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Author Topic: Joe Meet 2007 : Thoughts and Comments!  (Read 28738 times)


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Re: Joe Meet 2007 : Thoughts and Comments!
« Reply #48 on: April 17, 2007, 09:47:13 AM »

Vl, and everyone, sorry that I didn't say proper goodbyes. Someone was cranky and needed a nap, and the baby needed one too.  :shifty:
« Last Edit: December 31, 1969, 07:00:00 PM by Guest »


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Re: Joe Meet 2007 : Thoughts and Comments!
« Reply #49 on: April 17, 2007, 11:43:53 AM »

Ok... I think I'm recovered enough to make a post on the entire thing.

I was running around trying to get things finalized for the Joe Meet, so I got down to Raptors place later than I expected. Still, it was cool to finally see 'The closet' that I've heard about for years, and to see Charles impressive set up. It's also cool to know that I inspired portions of his collection - like his PITT, it'll never be the same as the one my dad made me as a kid, but it was damn cool! I met Nova, Lance, Amazon, and Moto-Viper - all of whom I've spoken to many many times, but never met until then. I also saw Scramble, Tank Girl, and Viperlord. I made a request that Viperlord bring me up a 'couple' of Butterfinger chocolate bars from the States..... I don't like the Canadian ones, and the American ones are just heaven. The dude brought me at least 20 of these things!? Thanks for supplying me with something to snack on as I watch Lost for the rest of the year VL! ;-)

I checked out some Sigma Six figures - Let me say this. I've always kinda liked the Destro figure from the line, and Snake Eyes (one of them) piqued my interest as well. But after seeing Ryans Zartan - I'm friggin' hooked. I have to have one..... and that's not a good thing. :shifty:

Speaking of Loop, people seemed to absolutely LOVE his art prints of Shiver. I know of about 7 people were dying to win one - and none of them did! I don't even know who did win them - besides Jon S. Once again I have to thank Loop. Not only is his work amazing, but he does the art for the Joe Meet figure for free. If you need ANY art done, seriously consider hiring Loop for it. You won't get his services for free - but any price he asks will be too cheap in my opinion.

A little known fact: I HATE talking infront of people. All my life I've hated being in front of a group of people. Due to these Joe Meets, I'm now over that. I noticed that on Saturday when I starting 'YELLING' to announce the draws. You see.... you guys all have your stories and such about the Joe Meets - and I'm right there with you. But the Joe Meet has now gotten me over one of my only 'fears' in life. And that's damn cool.

I helped judge the Speed Painting competition. I thought it would take me a short while to do.... MAN was I wrong! Alot of great figures were done. I think it was Stealth that said "I look at that and think - holy crap they did that in one hour?". That's how I thought of it as well. Each one was a great job. I look forward to adding the Speed Painting competition to every Joe Meet from now on. (Assuming Scramble and / or Raptor run it again!).

The wrestling tournament was welcomed by all again.
Someone tossed out the sheet, so this is the best I can remember it:

Erin vs XHairs (Xhairs)
Pete The Greek vs Viperlord (Pete The Greek)
Mike vs Tank Girl (Mike)
Metro vs. ?????? (Metro)
Scramble vs. Morgardee (Scramble)
Raptor vs. ???? (Raptor)
Loop vs GSmiley (draw: BOTH move on)
JOn S. vs. ??????? (JOn S.)

XHairs vs. Pete The Greek (Pete The Greek)
Mike vs Metro (Mike)
Scramble vs Raptor (Scramble)
Loop vs GSmiley vs. Jon S. (Three Way Match) - (Loop)

Pete The Greek vs. Mike (Mike)
Scramble vs Loop (Scramble)

Mike vs. Scramble

The match stared out better than Scramble is letting on - it was back and forth for awhile. True, Scramble getting a chair did remind me that they were ALLOWED - but the fact that I didn't bother means I'm better than him anyway. :shifty: Scramble went to clothline me in the match, and hit the 'Guest Ref' = which was the 'real life' version of Raptor. After he hit Raps, Raptors character got up and started hitting Scramble. I took the chance to beat on him, mistakenly kicking Raptor in the process. Scramble knocked me off my feet, and Raptor screwed me out of winning! It's a conspiracy I tell you.... and I want a rematch.

