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Author Topic: Canadian Questions  (Read 13914 times)


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Re: Canadian Questions
« Reply #12 on: July 31, 2009, 12:07:04 PM »

Everyone makes mistakes....I often re-read a post and see a grammatical issue.  Thank goodness for "Modify".
« Last Edit: December 31, 1969, 07:00:00 PM by Guest »
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Re: Canadian Questions
« Reply #13 on: July 31, 2009, 12:16:52 PM »

im probably the worst one on te boards for spelling, and grammer, and all that.
« Last Edit: December 31, 1969, 07:00:00 PM by Guest »
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Re: Canadian Questions
« Reply #14 on: July 31, 2009, 10:38:40 PM »

Quote from: "olyeller01"
What time of year (and how long of a season do you have) to paint outdoors?

That question is for me!  ;D I'm a retired College Pro Painters franchisee... (you know the yellow signs on the grass...). We were starting painting in April/May and ending our jobs in September/October.

Quote from: "olyeller01"
And where do you get your paint from?

Uhhh, in stores  ??? Some names you may know: Glidden, Sico, Benjamin Moore and many more!

Quote from: "olyeller01"
OUCH on the gun control.  I feel sorry for you guys.  All I have to do to purchase just about any kind of gun is roll into the store, pass an FBI background check, and hand over the cash.  As far as carrying one you have to get a concealed handgun license, which is expensive and time-consuming.

How many of your Presidents were killed by guns? And I really don't say that to be mean. Even if our 2 countries are next to each other, we have different views. Here, we give money to poor people, so they don't need to steal or to kill to get money. Also, we have free health care... again, people don't need to find $20K or more, get a mortgage on their house to go to hospital.

When I say different views, I think Americans are really proud about how America can give the possibility to everyone to be a "Self made man". How everyone can realize his own dream. Everybody is responsible for himself. Everybody should protect himself (with a gun) against everyone else (even in his car).

I remember seeing Bowling for Columbine (by Micheal Moore), when he opened a bank account and the bank promotion was a free gun. So he left the bank with a gun in his hands. You would never ever see this here.

And again, I'm not judging. Different views doesn't mean we are better. We just don't feel the need for guns... even in a GI Joe board! We feel that nobody will attack us. Why would they do that? To read more on this:

Take care!

« Last Edit: August 01, 2009, 10:03:57 AM by martin-montreal »


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Re: Canadian Questions
« Reply #15 on: August 01, 2009, 01:16:13 AM »

Quote from: "olyeller01"
First, I want to say thanks to all you guys for answering my questions.  Second, OUCH on the gun control.  I feel sorry for you guys.  All I have to do to purchase just about any kind of gun is roll into the store, pass an FBI background check, and hand over the cash.  As far as carrying one you have to get a concealed handgun license, which is expensive and time-consuming.

Everyone here right now is all scared that Obama is gonna pass new anti-handgun legislation so, it's not too hard to buy a handgun...but ammo is sold out across the country!  If you want ammo for your favorite handgun, especially something popular like the .45, you pretty much gotta show up right when the store's truck comes in.

Personally, I hate gun control legislation because all it does is make it harder for hunters, collectors, or law-abiding persons like myself who want a little protection to get a weapon.  The criminals sure don't follow the laws!  Case in point:  Mexico has some of the most restrictive gun control laws in the world...but the freaking drug trafficking gangs are better armed than the Mexican army, and pretty much run wild!  I dunno if any of you have heard about what's happening down here, but it's kinda dangerous to go to a border town now.

Larry Hama said it best in GI Joe#26, via the Soft Master:  "...legislating against objects is utterly useless, and no amount of legislation will deter men from constructing bigger and better engines of destruction."

Correlation does not equal cause. In order of most restrictive to least restrive gun laws in North America:

1) Mexico
2) Canada
3) USA

In order of highest percentage of population killed in gun-related incidents:

1) Mexico
2) USA
3) Canada

Pointing at Mexico's gun laws and saying "see, gun legislation doesn't work" is ignoring a lot of variables.

I've heard the whole "I feel bad for people that can't get guns" statement before and I just don't understand it. I had a friend in Kentucky who became a passionate gun advocate because he was a passerby in a shooting and got shot. I would have had the opposite reaction. The same thing when I hear people buying guns for protection. I am so happy I live in a country/city where I don't fear for my own protection enough to feel the need to own a lethal weapon.

The argument that criminals will get guns anyway because they don't obey laws may sound logical, but there are very few guns in all of Montreal. So unless these criminals are so dedicated to crime rather than just desperate or hardluck, the only way they can get guns in this city is to run them across the border, something that is just not worth the risk.
« Last Edit: December 31, 1969, 07:00:00 PM by Guest »


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Re: Canadian Questions
« Reply #16 on: August 02, 2009, 11:31:46 AM »

See, this is what I love.

I find it so interesting the kind of discussion that can take place on boards like this, and how it reveals the different mindsets from different parts of the world.

