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Messages - ARROW

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General Joe Talk / Anyone here in/around Edmonton?
« on: September 01, 2013, 06:05:58 PM »
Hi all- just asking if anyone on the board knows the Edmonton area very well?

I'm going to the Edmonton Entertainment Expo with my step-son in about a month, and was thinking of looking up some secondary targets--namely collector store specializing in action figures.

I'm staying in the Downtown area for a couple of days, so I'm central to all parts of the city.
I know of and will be visiting Happy Harbour Comics, and I know there's a couple of decent action figure stores in West Ed Mall. 
I'm most keen for a mix of vintage and new; namely Mattel DCUC and Hasbro Joes and some older stuff like Mattel Big Jim......but really, ANY good selection of action figures is what I'd like to explore.

Also, with the Downtown core in mind again, does anyone have any suggestion for good, CHEAP, places to eat. Open to all suggestions.

Any input, advice or tips are most welcome.

General Joe Talk / Re: New u.s.s flagg prototype vs original.
« on: August 31, 2013, 01:32:10 AM »
The reason this kind of thing isn't realized, are a related two-fold reasons:

One-- retailers don't want it.
Two--retailers don't think GIJOE, as a brand, has the clout (or public interest) to warrant such a large toy taking up space on their shelves. This when there are other brands that are far more popular and sell far better that DO warrant more self-space.
GIJOE takes up so little space in the pegs and shelves that offering a $400 ( or even a $200 or $100) toy that is about 3 feet long ( broken down in the box) would be ludicrous. It exceeds the "footprint" the retailers grant the brand on their shelves.
Also, large GIJOE sets have routinely undersold and mostly gone to clearance over the past 10 years. That is a trend that retailers do not ignore. The last time was the PITT set, which was not that popular.

That and the chronic observation that GIJOE is NOT a perennial line, but a seasonal one. It sells best as Christmas time, when parents and grand parents recognize the brand name when shopping for children. The rest of the year that consumer demographic just doesn't shop in the toy aisles. Collector demographics are not a consideration because there's not enough of us.

There's nothing that we as fans can do about this.
It's market forces at play, and retailer experience and intuition calling the shots.. Hasbro and retailers are also risk-adverse.
Sure, they'll do large sets for Star Wars--because Star Wars has a consumer audience easily 100 times that of GIJOE, on GIJOE's best day. GIJOE has multiple stigmas working against it--political slights, prior brand failures, weak movie promotion/performance, weak media tie-ins ( no animated cartoons). That and action figure brands all across the board are softening in sales.

It remains a enjoyed brand, but its not enjoyed anywhere near enough for sets like the Defiant, Flagg, or Terrordrome of old to be produced today. The largest we'll see from this point on is something like the Eaglehawk or the Skystriker.  That's it.

The prototype you likely saw was likely itself to just have been a concept piece. Toy makers, like Hasbro, throw a lot of stuff at the wall to see what sticks. They'll make a mock-up, show it to the retailers to see if they are interested in carrying it, and IF they get interest, it'll go into production.  Otherwise......the prototype is put away on a shelf and forgotten about.
The consumers DO NOT dictate production green-lights in something like this--it's the retailers that make that call.
Hasbro does not sell to consumers, they sell to retailers.  Retailers then sell to consumers. We do not factor into the equation at all.

Also, consider the "footprint" again; for a 3 foot long USS Flagg toy, means the shelf space can only fit maybe  one or two on the shelf space (endcap or any part of the aisle) at one time. They can stock.......what...........50 figures in 2-3 rows of peg space, and about a dozen smaller vehicles. in about half that footprint size.  At $10 a figure, and $20 a vehicle you'd be looking at 5 times the income with more visible product for sale in less space than a single showy toy takes up. And Hasbro PAYS the retailers for that space ( Walmart, TRU etc.) so they want the bag for their buck.

So, in a long-winded nutshell....that's why you'll NEVER see a USS Flagg at retail again.

Off Topic / Re: Avatars...??????
« on: August 20, 2013, 08:39:38 PM »
Im wondering why my avatar is always the last one on the right side of showing everybody online.

Will there only be an avatar of someone else if somebody new joins the site after me...?

And what is the order the avatars are in...? i assume its the order in witch people joined as members.

It's the payola we've all had to fork over.  Each spot is hard-bought.

Hard-bought, indeed.

