

Carl...i don't know if your email is bouncing or you've just been busy sorting all this jazz, but i'm still interested in a list of your boxes and i'd also be interested in any full Canadian cardbacks you have for figs from 82-89.

I know that locally Joe is a fairly slow market. I have met very few other GI Joe collectors here in town in relation to the amount of vintage Star Wars guys i know. Contrary to the online world, i think it's getting bigger here.

As far as things go online, i think there's an overall decline in vintage lines. I know the vintage SW market is really weird right now with rare, high end stuff hardly moving while silly prices are being paid for run of the mill stuff. I sure hope the GI Joe market isn't dying tho as i tink there's still a lot to be explored and a lot of info yet to be publsihed on several facets of the line.

I also think that areas like prototype/pre-production collecting hasn't even entered in most Joe collectors minds (as evidenced by the Dojo thread, no offence to anyone here but if that was a SW piece, people would lose their head's for it. ;) ). The foreign market is just starting to come into it's own and i think from there, you'll see some of the more interesting aspects of the hobby start to garner more attention.

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