Since we're on the topic of the Joe vs. Cobra Wrestling, let's get back to Morgardee and his 'wrestling' obsession. For years, Morg and I have jokingly become rivals in the Wrestling game. It started the first year when I kept tossing him out of the ring. (Loop holds the record at going over at the 4 second mark - by me). So Morg and I would have a 'match' between us to see who the better man is. The first time, I won. The next time, I won.... see a pattern. Last year the game had a 'Create A Title' feature, so we pitted our titles against each other - I won, and in doing so became the 'Bastard' Champion taking his Bastard Title. So this year Morgardee got the game early and played the heck out of it. Mastering moves, techniques and such. He created a special character to use against me this year, and yes - both our titles were on the line again. He created Ronald McDonald. A clown so dear you could bust him open with a good chairshot to the head. (Trust me, I know!). Morgardee did pretty good... he got in more than 10 moves this year. But I squashed him. Seriously. I put him through the announcers table, made him bleed, jumped off a 2nd floor level and put him through a table. Yep, Ronald died at the Joe meet. Dave lost graciously, with everyone watching on, and I now own his 2007 Title belt as well. Next year, I won't even practice so he'll have a fair chance. ;-)

When it was time to clean up - people took over as I packed my items up. Denise, Jen, Jon, Pete, and others all helped put the tables away, close the windows, lock things up, and put all the garbage into one corner. Then EVERYONE grabbed a box of my items and helped bring it down to the van so we could leave. That was the QUICKEST I have ever packed up from a toy show. Wow. Thanks to you all - again, and I'm sorry if I missed anyone.

Like others said, we hit my place to see the Toy Room (it was on Viperlords list of things to do), and everyone seemed to enjoy seeing it. Some people like Pete, Ed, and Radio guy didn't come by, but they've all seen it before. After being here we realized we had to eat. I picked Kelseys, and as we sat down I remembered we had people waiting for us at Hooters. I'm SO sorry guys. It's completely my fault. I picked Hooters originally since it was so close and you guys would find it easy enough. After the day of being busy and stressed, it just completely slipped my mind. Hopefully you guys still had a great time at Hooters without us. Next time things should be planned out before-hand to make sure it doesn't happen again.

With dinner over, we said our good-byes to folks, and Denise, Nova, and myself headed back to my place. Nova and I (once again) were in the toy room talking about the day and all the stash he picked up. That bag of Bats was impressive. I should also say that this was the first time I ever read the Red Ninja file card. WTF was Hasbro thinking when they did that one!? ;-)

I woke up MUCH earlier than anyone else and went downstairs to use the 'half finished' shower - it's not used much... as was evident by the wall of spider-webs I walked into when I got in... but that's another story. Anyway, I figured this way I wouldn't wake anyone up. Nova woke up about an hour later, followed by Denise. Ready to leave, we headed out the door to Raptors. The small group of us were going to visit Niagara Falls. The plan was to hit Raps, head to Steath's - then to the Falls. I had the great idea to get some free parking for us - so we parked at the Casino - more on that later. We parked our cars, and went down to the 'floor' level. Made a beeline for the Herseys Store, and Scramble had a grin on his face that went ear to ear. He was like a little kid in a toy store - looking around with 'wide-eyes' at the plethora of choices he could make! Would he buy the 2 foot long Hersey Bar that weighed 5lbs? Perhaps the Giant Peanut Butter cup? It quickly didn't matter when I told him there was FREE fudge in the corner. We didn't see him again for about 10 minutes. After that, we decided to eat. Hard Rock Cafe was our choice, and Scramble was thrilled to get a picture with a guitar that belonged to his idol "Bryan Adams". While waiting for dinner, I told folks that to get the 'free' parking in Niagara Falls, you had to go inside the Casino and 'sign up' for a 'Players Card'. So, once we ordered, I took Scramble, Tank Girl, and Nova inside to 'sign up'. Denise came with us - but only to tell the slots how much she missed them by inserting a $20.00 bill into them and 'pushing' their buttons. (She won her money back - plus $5.00). While teh other 3 were filling out their information for the 'Cards', I put $20.00 down on the Roulette table. I picked Red...... and I won! Woo Hoo for me! So, the guy gave me all my winnings, and I put it all on Black..... and I lost. Damn. The guy sitting at the table looked up at me and said "Well, that was 'Almost' impressive". I went back to wait for the other 3 (Denise was back in the restaurant), and watched tank Girl donate $10.00 to the slot machine of her choice. That was quick. ;-)

After our overpriced dinner with the crappy service, we headed into the Marvel Comics Fun Factory, then to the MGM Studios store before hitting what I 'know' was Viperlords favorite stop - WWE Niagara Falls. Ok... VL hates wresting, but he liked women, and there were pictures of them there... so it evened out.