Things are different in Canada from the way they are here, obviously.  I would be very interested to know the crime rate statistics/etc.  Most of you probably feel safe when you go out somewhere at night.  By the same token, I'm sure there are places, especially in the large cities, that should be avoided like the plague.

My comment about Mexico's gun control laws not working, and then scramble's note about the "people killed" statistics and the variables is right and brings up a point:  you guys (fortunately) don't have gangs from the North Pole trying to run millions of kgs of drugs through your country to the US!  The Mexican gangs that run them and the Colombian gangs that produce them stand to make or lose literally millions of dollars if they can get their product into the US.  With that amount of money at stake, those gangs will do whatever they have to to make sure they are well armed.

Scramble's other note about the friend in Kentucky brings up a personal point for me.  A few weeks ago, I walked out of the bank after getting change for my store, and LITERALLY seconds later, someone walked in, pulled a gun and robbed it.  Fortunately no one was hurt (and I wasn't in there!), but I know it sure made me wish I had a weapon on me.  If I had been in there & armed, maybe I would have pulled my gun and gotten shot myself...but at least I would have had that option!  There's so many crazy people out there these days, and there was nothing to stop that guy from just shooting everyone in the bank if he wanted to.

But yeah, I'm sure he got the gun he used to rob that bank by legal means  ::) 

And Martin, really I was just wondering if there was a bunch of Sherwin-Williams stores in Canada.  All the places you named are the enemy.  ;D
« Last Edit: December 31, 1969, 07:00:00 PM by Guest »
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Re: Canadian Questions
« Reply #17 on: August 02, 2009, 01:06:42 PM »

Things are different in Canada from the way they are here, obviously.  I would be very interested to know the crime rate statistics/etc.  Most of you probably feel safe when you go out somewhere at night.  By the same token, I'm sure there are places, especially in the large cities, that should be avoided like the plague.
In every Canadian city, there's at least one area that typically only encompasses a few city blocks that are normally avoided. The distinction is that these areas are geographically small, and most people never have a need to be in those places to begin with.

My comment about Mexico's gun control laws not working, and then scramble's note about the "people killed" statistics and the variables is right and brings up a point:  you guys (fortunately) don't have gangs from the North Pole trying to run millions of kgs of drugs through your country to the US!

We do. Gang problems and gang wars are a chronic problem up north. Americans are oblivious to this because American news does not report it.
Asian, Russian, Vietnamese, East Indian gangs and motorcycle "clubs" like the Hells Angels are  constantly in the news up here for their misdeeds.

Scramble's other note about the friend in Kentucky brings up a personal point for me.  A few weeks ago, I walked out of the bank after getting change for my store, and LITERALLY seconds later, someone walked in, pulled a gun and robbed it.  Fortunately no one was hurt (and I wasn't in there!), but I know it sure made me wish I had a weapon on me.  If I had been in there & armed, maybe I would have pulled my gun and gotten shot myself...but at least I would have had that option!  There's so many crazy people out there these days, and there was nothing to stop that guy from just shooting everyone in the bank if he wanted to.

Alas, the fallacy of gun-carrying--if gun-toting civilians attempt to stop criminals with guns, how do the police separate the good guys from the bad guys?
They can't.
Cops up here say that if you are a bystander and you use a gun to stop a criminal, the cops will likely treat you as a threat as well.

Civilians also open themselves to litigation if they use their firearms in such a manner,if they miss and hit other bystanders or damage property. Police have conventions that protect them in the course of their duties, civilians seldom have anything similar working in their favour.
This is one of the big arguments as to why Canada chooses to remain a largely non-gun carrying nation. The detriments far outweigh any benefits.

But to give you an idea of something on this:
I currently live in what is described as the 9th most dangerous city in the world, and the most dangerous city in Canada.

Now, this is something of a running joke, because these "statistics" are based upon presumptions made via population.
Last year, my city had two murders.
The two largest cities in Canada (Toronto and Vancouver) had something like 60 and 40 murders respectively.
IIRC, the two murders in my city were stabbings.
The city I live in is the average size for most cities in Canada ( about a 250K pop. avge), and most Cdn cities this size have similar murder rates.
Urban centres with pop. over 1 million--of which there's only about a dozen in Canada, have higher murder rates, but the corresponding comparisons with US centres are far, far less.
The disproportion shows that gun control in Canada contributes to far fewer gun murders per capita.

The difference between Canada and Mexico on gun control is because of the level of corruption in the Mexican system. Graft, bribery, and criminal affiliation in Mexican authorities ( government, police, military is rife, and accountability is minimal.
That's just not the case in Canada.
Having a stricter gun control policy is meaningless when Mexican cops take bribes to basically look the other way while guns are disseminated amongst the criminal population.
It essentially undermines their entire policy.
« Last Edit: December 31, 1969, 07:00:00 PM by Guest »


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Re: Canadian Questions
« Reply #18 on: August 02, 2009, 01:41:48 PM »

I have no use for guns, i grew up living with my grandparents, and grate grandparents living next door. my great grandfather was in WWII and he always told me how much he hated having to to quote  him "fire that f@#$#@ thing at ppl i dont know and have no problem with." he saw the faces of the ppl he had to kill in the wars.

