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Messages - canprime

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looking at what's in this... still not "everything" they don't include yearbook 1 in compendium 2 and there's no European Missions. so it's not "complete".

I already have trades IDW did of the main ARAH series, Spec Missions and the Yearbooks. I'm not bothered about the sucky Transformers crossover or the OrBat books, so easy pass for me.

It really is more about the presentation than anything else.

I just preordered yesterday the soft cover version (issues 1-50) on because it was on sale for $52Cdn.  Right now it is around $55Cdn on sale so still a big discount from the almost $90Cdn originally being asked.  I'll give it a try and if I like it I'll try and round up the next volumes on sale as well.

General Joe Talk / Re: Sad news for the GI Joe community
« on: June 01, 2024, 01:05:22 PM »
3. Canadian Viper Island is filling complaints against Sh4rk, 3POA for copyright issues on YouTube.

I've never heard of this guy... Can any one fill me in on what's going on with this and why this is the fourth time I've seen this Viper Island dude being talked about?
Legit, I have absolutely no clue what it pertains to.

Basically he has been accused (with proof) of using other channels content as his own and then copyright striking those channels to shut down any attempt to confront him.   The biggest ones recently have to do with A Toy Kinda Mood and 3POA.

A Toy Kinda Mood did an interview with the Joe team at SDCC last year and VI used the video, but cut out anything that would show it was done by them.  Then he also claimed/hinted at the video being connected to him with no credit given to A Toy Kinda Mood.

For 3POA the guy who runs it (Lazerpants) got, from a source, the photo of the Nemesis Immortal prototype heads and VI used it without credit and when he got called out on it he started copyright striking 3POA, Lazerpants and other channels that came to the defence of 3POA.

All in all it is pretty scumbag type of behaviour and what's worse is he is a Canadian who claims to have decades of experience in media (TV/Film/whatever).  So he knows full well that he should be, at the minimum, giving credit to the sources of anything he posts that isn't directly his.  However he doesn't and has gone scorched earth instead because the automated systems at the different social media companies allows for these kinds of bogus strikes without any real recourse that doesn't take weeks/months to resolve.

I had watched a couple of his videos over the years and thought he was pretty good.  Although I did question him including his son the way he did (it came across as phony/forced).   Now I couldn't be bothered, and that is saying something when I don't like 3POA or Analog Toys either.

General Joe Talk / Re: Sad news for the GI Joe community
« on: June 01, 2024, 12:57:11 PM »
3. Canadian Viper Island is filling complaints against Sh4rk, 3POA for copyright issues on YouTube.

I've never heard of this guy... Can any one fill me in on what's going on with this and why this is the fourth time I've seen this Viper Island dude being talked about?
Legit, I have absolutely no clue what it pertains to.

What is sad is I like his videos. This guy knows how to edit and go to the point. But the trouble came from behind the scene. Now, who is telling the thruth? I don't know. Watch this:

Video 1:

Video 2:

And to help to see both sides, VI posted this:

I don't think that post from VI you link to does anything to see both sides.

The guy basically doesn't address anything he is accused of (with proof in most cases) and just leaves a snarky post.

General Joe Talk / Re: Thoughts on Classified and Retro lines?
« on: May 31, 2024, 05:37:28 AM »
So some online retailer has leaked a list of items he says he was able to order this week.  It looks like a list of what to expect for Yo Joe June reveals (at least the ones to go up for preorder). 

He had:

(Next wave):  Alpine, IG BAT, Iron Grenadier, Storm Shadow V2

A Stinger with Driver

Mad Marauders Sgt. Slaughter

60th Action Marine and Halo Jumper

Retro Cobra Commander and Retro Cobra Trooper

Some interesting tidbits.  Storm Shadow V2 is the only figure from the next wave that hadn't been spoiled/revealed.  There had been chatter about the possibility, but nothing really concrete.  The Stinger is a nice surprise, mostly because if the retailer can order it then that could mean it won't be a Pulse exclusive like the VAMP.  Otherwise not a big surprise once they revealed the VAMP.  MM Sgt. Slaughter had already leaked so not a big surprise.  I wonder if the MM Spirit/Low-Light two pack will show up as well?  The 60th is also not a big surprise, but the switch from a Pilot to the Halo Jumper is interesting.  I wonder if they might give us a cloth parachute pack-in?   The Retro wave is cool, but missing one more figure since there is supposed to be 3 waves of 3 figures for 2024.  Hopefully the final figure is either Flint or Major Bludd.   The retailer mentioned the possibility of the Cobra Commander being the hooded version, but I'll believe it when I see it.

Can't wait for Yo Joe June to start.  Should be fun and hopefully lots more reveals (name only, digital, physical) and maybe a Dragonfly unboxing?

Thanks for that info guys.

I'll probably skip this then.  The price is already pretty high, and adding in taxes/duties/customs, shipping and exchange....Yikes.   I just don't see the value in what will probably end up being close to $600Cdn after all is said and done for a complete set.  Especially with so many other toy items coming this year (both Joe and non-Joe) that I have to "keep my powder dry" for them instead.

Will you back this project?

I have never backed a Kickstarter before, but this is very tempting. 

How does it work for the pledge?  Meaning do they charge any taxes, or shipping after the funding is over or is it just the $300?  $300US is a big ask to get a whole set, but it would be nice to get one with everything and not have to worry about collecting the retail releases over the years.

General Joe Talk / Re: Thoughts on Classified and Retro lines?
« on: May 26, 2024, 05:30:05 PM »
I saw a post saying Roadblock & Tripwire Tiger Force 2-pack is now on sale at Target for $38.49 (USD). Since we don't have Target in Canada anymore I took a look on TRU... just in case.