After WWE, the group got split up. Ryan needed to get some Fudge from the 'only' place you should buy it from on Clifton Hill : The Fantasy Fudge Factory, and Moto, VL, Nova and the rest wanted to see the Falls. I've seen them so much, that it's now just water to me.... it's not so impressive when you live 30 minutes away. ;-)

Tank Girl and Scramble followed Denise and I to Hamilton until they knew where they were and could safelt find the way home. Denise and I then headed home and called it a day.

I enjoyed myself this weekend, but not 'as' much as past Joe Meets. The size of it this year (about 200 people through the door), and the fact that I was set up at it this year meant I couldn't talk to people as much or do anything really.... so next year, I think I'll just be 'there' and not sell anything. Don't get me wrong, I talked to a ton of people - but it's hard to talk to them, run my table, and the meet all at once. I could EASILY run my table and talk to people.... but then who would run the Joe Meet? :-)

Thanks again to everyone.
« Last Edit: April 17, 2007, 12:23:04 PM by Anonymous »


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Re: Joe Meet 2007 : Thoughts and Comments!
« Reply #50 on: April 17, 2007, 02:36:43 PM »

I can only laugh at myself and how it's expected for me to loose every year, every match. Then again, I'm a big fan of Stevie Richards and Al Snow. You know what they say "Pin me, pay me".

Someone's gotta go down in grand style. Might as well be me.  :wink:
« Last Edit: December 31, 1969, 07:00:00 PM by Guest »
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Re: Joe Meet 2007 : Thoughts and Comments!
« Reply #51 on: April 17, 2007, 02:40:29 PM »

Quote from: "morgardee"
Someone's gotta go down in grand style. Might as well be me.  :wink:

But at least you didn't jump off the cage this year. ;-)
« Last Edit: December 31, 1969, 07:00:00 PM by Guest »


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Re: Joe Meet 2007 : Thoughts and Comments!
« Reply #52 on: April 17, 2007, 02:50:16 PM »

Mike, you clearly completely accidently left out how I took your title from you on Friday night in a first blood match. I know it was so fast that you likely forgot it... (granted, my card was full, so I don't get to keep it...)

Also I was there on Sunday, really. I left early, but I was there. ;-)

« Last Edit: December 31, 1969, 07:00:00 PM by Guest »


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Re: Joe Meet 2007 : Thoughts and Comments!
« Reply #53 on: April 17, 2007, 04:58:27 PM »

Quote from: "THE Mike?"
Quote from: "morgardee"
Someone's gotta go down in grand style. Might as well be me.  :wink:

But at least you didn't jump off the cage this year. ;-)

Now now. Lets no belittle my grand failure at Joe Canuck 2006. i jumped off that steel twice.
« Last Edit: December 31, 1969, 07:00:00 PM by Guest »
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Re: Joe Meet 2007 : Thoughts and Comments!
« Reply #54 on: April 17, 2007, 08:49:35 PM »

A couple of days late, due to pepperette-induced catatonia, but here's my two cents..

I had a blast at the meet.  Although I was not present at the very first one, I have been to all the rest, and this was awesome and...weird.  As others have said, seeing all the vendors and the number of new faces walk through the door, the "little meet" is quickly becoming a force to be reckoned with.  I can only assume that the San Diego Comic Con started this way.

Anyway, although I still see Mike and Raptor and Condor Knight at the local toy shows, it was great to see Morgardee, Deadshot, Pete The Greek, Scramble, Loop and the other Joe Meet regulars.  It was also great to see so many new dealers that were impressed with the turnout. 

My favourite part of the meet has always been just talking Joe with others, and there was plenty of that. I also like the trades, and was happy to get a few pieces and hook up some others again this year.

I spent more money than planned, but very happily walked away with a complete Starduster and Claymore, plus several other figures to help fill the gaps in my collection. 

I have never gotten into customizing figures, but have always admired the creations others display at the meet.  This year was no different...they were amazing and kudos to Scramble and Raps for bringing the speed painting contest in this year.  The figures were kewl, the bios were great, and I really enjoyed seeing everybody sweat as Scramble called out the time remaining.

Speaking of others creations, I brought in four big boxes of shells and incomplete vehicles and was stunned to see them pretty much dissappear within 30 minutes.  I can only imagine the custom vehicles that will be created from all of those parts, and you can thank THE Mike for them, as they were picked up from the back alley of BHT after it closed.

I enjoyed watching the rasslin'...espceially Mike take on the clown and bloody him good....helped take away the sting of not being able to get the McRib anymore.

I bought some raffle tix hoping to win the Joe Canuck, but was happy that all the prizes went to good homes.

