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Author Topic: Marauder John is now making action figures.  (Read 35444 times)


  • phpBB Frostback Trooper
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Re: Marauder John is now making action figures.
« Reply #48 on: May 13, 2014, 05:41:02 PM »

I am one of those that was not on board with these figures.  Don't get me wrong, they are nice looking figures, but I have no interest in acquiring them.

Why aren't you interested in buying non-descript, generic, military action figures without even a shred of personality?

Personality can be easily added the person staging the figures. Make a small party hat for one or put googly eyes on his helmet, he's the joker of the group. Give one way more ammo and grenades, he's the "Rambo" of the group. Give one an evil mustache and eyebrows and he's the "evil" one. And so on.


  • phpBB HATE Mechanic
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Re: Marauder John is now making action figures.
« Reply #49 on: June 24, 2015, 09:04:36 PM »

Well, let's revive this dusty thread.

They've arrived.

I just got my set this afternoon, and these figures are everything that was promised, and then some.  The basic sets build figures that do NOT all look the same, but you can get extras that do allow them to all look the same if you want that.  They aren't generic, they aren't bland.  They are well-painted, detailed as all get out, and quite intricate. There's a LOT of tiny parts.  I got 7 figures, just the basic line-up--no stretch goal items.  In addition to those figures, I also got some unexpected extras--IDS stands for each, and some shot-guns and FAMAS rifles for the figures. I also got some of the "masked" skull heads--which were Kickstarter bonuses.  I did NOT fulfil a Kickstarter pledge for this, I came in afterwards and ordered via Fundaful--after I was unable to follow-through with my initial pledge. 
Marauder Gun Runners takes care of you.
There's excellent reviews on GeneralJoes and Hisstank covering these figures. I echo everything they've said.  Marauder delivered in this.  These figures live up to expectations and are exactly what I wanted.
I'm pleased as punch, and I'm going to go order some of the extras from the stretch goals once all the product goes like on the MGR site.

If you missed out up to this point, you can order come this weekend or by Monday. I don't know what the response will be, or how brisk......but this is the ground floor for everyone else.  Jump on if you like, because this is excellent product.


  • Pimp Daddy Destro
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Re: Marauder John is now making action figures.
« Reply #50 on: June 25, 2015, 07:24:41 AM »

I received my set on Tuesday. I have 20 figures in total and a boat load of parts.

The thing I LOVE about this set is on the weekend I like to drink a beer or two, watch a movie and fiddle. That is why I use to make so many customs.

With these I'll be busy for hours. Mixing and matching the sets is great fun.

I thought the pure black guy would be the most boring of the lot but that's not the case. His basic figure is cool but using the boil and pop you can remove his entire lower torso and basically switch pants on your guys. Moving the black pouches from the black guy onto other figure really makes them pop.

One of my white figures I mixed with black parts. I'll admit I was thinking "Stormtrooper" when I put that one together. Once he was done I used my glue gun to secure it all so nothing ever falls off. With hot glue if I really want to remove it later I can.

I'll be doing it again for the next wave, no doubt.
Night Force, the exact opposite of everything chrome.


  • phpBB HATE Mechanic
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Re: Marauder John is now making action figures.
« Reply #51 on: June 25, 2015, 09:27:52 AM »

I received my set on Tuesday. I have 20 figures in total and a boat load of parts.

The thing I LOVE about this set is on the weekend I like to drink a beer or two, watch a movie and fiddle. That is why I use to make so many customs.

With these I'll be busy for hours. Mixing and matching the sets is great fun.

I thought the pure black guy would be the most boring of the lot but that's not the case. His basic figure is cool but using the boil and pop you can remove his entire lower torso and basically switch pants on your guys. Moving the black pouches from the black guy onto other figure really makes them pop.

One of my white figures I mixed with black parts. I'll admit I was thinking "Stormtrooper" when I put that one together. Once he was done I used my glue gun to secure it all so nothing ever falls off. With hot glue if I really want to remove it later I can.

I'll be doing it again for the next wave, no doubt.

They each have something you can "reach for", in the sense of some kind of sweet spot that meets your own personal figures tastes.  That is very prescient thinking on the part of MGR because it's a product/marketing that is not common in toys these days.  The core of these toys is kitbashing, and getting hobbyists engaged with the product.  Brilliant.
The colour schemes are bold and they go a long ways towards individualizing a common buck--changing the head and vest just augments that.
And there's coming stickers sets to supply crests and insignias to individualize the figures even more.

As if I wasn't completely sold on these figure already, i sure as hell am now! ;)


  • phpBB HATE Mechanic
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Re: Marauder John is now making action figures.
« Reply #52 on: June 26, 2015, 01:13:27 PM »

Here's some pics of what I got.
The figures do not even have all of the items on them, that they came with--and these were the BASIC sets.



  • Pimp Daddy Destro
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Re: Marauder John is now making action figures.
« Reply #53 on: June 29, 2015, 08:09:25 PM »

I took a few quick pics with my blackberry. The pictures aren't that great but you get the idea. I still have figure to assemble.

Straight up Green commando:

Green dude with a trooper head swap:

Cobra blue (with a Hasbro trooper thrown in for comparison);

Red Fire Trooper:

Red Shock Trooper:

One of the four black dudes that I wasn't sure what to do with:

Tan dude with black legs. My wife Sheryl didn't care that much for this one but I like it:

White trooper (flash washed out some of the details):

Night Force Flint:

Night Force, the exact opposite of everything chrome.