I have seen 2 people murdered in my 27 years.
The first one was 15 years ago, at 815am, when i was on my way to school, this police officer had this truck pulled over, and i saw the cop pull his firearm, and shot the driver of the truck in the head.
his excuse was the driver had leaned forward, to get something from under the seat, which from my viewpoint of 10-15 feet away, the driver did not lean forward at all, so why he did it we will never know.

The second time was when i was going to see a Halloween thing at the cne, i was in line with my friends, their was a group of young males in front of me and my friends, 3 other ppl came up from behind us and shot one of the males in the group in front of us, the male was so close to me, that i actually got sprayed with his blood, the you male was maybe 15-16 years of age and he died in my arm, his friends had all taken off with the other guys running after them,

I have never owned a gun, never fired a gun. and after witnessing theses 2 events, and listening to my grandparents war stories, i dont plan on it.

Sorry if i took this little off topic. but i still have see the events, when i close my eyes.
« Last Edit: August 02, 2009, 01:44:33 PM by dodge822 »
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Re: Canadian Questions
« Reply #19 on: August 02, 2009, 02:39:03 PM »

Wow, Dodge, sorry if this post brought back some terrible memories for you.  I can see why you want nothing to do with guns.  As for your great-grandfather, his sentiments are not uncommon.  People react very differently to war...some, like your great-grandfather, want nothing to do with weaponry ever again.  Some become gun nuts and are obsessed with having as much weaponry as possible for whatever reason.  And some, like my dad (yes, I'm 28 but my dad is a WWII vet...that's another story) really have no preference either way.  He likes guns, and owns a few, but he's not a nut.  But yes, he saw the faces of the people he had to shoot, too.  He was a .30 cal machine gunner in the Big Red One and made Omaha Beach on D-Day at H-Hour.

Arrow, the difference between the Canadian gangs (which I'm sure rival the nastiness of many of the ones here) and the Mexican ones is the Mexican ones are running drugs from South America into the US.  It's hard to grow coca plants at the north pole.  And yes, I've heard of the problems the Hells Angels cause in Canada.  The Mexican government is corrputed both because of the ruthlessness of the gangs and the enormous amount of money involved.  You should read Killing Pablo by Mark Bowden.  It details the rise and fall of Pablo Escobar, and how for many years he basically controlled Colombia.

I'm not going to get into a debate and say any gun control system is better.  Canada's obviously works well for it.  The US's works to some degree.  I guess it really all comes down to personal preference.  By God, if someone's going to shoot at me, I want to have the chance to shoot back!
« Last Edit: December 31, 1969, 07:00:00 PM by Guest »
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Re: Canadian Questions
« Reply #20 on: August 02, 2009, 08:51:38 PM »

Quote from: "olyeller01"
And Martin, really I was just wondering if there was a bunch of Sherwin-Williams stores in Canada.  All the places you named are the enemy.  ;D

I never heard about Sherwin-Williams... maybe they use another name here... or they are have no stores in my province (We often have different store here in Quebec because of the French language).

« Last Edit: December 31, 1969, 07:00:00 PM by Guest »


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Re: Canadian Questions
« Reply #21 on: August 09, 2009, 09:57:25 PM »

I don't believe there are Sherwin-Williams stores up here but I'm sure I have bought the paint before from other retailers.
« Last Edit: December 31, 1969, 07:00:00 PM by Guest »


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Re: Canadian Questions
« Reply #22 on: August 10, 2009, 02:02:48 AM »

There are Sherwin Williams stores in Exeter and the London area.
« Last Edit: December 31, 1969, 07:00:00 PM by Guest »
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Re: Canadian Questions
« Reply #23 on: August 10, 2009, 10:38:26 AM »

Quote from: "ARROW"

But to give you an idea of something on this:
I currently live in what is described as the 9th most dangerous city in the world, and the most dangerous city in Canada.

Now, this is something of a running joke, because these "statistics" are based upon presumptions made via population.
Last year, my city had two murders.
The two largest cities in Canada (Toronto and Vancouver) had something like 60 and 40 murders respectively.
IIRC, the two murders in my city were stabbings.

That said ARROW, we know that titles of that nature exist for headlines and soundbites, and don't always reflect the actual place.

Take in point Surrey, BC. It was labeled the Car Theft Capital of North America a couple years ago, and that title help to reinforce a number of old out-dated misconceptions about Surrey that people in BC and parts of the rest of the country talk about making it seem like a crime infested hellhole.

The actual fact is that Surrey is one of the fastest growing communities in North America. it has a lower per-person crime rate that most of the other cities around Vancouver, and the whole point about the car theft isn't that cars were being stolen here, but that a number of gangs were all using the Peach Arch border crossing (Surrey, BC/Blaine, Washington) to smuggle the cars into the US, and that the Surrey RCMP were recovering a number of stolen vehicles from all over the Western provinces as they were coming thru.
« Last Edit: December 31, 1969, 07:00:00 PM by Guest »
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