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Author Topic: Back from retrieving my Joes  (Read 1616 times)


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Back from retrieving my Joes
« on: September 22, 2009, 12:21:46 AM »

Well all, I made the trip to Shiner this weekend for my 10 year high school reunion, and while there one of my goals was to pull out and go through my Joes.

The reunion went quite well...anybody that I gave a crap to see was there.  Unfortunately for me I drank WAY WAY WAY too much that night and felt TERRIBLE yesterday.  Geez, I bet I had 30 beers.  Fortunately this time I did not end up naked  :lol:

Of course, I know that most of you don't really care about the reunion, you want to hear about my Joes.  Well, in plastic tubs behind me are two tubs of figures, the Rolling Thunder, Mobile Battle Bunker, Avalanche, Fort America, Sky SHARC, Hurricane VTOL, Fang II, Thunderclap, Skystorm X-Wing, Python Conquest (original), Arctic Blast, Mudfighter, and one of the two main things I was looking for...the Cobra Z25 Condor.  I was very relieved to find that the Condor hadn't turned into a yellow turd on me.  The Skystorm did, but hopefully a good cleaning will help it.  Also, amazingly, Fort America's lights and sounds STILL WORKED 15 years later.  They were faint, but they worked, by God. 

Still MIA vehicle-wise were the Cobra Bugg and the Sky Havoc.  I found plenty of Bugg parts, but no Bugg itself.  Of the Sky Havoc I only found one gun that goes on the scout craft.

As for the figures, I still have to go through them.  I was quite happy with the condition of most of them, and since I'm looking to trade most of them, some people are gonna get some good, tight jointed figures.  Of course, there were also several that I picked up whose o-rings gave up the ghost.  Cesspool's crotch and legs are still stuck in my Hammerhead, for example.  I also found several that I forgot I had, or at least I don't know how I got them.  I never had a Rattler, so how the heck do I have a Wild Weasel?  I also have the Village People guy from the Bridge Layer.  I have the Bridge Layer NOW, but I never had it as a kid.  And how the heck did I end up with two Serpentor Air Chariots?  I also found a black, straight-arm original '82 Snake Eyes with a silver Cobra emblem on his chest!  Who the heck is that?

So anyways, that's my story and I'll be sure to post more news as I go through the figures over the next few days.  And in the meantime, if there's any any of you guys are specifically looking for, just pm me your email addy and I'll send you my list.
« Last Edit: September 22, 2009, 12:26:19 AM by olyeller01 »
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Re: Back from retrieving my Joes
« Reply #1 on: September 22, 2009, 12:29:24 AM »

You've got yourself a Cobra Invasor there. A foreign figure worth a couple of bucks and then some. It's a good find...

Glad to hear that your condor is in good shape and sorry to hear the the fort america is. It's the second worst toy in the line (after the hovercraft). The Rat is better.

Even the suction cup with handlebars is a better vehicle.

« Last Edit: December 31, 1969, 07:00:00 PM by Guest »