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General Joe Talk / Re: Hasbro's Publicity for the 25th anniversary vehicles
« on: September 17, 2008, 04:35:27 PM »
What i mean is, how many times have we seen figures with incorrect accessories, or assembled incorrectly, or driver-less HISS tanks?Huh?  It boggles the mind.  One can only assume the photographer just wants to set it up quickly, take the shot, and collect their pay cheque.
Often times, these shoots are given to the lowest bidders and late in the game, so your assumption that its a rush job is often the case.

Its simply the case that finding ad folks and photogs that are also knowledgable of GIJOE or even toy collectors is a very, very rare thing.

General Joe Talk / Re: Any news on Hasbrotoyshop shipping to Canada?
« on: September 14, 2008, 01:46:30 AM »
10 years ago, ( and it might have been 13+) I tried to order some 12" Action Man sets from Hasbro--and was frustrated because they would not ship to Canada.
The response from them was they would be offering shipment north  either "soon" or "next year"--and every time the question was made the answer was the above, and coupled with a "we are working on it".

That was , as I said, 10 years ago.

I've given up on them. They are not working on it and they are not interested in doing so.
If it happens...........if...........I'd be VERY surprised.

General Joe Talk / Re: Why oh why!
« on: August 23, 2008, 07:12:43 PM »
This should be an easy fix.
Soften the plastic using boiling water. Once soft ( about 15 seconds), shape it the way you want it and then let it harden as it cools.
It should work for this stuff.

Introductions / Re: Another New GI Joe Canuck
« on: July 22, 2008, 12:32:51 AM »
Heading to Saskatoon.


But I'm not worried about finding Joes there. The stuff seems to follow me wherever I go.

Introductions / Re: Another New GI Joe Canuck
« on: July 21, 2008, 08:27:17 PM »
Another BC-er, eh? Good to have you.

I'm soon to be an Ex-BC-er, but I was born and raised in Vancouver-- lived there for about 40 years. I know the Lower Mainland quite well.
Cannot imagine what Joe hunting is like down on the coast right now, but I've been able to get stuff up here in the Cariboo, where I'm living now.

General Joe Talk / Re: Ebay Quandry. PLEASE pick an option.
« on: July 13, 2008, 02:45:29 AM »
Didn't the US cards have " A Real American Hero" under GIJOE? I know a lot of different years Canadian cards did not have that by-line.
None of those cards have that byline.

Quote from: "condor knight"
But customs like to charge a fee for items over a certain $$$ amount

The threshold is about $30. You can actually get away with it up to about $60-$75 some of the times on mailed in items, and almost never on anything over $100.
Why they assign that handling fee is usually (their excuse) to cover inspection of the item and checking to see if it can be cleared.
The ironic thing is that, if you cross the border IN PERSON you do not get assigned this fee for these amounts, and yet a item imported via the mails merits it. :o
I've had charges that were higher or lower myself too, so I'm equally confused as to just what formula they use, and the Canada Customs info on this is vague.

The one thing you do want to avoid is using any kind of courier or express service to ship stuff up, because they WILL use a customs broker. The Customs broker basically does the same thing that Canada Customs already does with the "handling fee"--they "guarantee" the good can cross the border. In doing so they become a kind of redundant middleman with their hand out--BUT, if you agree to use a courier service to ship the goods into Canada you are also agreeing to the use of a third party customs broker--read the fine print.
What sucks is these jokers can add another 25% on top of what you have already spent ( item and shipping)

I just avoid any retailer or transaction where the sole shipping option is a UPS, FED EX or other courier services. Good ol' USPS doesn't use a customs broker for items sent via surface or airmail.

Its probably a good idea to read through the Canada Customs pages on-line that cover importation of stuff like this, just to get a better idea of how it works.

Quote from: "martin-montreal"
I made my first order on today and it is way the best to place an order for the 25th ann vehicle: Less expensive than EE, BBTS and many others! Also, you don?t have to worry about duty!

Now, just hoping that Hasbro mass produced their toys to avoid backorders...


But there is no duty on toys anyway, only GST/PST is charged on the  USD value--which is pretty much what happens to domestic purchases anyway.

Items Wanted / Re: WTB: GI Joe Animated Movie DVD
« on: July 02, 2008, 12:54:26 AM »
Most of them should still be available at places like Futureshop or Best Buy--or whichever store has a large DVD selection.

General Joe Talk / Re: 25th Anniversary Items You'd Love To See...
« on: July 01, 2008, 02:29:57 PM »
I'd like to see:
The Mauler
The Snowcat--but stretch the cab so it can seat 4 and add a turret or gun hardpoint. At least fix those infamously weak tabs on the missile launcher box.
The Ferret
The STUN-- add some grab rails for the guys standing on the back fenders.
The Silver Mirage cycle
The Dragonfly
The Thunder Machine
The COBRA Wolf-add a retractable forward tread assembly to the nose, so its not restricted to running on just the forward skis.

And yes, I too want the WHALE, and a tweaked MORAY.

General Joe Talk / Reliable Canadian mail-order retailers for GIJOEs?
« on: June 22, 2008, 04:07:27 PM »
Hi folks--
I shamefully admit that this topic has very probably been addressed here, and that I am being sorely lazy in posting a thread about this, but.......

Can someone lead me to a thread about retailers carrying up north here, and perhaps a brief anecdote if they were good to order/buy from from?
I've been getting in the few 25th Ann. figures I want from Stateside, but I'm curious if there's a alternate source up north here that is worth ordering from.
My goal is to avoid some of the shipping cost hits when getting stuff from the states.


General Joe Talk / Re: Question about Canadian Joes...
« on: June 12, 2008, 06:11:22 PM »
It really depended upon the "what, where and whens" with the figures. Sometimes different toy stores in the same city would get the same figures, but the packaging from their suppliers could be either US or Canadian.
Back in the late 80's one store I knew of in Vancouver, used to get all US packaged stuff, and another store a block away would get the goods from Hasbro Canada. Sometimes even the same store would get different sourced stuff from one wave to the next.

Woodwards, which used to be a chain up here, would get waves like that.
I do not recall Spirit being named otherwise, but that could be just an example of  the different distributed toys.
Only a few of the Joes were given altered file cards up here though, but most of the vehicles sold would have Canadian flag insignia, or both Canada and US flags.

What used to ticked me off what the dual language file cards, which always edited out stuff to accommodate both languages. That's why I always preferred the US sourced stuff myself.

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