And on the topic of cutom figs...Shiver.  Kicks. Ass.  Mike, Loop and everyone who had a hand in it...thank you.

My only regret was that I was not able to join everybody for dinner afterwards, but there's always next year.

All in all, I have to say a big thank you to Mike for getting this Joe Meet ball rolling, and to everyone who helped, came out, and continue to support Canada's love for Joe.  I can't wait till next year.


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« Last Edit: December 31, 1969, 07:00:00 PM by Guest »
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Re: Joe Meet 2007 : Thoughts and Comments!
« Reply #55 on: April 17, 2007, 09:21:21 PM »

Signed up just to say thanks for putting on a great show.

Wasn't expecting to see so many people and so many vendors but oh man =p Drove up from buffalo after a friend emailed me that there was a con in my area so I figured eh something to do on my day off and maybe see some of the old stuff I used to have. We'll to make this fit I quit collecting a few years ago and sold off my massive collection of a few thousand figures and every playset known to man. As soon as I got in the door I met The Mike big guy he kicked me out for being to early =p Ah well after a nice breakfast at an all day breakfast joint(wish they had these in the states) went back to the show and thankfully didn't have to wait long to get in. Well as soon as I did blam seeing all the old stuff I used to have dragged me right back into the frenzy I bought around 20 figures and a mint stinger from the first table I came upon and ended up with around 40 by the end of the show. *raises fist* just when I thought I was done collecting =p

Donated a nice chunk of money to the raffles didn't win anything *boo* tho I was happy to support a great meet and hopefully I'll be able to come again next year.

And again damn you for getting me back into collecting these things they are addicting ;D
« Last Edit: December 31, 1969, 07:00:00 PM by Guest »


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Re: Joe Meet 2007 : Thoughts and Comments!
« Reply #56 on: April 19, 2007, 08:42:29 PM »

(Ok, so its taken me a while to post  :shifty:

Getting caught browsing and then chatting with Loop.  Totally caught me off guard but as always totally uh..refreshing. Ok, so maybe thats not the right word I want so I'll just say I always immensely enjoy talking with him.

Watching Luke (No Body) and NFC discussing the upcoming TF movie and tattoos was certainly interesting and was definitely a great highlight.

On the notion of a BHT re-union type dinner... I'll definitely say I'm in for that.  Heading to the meet that morning I thought about all those hour long and then some chats just standing around in the shop.  I miss those.

On the actual toys themselves:  Shiver kicks ass and once I get my current Joe-Display set up again he'll be squaring off against JC.  I got the chance to add a couple of smaller vehicles I'd always wanted which is awesome, and a nice Techo-Viper to boot too.  Mmm, Techno-Viper....  And as for that aforementioned Thundermachine; its one of the jewels in my collection ;)

Mike, all I can say is the meet was fantastic.  But not only that it rekindled my love for the hobby and gave me just what I needed.  Every year you go and out-do yourself. 

<--- One happy Joe-Canuck  ;D
« Last Edit: December 31, 1969, 07:00:00 PM by Guest »

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Re: Joe Meet 2007 : Thoughts and Comments!
« Reply #57 on: April 19, 2007, 11:30:39 PM »

Quote from: "THE Mikeā„¢"
Like others said, we hit my place to see the Toy Room (it was on Viperlords list of things to do), and everyone seemed to enjoy seeing it. Some people like Pete, Ed, and Radio guy didn't come by, but they've all seen it before.

Hmmmm, I was driving up and down the Linc when this was happening, looking for your signs.
« Last Edit: April 19, 2007, 11:39:35 PM by Pete The Greek »
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Re: Joe Meet 2007 : Thoughts and Comments!
« Reply #58 on: April 19, 2007, 11:46:57 PM »

Quote from: "viperlord"
I couldn't even move my character.  Pete The Greek MERCILESSLY beat me into a bloody pulp and pinned me.  It was the most embarrassing showing ever :'(  Only a few Timbits and Pepperettes managed to console me.  I LOVES me some pepperettes :) 

That even shocked me.  The only video games I play are football and hockey on the PC. The last time I touched a wrestling video game was at the 2006 meet.
« Last Edit: December 31, 1969, 07:00:00 PM by Guest »
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Re: Joe Meet 2007 : Thoughts and Comments!
« Reply #59 on: April 21, 2007, 09:52:33 PM »

Just got home and it was the best holiday evarz! Anyone who was thinking of going but didn't, make sure you're there next time, I recomend it!
« Last Edit: December 31, 1969, 07:00:00 PM by Guest »
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