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Author Topic: Renegades Duke and Snake-eyes review.  (Read 1867 times)


  • phpBB HATE Mechanic
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Renegades Duke and Snake-eyes review.
« on: October 05, 2011, 11:45:11 PM »

Bought the 30th Ann. Renegades Duke and Snake-Eyes today from my LCS. I've seen reviews on these figures before ( General Joes), and I wanted to share some thought/opinions.

I knew what they were going in, but really.......having them in hand, my impressions are:


 They seem like after-thoughts, these two. Firefly and Cobra Commander ( who I passed on) seem more like they are derivative from the cartoon, whereas Duke and SE seem like a late-hour course correction. The sculpts are very much POC-like ( which isn't necessarily a bad thing.)
SE is an okay figure, probably on par with the Resolute SE-but he's a PALE shadow of the POC Wave 3 SE.
I guess the feelings bore out, after that Wave 3 figure........any following SE really was going to come in 2nd place.

POC Wave 3 Duke was a snoozer, if one buys the common opinion.
I thought differently, but that is because I kitbashed my Duke into a winner. ( Recipe: dump all of Dukes gear from this set, take VvV Crosshairs vest and add to Duke, add the belt gear and then POC Recondo's SCAR rifle. Instant "hero"-Duke), but not everyone has done that with their figure.
Renegades Duke is just kinda bland, as is.

And therein lays the potential saving grace to these figures: as is they are tepid. But go on a kitbashing binge with them and there's probably going to be some sweet outcomes there. I think most of the sparkle that can be added is new/different weapon choices. The Renegades guns..........well, they don't jibe well with the rest of the sculpt. Sure the weapons are true to the cartoon, but they are so plain its not even funny.

Duke and SE are okay.............but just okay. Mine are going to be used as vehicle crew. They don't stand-out as figures, so I'll make good use of them on Vamps or other rides.
I'm not let-down by them, but I'm not dazzled by them either.


  • phpBB HATE Mechanic
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Re: Renegades Duke and Snake-eyes review.
« Reply #1 on: October 06, 2011, 10:56:26 AM »

Just an add-on:
Whatever is said about Renegades Duke as a figure, I think it must be said that this figure holds weapons better than ANY other figure in the line.
Put any assault rifle weapon in his hands and he can shoulder it very realistically. I've futzesd around with about 2 dozen weapons choices this morning, looking for the sweet combo, and every one I have tried looks good.
If there is a selling-point to recommend this figure, that's it right there.


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Re: Renegades Duke and Snake-eyes review.
« Reply #2 on: October 06, 2011, 11:07:56 AM »

I really like the head sculpt of Renegade Duke.  I was worried they were going to do a cartoony version of him (like Firefly and CC, they look cool but cartoony).  This new head sculpt is one of the better Duke heads made.  My only issue with the one I bought is the RH leg.  The scult is at a weird angle and sits a little bit lower than the other.  I don't know if it is the opposite lower leg (but the foot is right) it just doesn't stand properly without bending the knee a little.

The weapons are horrible.... but they are accurate to the cartoon.  I wish they could've put more detail into them.  I plan on tossing the weapons and arming him with some ROC leftovers.

Snakes is a very solid figure.  It is one of the few SE figures I am excited about.  It may be chastised for this but I am tired of Snake Eyes.  There are some great SE figures, but we don't have to see one every wave.

This new Snakes uses a couple pieces from previous SE's.  I really like the accessories from this one.  The fact that you can put the swords in the small pack on his belt made this figure worth buying.  The machine gun could've used more detail, but that's what you get with cartoon crossovers.