man, I am too impatient. I ordered my Joe #2 set from the states today. The Wal-marts in London, Ontario drive me insane, and don't even get me started on what's wrong with our TRU. However, I still need that Cobra set so maybe I'll drive down to the W-M tonight and have a look. This morning I went out to the third Wal-Mart in London, one that is outside of the city, middle of nowheresville, and their toy selection was crazy. They had TONS of Paravipers, Bazooka Troopers, Cobra Flints, a few BAT, an Eel, several Glendas and Bludds. It's as if no army builder ever goes there. Last month, maybe five weeks ago, I went in there and grabbed a second BAT, Eel and Bazooka Trooper, and caught hell from my wife for buying things I had already. It was painful leaving the army builders there today. At any rate, if you find yourself on the way to Strathroy, the London Hyde Park Super Wal-Mart will please you greatly for army building. Oh and I nearly bought the 25th Anniversary Optimus Prime I saw there, so friggin' cool. But I have to convince myself I don't care about Transformers, which I don't, really. But wow, those 83-84 style Transformer remakes are sweet!