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Messages - roger dodger

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Yearly CanJoeCon Discussion / Re: Post your Con haul!
« on: August 11, 2010, 01:16:50 PM »
I tried to behave myself. I got:
Convention T-shirt
Convention set with SNAKE
GI Joe Resolute boxed set
TRU Crimson SRO set (thanks again Hobbes)
25th Crimson Guard on foil card
25th Viper on foil card
25th Snow Serpent on foil card
25th HISS driver on foil card
25th Arctic Snake Eyes
Maggot loose (missing right rear yellow leg
Maggot driver (missing antenna)
Destro's Despoiler
lots of missing missiles for my HAVOC, Devil Fish, Dragonfly, Triple T, Tomahawk
plus misc spare parts
giant lobby standees of Duke and Storm Shadow
Larry Hama and Zach Hoffman autographs
And lots of new friends and some great memories

General Joe Talk / Re: US Con is at the End of March
« on: August 11, 2010, 01:03:29 PM »
Quote from: "THE Mike™"
I don't want it back.
I'd rather have it in the summer now where people can book vacations, kids are out of school, and the weather is nicer. ;)

Mike -- Summer is a perfect time, especially for those of us who have to travel far. I hope to see you guys again next year.

General Joe Talk / Re: Is the shortpacked CC of "value" to you?
« on: August 11, 2010, 01:00:39 PM »
I took the new CC figure to the con and traded it, along with a new Spirit and Quick Kick and a Destro  comic pack for the GI Joe Resolute set. I got what I wanted and only paid half the price. If I see another CC, I might buy it, but I might not. The card is nice, but I open my figures, so a carded figure doesn't do too much for me. But that unopened Sgt Slaughter on my shelf is driving me nuts.

BTW -- it was great talking to you guys at the con.

Quote from: "canprime"
Many thanks to Mike and all the crew for another great show.

Please keep up the amazing work and thank you for all you guys do.

I second that. Mike, it was great meeting you. I hope you and your staffers got some well-deserved rest on Sunday, because you guys were constantly busy during the con. But all your hard work paid off with a terrific con. I'm already hoping I can attend next year.

Canprime -- I was the guy right in front of you in line and I really enjoyed talking to you about Joes, movies, theatre, restaurants and lots of other things. It helped make the time pass so fast and it was nice to meet new friends like you, the awesome Turner and his son, also with trivia king James, and others who I've sadly forgotten your names. The two French Canadians in front of me sipping Cokes were very nice and I really enjoyed talking to you guys as well. Also the friendly couple behind me in line (he's a teacher and she's an actress). If any of you read this, drop me a PM with your names so I won't forget you again.
Overall, I've got to say that the line was one of my favorite parts of the con. I enjoyed meeting people  and getting to talk to fellow Joe fans who are as enthusiastic (or more) than I am about the hobby. Roshan's hourly prizes were awesome (although I didn't win anything) and his trivia contest in the afternoon was extrenmely fun. (I need to brush up on my JoeCon knowledge) -- Roger Barnhart

I wondered why he had the ship.  He was checking out the landing gear - making sure everything was working.  He's a customizer, eh?

I saw Larry walking out of the lobby with the Millenium Falcon under his arm and wondered about it. What a great guy. I saw him autographing comic after comic and he was always friendly and pleasant. We all owe a lot people like Larry Hama and Zach Hoffman. They are two very classy guys.

Yearly CanJoeCon Discussion / Re: what set number did you get? 2010
« on: August 09, 2010, 10:55:10 PM »
I got number 28/100

Yearly CanJoeCon Discussion / Re: Con Sets On E-Bay
« on: August 08, 2010, 10:30:30 PM »
Quote from: "THE Mike™"
We're already planning for next years items. How would you guys feel about a two-figure set, with a run of 500 sets?

It would be cheaper (Around $40-$50.00), but would solve these pricks from hoarding con sets as we would still enforce a "one per person" rule. Even if they did get 10, that's a very small percentage overall.

Mike -- This sounds like a good plan, but lots more work for you guys. You all did a great job and it's too bad someone else's actions have cast a shadow over part of the con. This was my first con and I'm glad I waited in line to get the set. I made some great new friends and some memories that will last a lifetime.

Quote from: "fairplaythings"
Shame about the typos in the file card though. "It's" is not the possessive form of the noun "it", but rather a contraction. It's just the way it is.  :cobra:

It happens, but I wish it didn't.
The armor is really nice. I love the color.

Yearly CanJoeCon Discussion / Re: 2010 CJC Vehicle Debut : THE HAILSTORM
« on: August 04, 2010, 04:40:58 PM »
All hail the Hailstorm. I love how you picked a name that sounds menacing while also sounding distinctly like something Cobra North would use. I also love the color and stickers. Great job!

Yearly CanJoeCon Discussion / Re: Please Read : 2010 Con Set requests.
« on: August 02, 2010, 03:52:58 PM »
I'm really looking forward to this con too. I hope I can get the exclusive, but if not then I plan to still have a great time.

Yearly CanJoeCon Discussion / Re: 2010 CJC Figure Debut : HAZARD
« on: July 30, 2010, 09:01:20 PM »
Great figure. I like them all. Cobra North rules! Now let's see the Hailstorm.

Mike -- This helps clear up some of the questions I had. Thanks.

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