I remember last time I checked price on TRU Classified figs, and they were $1 to $3 higher than Amazon. But now, the average GI Joe Classified fig is... $42.99!!!!


That is $7 more than Amazon...

Yep TRU after the new year went back to their wacky pricing.  Did you happen to see Buzzer's price?  I'm sure it is an error, but $60 is not a realistic price for a single figure.

So far I don't think TF Roadblock and Tripwire have shown up at any major Canadian retailer for preorder.   Maybe TRU will get it, or possibly Gamestop since they go the Tiger Paw.   However there are online etailers that have the two pack up for preorder so if you can't access Target there are some options available in Canada.

General Joe Talk / Re: Morgardee - RIP
« on: May 23, 2024, 03:01:55 PM »
Wow that is terrible news.  I do remember him somewhat from those earlier days.  His pic jogged my memory a bit, but I wouldn't say I knew him.

My condolences to his family and especially his son. 

As someone who just turned 50 in January I can definitely agree that 51 is way too young.

Sadly this is becoming a grim reality for us as we keep aging.

General Joe Talk / Re: Sad news for the GI Joe community
« on: May 14, 2024, 06:10:13 AM »
Yeah it is strange how things are playing out right now in the community (Youtube especially).

My thoughts on the topics are:

1 - As shitty as it is, that is what business does.  The company that bought clearly didn't do it's homework on the site and just saw an opportunity.  However if they had done their homework they would have realized that it probably wasn't a good buy.  However it is their business so they can take the loss, just sad that it will take down a beloved Joe site with it.   At least there is still 3D Joes as a visual resource.

2.  Michael Mercy has some great content and I have enjoyed a bunch of his videos over the years.  Retroblasting seems like a deeply unhappy person who uses his channel to spread his opinion in negative ways.  I have only ever seen a couple of his videos and the time he and Scott Nietlich (Toyguru) had a debate on GeekDadLife.   During that video he came across as fairly unlikeable and bitter, which is saying something when you are in the same video as Scott Nietlich who is also not well liked.

3.  I have watched a couple of Viper Island videos over the past couple of years.  I thought he was a good channel, but having seen the drama around his channel lately my opinion has changed.   It's kind of the same situation with Retroblasting/ToyGuru.   I think the 3POA channel is way too negative.  I have tried to watch a couple videos but each time I have to tap out because it seems like they don't even like collecting toys, but rather they just want to go on and bash people/companies and claim they are just being "honest."  Others like A Toy Kinda Mood and The Full Force have also had issues with Viper Island and seeing the evidence of what they claim VI has been doing makes it clear that the guy is, at the least, shady since those two channels are hardly known for being bad faith actors.   That has made it easy for me to avoid VI because those kind of actions are crap moves and not worth supporting.

General Joe Talk / Re: Thoughts on Classified and Retro lines?
« on: May 02, 2024, 05:33:29 AM »
So I picked up the HMS last night.  Didn't have a chance to open it yet.  Anyone else get one?  Thoughts?

I got mine delivered on Monday.   Same here though that I haven't had a chance to open it yet.  I know I'll love it anyway, and it should look great connected to the HISS. 

From what I have seen online it is much bigger than I am expecting, which is good considering how much it cost.

General Joe Talk / Re: Super7 GI Joe discussion
« on: April 19, 2024, 04:56:43 AM »
So it looks like Canadian e-tailers jumped the gun and accidentally revealed this years SDCC exclusives.   The good thing is we will have an option to get them if we want without having to go to SDCC.   Well as long as Super7 doesn't pull them from the Canadian market for this screw up.

Anyway this year's Joe exclusive (Ultimates) is a redo of the recent Zartan.  From the pics I saw it looks like there isn't much different.  There are some new accessories for an episode specific appearance of Zartan.   The one where Cobra kidnaps the scientist with the heat/lava/whatever tech.  So Zartan will come will a full brown robe, the Cobra headband that mind controls the scientist and the Cobra camera in the basket (along with the horn to make it "dance").   Then the Zartan figure looks to have slightly darker paint.  There was a side-by-side pic and the exclusive is the exact same as the general release but the colours are just a bit darker.

This is the kind of exclusive I am good with.  It isn't an essential character, and as such not something that I feel I need to track down.

General Joe Talk / Re: Transformers X GI JOE thread
« on: April 18, 2024, 05:21:19 AM »
Optimus as a Mobat? Lame.  Considering the dinky sized G1 toy he got, Warpath would have been a better pick.

I think it comes down to limited options for what they could make Optimus Prime turn into from the Joe vehicle list.

The more obvious choice might have been the APC which would have give us a "cab" mode for Prime and the back could have converted into a battle base of some kind.  However I think the size of the vehicle might have been an issue.  Same thing goes for the HAVOC, which would have been my preference for Prime.  Could you imagine Optimus Prime as the HAVOC?  The front end could be Prime and the back end could be a naturally folding out base mode while the hover sled could be Roller.  Of course there might be an issue with the giant windshield and how to hide it in robot mode, but I would think the simplest thing to do would be to just remove it in robot mode.  They had no problem with parts-forming Megatron to hide his face in vehicle mode so why not the same for Prime?

Again though, considering the cost of Soundwave I would hate to see what they might try and ask for something as big and complex as Prime as the APC or HAVOC. 

As the MOBAT, if true, it give them an alt mode that is slightly smaller and being a traditional tank also gives them easy options to make the transformation work and hide the robot mode.   I mean they have been doing tank alt modes forever so I would hope they can do Prime justice this way.   The one thing is that I am fairly certain it will not have the motorized function.

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