Yeah, that's the story..... :-X

No, I keed, I keeed, I assume it is showing the order of membership join-up for those who are currently on-line on the forums.

General Joe Talk / Re: batman bootleg
« on: August 19, 2013, 11:38:06 PM »
Takara ( Japan) did a small series of Batman Microman figures that have incredible poseability and yet are GIJOE scale. They comes with accessories, like bat-cuff, batarangs and grappling hook launchers, and/or about 3 extra sets of hands. Several different themes too--and there's also a two figure Superman series as well.

The \'Show\' Room / Re: The Doctor is in...
« on: August 18, 2013, 05:47:11 PM »
How much $$$ am i looking @ to get em all....?
The Club is sold out of the AT Commander/Dr. Venom set, so Ebay is about the only route for that. A quick check shows the Doc is going for a minimum of about $140-ish, so figure the Commander is about the same. The Land, Sea, and Air adventurers and their vehicles look to be going for about $70 each, so tally that up to about $500 for the entire set from Ebay.

The Club will be comparable for the last three sets, because you'll also have to factor in the $80 cdn membership fee just to be able to buy the sets they may still have in stock.

The \'Show\' Room / Re: The Doctor is in...
« on: August 18, 2013, 03:48:10 PM »
What is this figure...? is it a custo...? Vintage...? Sdcc...?
Its a GIJOE club exclusive. It was made along with 4" figures from the classic Adventure team, and accompanying vehicles. They are in the 25th anniversary style.

General Joe Talk / Re: U.S.S. Flagg
« on: August 18, 2013, 02:05:08 AM »
I dont get it....?

The box is what 3 feet tall..? foot and a half wide maybe....?

Why so much trouble getting it home on transite....? Its obviously carryable ( i only say that because im 6 foot 4, 230 pounds )

I woulda throughn that F**ker over my shoulder and marched @ least, minimum 3 km to get it to transite. What is there a limite on the stuff u can brin gon the train or something..??? LOL ;D

Honestly, I wouldn't have been able to board the transit bus with it. It would not have fit in the front doors of the bus on that route, at that time .  And it was right around the start of rush hour. Was just not do-able.

General Joe Talk / Re: U.S.S. Flagg
« on: August 17, 2013, 09:04:57 PM »
Back in the just know you're going to hate a tale that begins with "back in the day"......

When I was first starting to collect, I had a shot at both the FLAGG and the defiant complex, in the box.  This was around......1987, so they were still haunting some retailers, and in the Vancouver BC area too.

The Defiant was interesting because there were several available at the store--a toy liquidator ( whose name I forget) located in a old "Supervalu" or IGA store on east, east Hastings street. in Burnaby, right across from the refinery before Burnaby mountain. They had about a half dozen of these sitting at the back of the show floor..........for $75, each.
Oh, I was tempted.........very tempted, as I was still a couple of years into collecting RAH by that time.  But.......I had no way to get the thing home. A buddy of mine had a car, a Ford Escort, iirc......and, well...........the thing was too small. The BOX for the Defiant was TOO BIG to fit in his car.
I know, we measured both.

So I left those sets there. The price was easily the best I'd ever get on that set, but the circumstances.........just would not allow it.

The Flagg, was not too longer after. I was shopping at a hobby shop on west 10th Avenue, near UBC ( the much-missed Crash Crippletons), and I stopped by a Rexall Drugs pharmacy closing down, its final liquidation sales were that day. Since those stores commonly stock some toys i thought I'd take a peek inside.
And inside was a handful of carded joes for 25 cents each---bought about 5 figures I did not have.  But up on a shelf was the USS Flagg, MIB........unspoken for. I took a long look at that thing........I was riding transit so I had no way to get it home. But here's the killer:  the thing was marked
 with a sheet of paper saying " discount", but there was no price.
I asked a harried staff member, who looked over his shoulder at the thing and didn't even waste a moment, and then told me it wasn't spoken for yet.  The price:


And again, I had to leave the set there, as the store was closing forever just a couple of hours from then. I can only assume someone else walked out with it.

Oh yeah, these two haunt close...........soooo close.

General Joe Talk / Re: What can we talk about today ?
« on: August 17, 2013, 04:26:53 PM »
one of the things i do truly hate about Modern stuff (other than those horrific chest hinges) is the incessant redos of the same 6 characters. Duke, Snake Eyes, Storm Shadow, Cobra Commander, Destro, Baroness.... ENOUGH ALREADY!

Over 20 years ago, Hasbro Marketing tracked that those specific characters sold better than all the others, and so believed that those characters would always be in demand by casual consumers. It's influenced all of the RAH-based product ever since, and it's apparently been supported by each iteration of RAH along the way. We ( dedicated collectors/consumers) may be tired of those characters, but the general public still prefers them, and certainly because they are the most identifiable in the brand.

General Joe Talk / Re: What can we talk about today ?
« on: August 17, 2013, 02:39:20 PM »
I'm a 25th ann. and newer guy, but with throwbacks to older/newer 12" figures. Yeah, I'm one of THOSE kinds of collectors.

I dropped all the O-rings joes I rid of them, the few Vintage I had, all the new-sculpt, kept some vehicles because they still work just dandy.
I like the proportions, details ( figures now have actual ears!!) and intricacy of the post-25th figures.
 POC, for me, was a great line, loved it, bought into it quite well. Loved the aesthetic, the theme, all of it. Hasbro could do no wrong with POC.
The only glitch has been the "happy-meal figures" with the Retaliation vehicles. <gag reflex>

I'm still into the true vintage 12" Joes, early military and Adventure team--but I stick with the reproductions because they tend to be more affordable. I have a huge 500-ish 12" figure collection of Hasbro, 21C, Bbi, Medicom, Dragon etc.....loads of Classic Collection, modern 21C military accesory sets etc. Recently jumped into some of the Sideshow Joes, but only when I could find them below retail. Too pricey otherwise.
1/2 my collection remains in storage, awaiting a day when I can display it all again ( or sell off the stuff).

And that's just one part of my action figure collection......the rest are superheroes and other kinds of figures. Oy!

General Joe Talk / Re: Here's a sad story for ya.!!!
« on: August 08, 2013, 02:19:22 AM »
I feel so bad for ARROW. It's the most painful when you were the original owner. You collect and treat your toys really well and some spoiled little monster just smashes them. I've given away a lot of stuff over the years and my policy has to be to never ask about the current state of it or it'll drive me nuts.
It bugged for me about 5 minutes, and then I just literally shrugged and told myself that I had sold it off, and had been paid what I agreed to. I sold the stuff without regrets in the first place, because I was no longer interested in it then.
The irony is that I've essentially "rebuilt" the collection with the 25th Anniversary et al. lines and other vehicles.

The kid wasn't a monster per se. I was told that his issues were an abusive home life and behavioural problems.
I thought my buddy was going to keep the whole thing for himself, but I later got the sense his plan all along was to have it end up in the kid's hands.  I don't have a problem with that charitable gesture at all, what bugged me was that the stuff was so systematically destroyed in a (pointless) tantrum. C'est la vie.

General Joe Talk / Re: Here's a sad story for ya.!!!
« on: August 06, 2013, 03:59:56 PM »
Back when I was collecting the O-ring Joes, I had most of them from my start of collecting in around 1985, up to about 1999. Lost interest in them then, and sold the whole lot to a friend for about $150 or so. He had then for about 6 months and then gave the whole lot to a nephew of his.

The kid celebrated his new acquisition by grabbing each of the Joes and testing his own strength......pulling the figures apart.

Pulling ALL of them apart. 

See, a couple of the older figures had weak O-rings when he received them, those fell apart as soon as he played with them and the kid was oblivious to the fact that O-rings could be bought and replaced, restoring the figures.  He figured the whole collection was ruined because some of them were then "broken", so in a fit of pique he destroyed the rest.
And then stomped on all the vehicles. 
The kid was given the stuff by his "generous" uncle, because the kid had "issues".  Yeah, issues.

I calculated the value of what I gave away at over $2500 ( 1998-ish). I had hundreds of like-new figures, and about 30-40 like-new vehicles with meticulously placed stickers and some careful paint touch-ups and corrections, and I was the original buyer for 95% of the stuff, all bought from the mid-80's to the mid-90's. Complete waves of figures from 1986-on. It was the result of years of collecting, scouring the city and region for parts to complete stuff.

I gave it away because I just wasn't interested in it at that time, and figured it would give someone else some joy.

I know the fate of the stuff because about 5 years later, I asked my friend if he still had the stuff and that I was willing to buy it back at 5 times what I paid him for it.

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